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Ageing Populations and World Trade: Blight or Blessing?

Since the last half of the twentieth century, population ageing has increasingly become a problem for countries all over the world. The literature on population ageing is very well- established, however, it is lacking in one significant respect. That is, hardly any research has been done on how population ageing may affect international trade. Therefore, this thesis seeks to establish this effect.

The evolution of lexical semantics dynamics, directionality, and drift

Introduction: The directionality of semantic change is problematic in traditional comparative models of language reconstruction. Compared to, e.g., phonological and morphological change, the directions of meaning change over time are potentially endless and difficult to reconstruct. The current paper attempts to reconstruct the mechanisms of lexical meaning change by a quantitative model. We use a

Drivkrafter för hållbart byggande på den svenska kontorsmarknaden

Climate change is the biggest challenge of our time. The climate is changing dramatically because of human activity and the construction and property sector plays a key role in reducing climate emissions and building a sustainable future. Although the development of climate-smart solutions in the construction and real estate sector has come a long way, the spread of green buildings has encountered

Evaluation of the Effect of Quinoa-containing bread varieties on acute blood glucose and insulin responses

Three quinoa-containing breads made from three different varieties of quinoa were presented as test products to be compared with a control of regular white wheat bread. The study was a randomised controlled single-blind, crossover in which blood glucose, insulin and subjective appetite sensations “Hunger”, “Satiety” and “Desire to eat” were measured in regular intervals during a three hours period

Car Use: An Analysis of Motorists’ Transport Decision-Making

The deep-seated role of private vehicles in our lifestyles limits the pursuit of sustainable urban development from an economic, social, and environmental standpoint. As such, this qualitative study aims to identify and explain the determinants behind the car phenomenon. Interviews are performed with non-low-income car owners in Milan and Stockholm commuting zones. The two areas depict different a

Berättelser om digitalisering

Sammanfattning Seminariedatum: 2 juni 2023 Kurs: FEKH49 - Examensarbete i organisation på kandidatnivå Författare: Edvin Eriksson, Leo Mitelman och Philip Trozelli Handledare: Anna Stevenson Fem nyckelord: Digitalisering, storytelling, narrativ, sensegiving och sensemaking Frågeställning: Hur framställs berättelsen om digitalisering på olika vis? Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att analysera och fAbstract Title: Stories about digitalisation Date of seminar: June 2nd 2023 Course: FEKH49 - Bachelor's degree thesis in Organisation Supervisor: Anna Stevenson Five key words: Storytelling, the grand narrative, antenarrative, sensegiving and sensemaking Research question: How is the story of digitalisation told in different ways? Purpose: The purpose of the paper is to analyse and understand

Nitrogen uptake patterns by snow addition in a sub-Arctic dry heath tundra ecosystem

The Arctic heath tundra ecosystem is undergoing rapid transformations driven by climate change, which particularly affects snow accumulation and the length of the growing season. In this study, I examined the influence of snow depth on parameters such as water content, soil temperature, microbial activity, and nutrient availability and investigated their implications for plant water availability a

Ethnic Chinese of Vietnam: Perceptions of belonging in the context of growing anti-China sentiment

This thesis investigated the perceptions of the identity of the ethnic Chinese minority in Vietnam. During the 2010s, tensions were high in the South China Sea between Vietnam and China, and Vietnamese citizens were taking to the street to express their disapproval of China. This thesis explored the possible repercussion of these geopolitical tensions and aimed to determine whether there is a chan

Development of gambling disorder after bariatric surgery: a call for research

The relationship between bariatric surgery and alcohol use disorder (AUD) suggests that there may be a parallel connection between bariatric surgery and gambling disorder (GD), although this has never been researched before. Here, we describe observations suggesting that patients undergoing bariatric surgery may develop gambling disorders after surgery. Obese, older adults, and women may be at par

An assessment of circular economy measures in the construction value chain for offshore wind turbines

The construction sector is responsible for high energy consumption and large emissions of carbon dioxide, which is strongly linked to building materials. Within the European Union, the construction sector generates more than a third of all waste and circular economy is considered as a suitable approach to tackle these challenges. Furthermore, the need for renewable energy sources has increased, wi

The EU Taxonomy and the Energy Supply Sector - A qualitative case study on the implications of the EU Taxonomy on the regulatory reporting requirements in the energy supply sector

The EU Taxonomy provides a clear set of criteria for identifying sustainable economic activities and facilitating investment flows in alignment with sustainable practices. Although dynamic, the Taxonomy emphasizes the mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions and biodiversity conservation, making it crucial for companies, policymakers, and capital markets. To meet the EU's environmental goals, a

Organized Crime and Government Trust under the Covid-19 pandemic. The case study of Sicily.

Do municipalities in which organized crime is strongly established present lower Covid-19 vaccination rates, as a proxy for government trust? This paper aims to answer this question in the specific case of the Italian region of Sicily. Specifically, the analysis exploits a panel dataset of 390 Sicilian municipalities over 107 weeks (between the 27th of December 2020 and the 1st of January 2023) to

Reconceptualizing Cross-Cutting Political Expression on Social Media : A Case Study of Facebook Comments During the 2016 Brexit Referendum

Political communication research has long sought to understand the effects of cross-cutting exposure on political participation. Here, we argue for a paradigm shift that acknowledges the agency of citizens as producers of cross-cutting expression on social media. We define cross-cutting expression as political communication through speech or behavior within a counter-attitudinal space. After expli

Klimatberäkning i små- och medelstora företag

Bygg- och fastighetssektorn stod år 2020 för 21% av Sveriges totala utsläpp av växthusgaser (Boverket, 2023a). För att synliggöra och därigenom minska klimatpåverkan vid uppförandet av nya byggnader blev det den 1 januari 2022 obligatoriskt att genomföra klimatdeklaration av nya byggnader som kräver bygglov, med vissa undantag (Boverket, 2021a). Klimatdeklarationen ska redovisa klimatpåverkan frånThe construction and real estate sector accounted for 21 % of Sweden’s total green-house gas emissions in 2020. To mitigate the impact of new buildings, the Swedish government introduced a new law on climate declaration for new buildings called “lag om klimatdeklaration”. The law requires most new buildings, which already re-quired building permits, to perform a climate declaration. The climate de

Attityder till anhörigstöd. En kvantitativ studie om vad anhöriga till närstående med beroendeproblematik anser utgör ett bra anhörigstöd

The purpose of the study has been to look into what relatives of people with addiction problems specify as good relative support. Furthermore, we have investigated whether there are differences between groups such as; women and men as well as external and internal coping strategies linked to stress management in what the respondents perceive as good relative support. We have also investigated whet

Kan vi möta barn som utsätts om vi inte frågat om utsattheten? – En kvalitativ studie om yrkesverksammas perspektiv på arbetet med kommersiell sexuell exploatering av barn

The aim of this study was to explore professionals' perspectives on their work and responsibility in relation to children who are exposed to commercial sexual exploitation. The method chosen for this study was qualitative semi-structured interviews, that included a vignette, with professionals working with children, both social service workers and counselors. The findings of this study were an

Upplevd missbruksvård och stigmatisering - En komparativ analys mellan injektionsmissbruk och annat typ av missbruk

The aim of this study was to examine experienced substance abuse treatment among those who at some point have received health care because of addiction in Sweden. The method used was a quantitative survey that was sent out to different websites directed to people who currently have or have had addiction issues for which they got treatment, with the purpose of comparing experienced substance abuse

Industrial Machine Monitoring: Real-Time Anomalous Sound Event Detection on Low-Powered Devices

Detektion av ljudanomalier är en viktig pusselbit i strävan mot att nå den fjärde industriella revolutionen. Automatiserad övervakning av industriella maskiner upptäcker fel innan de får förödande konsekvenser. I en industriell miljö finns det ett behov av att ha uppsikt över maskinernas välmående. Erfarna maskinoperatörer lär sig med tiden hur en specifik maskin bör låta och kan identifiera när Traditionally fault detection in industrial machinery has been performed manually by experienced machine operators listening to the machines. However, it is desirable to automate this process to increase efficiency and improve the working environment of the operators. The main challenge in this thesis is to create a system that can accurately detect when an anomalous sound event occurs, at the sam