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Bone-targeted novel cytotoxic polybisphosphonate conjugate in castration-resistant prostate cancer : A multicenter phase 1 study

Background: Osteodex (ODX) is a cytotoxic bone-targeting polybisphosphonate, intended for treatment of bone metastasis from castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC). The primary objective of this study was to describe the tolerability and toxicity of such treatment by defining its maximum tolerated dose (MTD) and dose-limiting toxicity (DLT). Patients and Methods: Twenty-eight patients with cas

ANCA-associated glomerulonephritis : Risk factors for renal relapse

Relapse in ANCA-associated vasculitis (AAV) has been studied previously, but there are few studies on renal relapse in particular. Identifying patients at high risk of renal relapse may aid in optimizing clinical management. We investigated which clinical and histological parameters are risk factors for renal relapse in ANCA-associated glomerulonephritis (AAGN). Patients (n = 174) were newly diagn

Short-term grafting of human neural stem cells : Electrophysiological properties and motor behavioral amelioration in experimental Parkinson’s disease

Cell replacement therapy in Parkinson’s disease (PD) still lacks a study addressing the acquisition of electrophysiological properties of human grafted neural stem cells and their relation with the emergence of behavioral recovery after transplantation in the short term. Here we study the electrophysiological and biochemical profiles of two ventral mesencephalic human neural stem cell (NSC) clonal

Recent advances in long-term climate and moisture reconstructions from the Baltic region: Exploring the potential for a new multi- millennial tree-ring chronology

This study presents the first results from an ongoing initiative to develop a multi-millennial Baltic tree- ring width (TRW) chronology consisting of 12 floating records from subfossil Scots pines (Pinus sylvestris L.) extracted from three Lithuanian peat-mining areas. The floating series have been complemented with absolutely dated TRW chronologies which were obtained from living trees growing inThis study presents the first results from an ongoing initiative to develop a multi-millennial Baltic tree-ring width (TRW) chronology consisting of 12 floating records from subfossil Scots pines (Pinus sylvestris L.) extracted from three Lithuanian peat-mining areas. The floating series have been complemented with absolutely dated TRW chronologies which were obtained from living trees growing in

Fiber laser induced surface modification/manipulation of an ultrasonically consolidated metal matrix

Ultrasonic Consolidation (UC) is a manufacturing technique based on the ultrasonic joining of a sequence of metal foils. It has been shown to be a suitable method for fiber embedment into metal matrices. However, integration of high volume fractions of fibers requires a method for accurate positioning and secure placement to maintain fiber layouts within the matrices. This paper investigates the u

Long-term efficacy and safety of α1 proteinase inhibitor treatment for emphysema caused by severe α1 antitrypsin deficiency : an open-label extension trial (RAPID-OLE)

Background Purified α1 proteinase inhibitor (A1PI) slowed emphysema progression in patients with severe α1 antitrypsin deficiency in a randomised controlled trial (RAPID-RCT), which was followed by an open-label extension trial (RAPID-OLE). The aim was to investigate the prolonged treatment effect of A1PI on the progression of emphysema as assessed by the loss of lung density in relation to RAPID-

Sustainable Consumption and Value Propositions: Exploring Product–Service System Practices Among Swedish Fashion Firms

Since sustainable consumption (SC) research focuses primarily on consumer purchasing behaviors, there is a gap regarding how firms attempt to shape sustainable consumption in practice. Utilizing nine case studies, this gap is addressed by exploring the use of value propositions entailing product–service systems among Swedish fashion firms. The value propositions in use by the firms suggest that su

Effects of pitch and corrugation depth on heat transfer characteristics in six-start spirally corrugated tube

Spirally corrugated tube is one of the most important parts of coaxial heat exchangers. It can greatly improve the heat transfer efficiency of heat exchangers. Here, a novel spirally corrugated tube with six-start is proposed. However, up to now, there is little literature about the heat transfer performance and flow field of this novel six-start spirally corrugated tube. In this paper, the effect

Nya Namn i Periodiska Systemet

Artikeln ger en sammanfattning av IUPAC:s rekommendationer år 1994 för namnen på de nya grundämnena 101-109, de s.k. transfermierna. Rekommendationerna publiceras senare under 2014 i Pure and Applied Chemistry, Vol 66 Nr 12. Dessa rekommendationer skall under år 1995 ytterligare granskas/ratificeras av IUPACs Council, vilket slutligen kan resultera i ändringar eller omflyttningar.