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Digitalisering och konsumentintresset. En litteraturöversikt

Detta är en pilotstudie som är utförd av Stefan Larsson, docent i teknik och social förändring vid Lunds universitets internetinstitut (LUii). Studien har utförts under 2016 på uppdrag av Konsumentverket i syfte att peka ut några av de för konsumentintresset viktigaste aspekterna med digitaliseringen. När man studerar digitalisering och dess konsumentbetydelse så ser man ganska snart att dess effe

Effects of muscular dystrophy, exercise and blocking activin receptor IIB ligands on the unfolded protein response and oxidative stress

Protein homeostasis in cells, proteostasis, is maintained through several integrated processes and pathways and its dysregulation may mediate pathology in many diseases including Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD). Oxidative stress, heat shock proteins, endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress and its response, i.e. unfolded protein response (UPR), play key roles in proteostasis but their involvement in t

Comparative Study on the Machinability and Manufacturing Cost in Low-Lead Brass

Today, commercially used brasses commonly contain 2 to 4 wt.% lead. As the availability of low-lead and lead-freebrass increase, there are environmental incentives for investigating the consequences of replacing thelead-containing brasses with lead-free equivalents. Generally, lead-free brass is expected to have a lowermachinability than its lead-alloyed counterpart, implying a higher manufacturin

Optogenetic control of human neurons in organotypic brain cultures

Optogenetics is one of the most powerful tools in neuroscience, allowing for selective control of specific neuronal populations in the brain of experimental animals, including mammals. We report, for the first time, the application of optogenetic tools to human brain tissue providing a proof-of-concept for the use of optogenetics in neuromodulation of human cortical and hippocampal neurons as a po

Dread and Risk Elimination Premium for the Value of a Statistical Life

The Value of a Statistical Life (VSL) is a widely used measure of the value of mortality risk reduction. Since VSL should reflect preferences and attitudes to risk, there are reasons to believe that it varies depending on the type of risk involved. It has been argued that cancer should be considered a “dread disease”, which supports the use of a “cancer premium”. The objective of this study is to

Economically Forced to Work : A Critical Reconsideration of the Lottery Question

The lottery question asks whether you would stop working, continue working in the same job or continue working in a different job if you won a sum of money large enough to allow you to live on it comfortably for the rest of your life without working. This literature review reports the results of 22 surveys carried out between 1955 and 2005 where this issue was raised in connection with basic incom

Pathological lymphangiogenesis is modulated by galectin-8-dependent crosstalk between podoplanin and integrin-associated VEGFR-3

Lymphangiogenesis plays a pivotal role in diverse pathological conditions. Here, we demonstrate that a carbohydrate-binding protein, galectin-8, promotes pathological lymphangiogenesis. Galectin-8 is markedly upregulated in inflamed human and mouse corneas, and galectin-8 inhibitors reduce inflammatory lymphangiogenesis. In the mouse model of corneal allogeneic transplantation, galectin-8-induced

Simple electron-electron scattering in non-equilibrium Green's function simulations

In this work we include electron-electron interaction beyond Hartree-Fock level in our non-equilibrium Green's function approach by a crude form of GW through the Single Plasmon Pole Approximation. This is achieved by treating all conduction band electrons as a single effective band screening the Coulomb potential. We describe the corresponding self-energies in this scheme for a multi-subband syst

Polskans historia : En studie i melodityper och motivformer med utgångspunkt i Petter Dufvas notbok

The polska, under lots of different spellings and titles, was the dominant music and dance repertoire in Sweden for nearly 300 years. The main purpose of this thesis has been to clarify some of the principal characteristics in both its dance and music forms. The thesis has both a historical and an ethnomusicological perspective and moves in the intersection between different types of traditional m

Cellular basis of anti-predator adaptation in a lizard with autotomizable blue tail against specific predators with different colour vision

Juveniles of numerous lizard species have a vividly blue-coloured tail that likely serves to deflect predator attacks toward the autotomizable tail rather than the lizard's body. The shades of blue colour in the tails of juvenile Plestiodon latiscutatus lizards vary across populations, most notably among those island populations with different predator assemblages. Here, we determine if this intra

Coastal Erosion in Mozambique : Governing Processes and Remedial Measures

Coastal erosion in Mozambique: Governing processes and remedial measures. Mozambique's 2800-km-long coastline comes with associated vulnerability to coastal erosion, their processes, and resulting evolution. In fact, coastal erosion has been identified as a dominant phenomenon in the Mozambican coastal system. It is driven by a combination of natural processes and anthropogenic actions. Despite th