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Do we know more about hypertension in Poland after the May Measurement Month 2017? - Europe

Elevated blood pressure (BP) is a worldwide burden, leading to over 10 million deaths yearly. May Measurement Month (MMM) is a global initiative organized by the International Society of Hypertension aimed at raising awareness of hypertension and the need for BP screening. An opportunistic cross-sectional survey of volunteers aged ≥18 was carried out in May 2017. BP measurement, the definition of

Impact of coagulation–ultrafiltration on long-term pipe biofilm dynamics in a full-scale chloraminated drinking water distribution system

While pipe biofilms in DWDSs (drinking water distribution systems) are thought to affect the quality of distributed water, studies regarding the microbial processes are impeded by the difficulties in accessing biofilm undisturbed by DWDS maintenance. In this study, pipe sections were removed from a fully operational DWDS for biofilm sampling over two years and three months, and before and after st

Nostalgic Experiments Memory in Anne Carson’s Nox and Doug Dorst and J.J. Abrams’ S.

The article discusses a tendency towards “media nostalgia” in contemporary experimental literary works.Authors such as Jonathan Safran Foer, Reif Larsen, Anne Carson, Steven Hall, Umberto Eco, J.J. Abramsand Doug Dorst include images, drawing and photographs in their works, or they experiment with the visualand material qualities of writing and the book. The tendency can be explained as a reflecti

Differentiating psychogenic nonepileptic from epileptic seizures: A mixed-methods, content analysis study

Background: Identification of clinical features that might distinguish psychogenic nonepileptic seizures (PNES)from epileptic seizures (ES) is of value for diagnosis, management, and understanding of both conditions. Previousstudies have shown that patients' descriptions of their seizures reflect differences in content and delivery.Weaimed to compare verbal descriptions of PNES and ES using a mixe

Exploiting Flexible Memristors Based on Solution-Processed Colloidal CuInSe2 Nanocrystals

Compared to analogous bulk materials, colloidal nanocrystals have presented a powerful platform for building up electronic devices on the nano/micrometer scale and flexible portable electronic apparatus with the benefits of solution-based processing approach at room temperature. Herein, memristors based on CuInSe2 (CISe) colloidal nanocrystals prepared using a solution-based process at room temper

QF Modelling of Electro-Pulse-Therapy

Vid elektro-pulsbehandling svarar omedelbart bara de celler som utsätts för ett tillräckligt starkt elektriskt fält. De tumörceller som permeabiliseras blir mycket mer tillgängliga för hydrofila molekyler eftersom dessa normalt avvisas av membranbarriären. Anticancermedlet Bleomycin har visat sig vara det mest potenta läkemedlet i elektropulsbehandling och är det som ofta används i elektro-puls-keIn electro-pulse therapy treatment, only the cells exposed to a sufficiently strong electric field will respond immediately. The tumour cells that are permeabilized become much more accessible to hydrophilic molecules since these are normally rejected by the membrane barrier. The anticancer agent Bleomycin has proven to be the most potent drug in electro-pulse therapy and is the one often used in

Degraded and restituted towns in Poland: Origins, development, problems

One of the less known problems in settlement geography is the issue of so-called degraded and restituted towns. This lack of reconnaissance, however, is perhaps less the result of the towns’ scarcity than their specificity of being ‘awarded’ or ‘deprived of’ an urban label by means of strictly socio-political actions. Degraded and restituted towns, hence, are spatial units made ‘urban’ or ‘rural’

Solar and climate signals revealed by seasonal 10Be data from the NEEM ice core project for the neutron monitor period

10Be in ice cores has been instrumental for reconstructing past changes in solar activity prior to direct observations. For a robust use of these records, it is pivotal to understand the 10Be transport and deposition. However, there are only few high-resolution seasonal 10Be data longer than one full solar cycle (11 years) that could enable a quantification of the influences of atmospheric circula

Rules for the Leg Coordination of Dung Beetle Ball Rolling Behaviour

Dung beetles can perform a number of versatile behaviours, including walking and dung ball rolling. While different walking and running gaits of dung beetles have been described in previous literature, little is known about their ball rolling gaits. From behavioural experiments and video recordings of the beetle Scarabaeus (Kheper) lamarcki, we analysed and identified four underlying rules for leg

Einsteins bekräftelse

År 1919 reste astronomer söderut för att fånga en solförmörkelse och bekräfta Einsteins allmänna relativitetsteori.In 1919 astronomers journeyed south to catch a solar eclipse and to check up on Einsteins theory of general relativity.

A note generalizing “an option mechanism to coordinate a dyadic supply chain bilaterally in a multi-period setting”

The problem investigated in this paper is the one of finding the optimal combination of inventory and options in a stationary multi-period problem with an infinite horizon. The research complements existing literature as it considers the combination of option and wholesale contracts. The paper show how the problem can be transformed to a combination of newsvendor type problems. This alternative in

Muslim prisoners in Russia during the COVID-19 pandemic

In a new blog post on prisons during the pandemic, Dr. Rustamjon Urinboyev turns to the experiences of Muslim prisoners in contemporary Russia. Drawing on his extensive fieldwork among migrants from Uzbekistan who have served prison sentences in the Russian Federation, he analyses the everyday practices of these transnational prisoners and their prison communities, and explains how these practices

Kommunal samverkan under press - Hur sex skånska kommuner inkluderar nyanlända

Studiens syftet är att undersöka hur kommuner tar emot nyanlända i samverkanmed andra aktörer i en komplex kontext med oklara och kanske konfliktfylldadirektiv under tidspress. I analyserna har vi främst fokuserat hur samverkan harorganiserats och fungerat för kommunerna utifrån ansvarsfördelning ochautonomi. Vi har studerat offentliga dokument och intervjuat främstintegrationssamordnare eller mot