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Grainyhead-like 2 in development and cancer

Grainyhead-like 2 is a human homolog of Drosophila grainyhead. It inhibits epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition that is necessary for cell migration, and it is involved in neural tube closure, epithelial morphogenesis, and barrier formation during embryogenesis by regulation of the expression of cell junction proteins such as E-cadherin and vimentin. Cancer shares many common characters with devel

Att skapa ordning : Den systematiska samlaren

For a collection to be considered as such, and not appear only as a clutter or jumble of things, it has to be based on some kind of selection and systematisation. The research question of this article is how and why collectors structure their collections, organise, and arrange them. The research material is answers to the directive “Collecting things”, presented by the Mass Observation Archive in For a collection to be considered as such, and not appear only as a clutter or jumble of things, it has to be based on some kind of selection and systematisation. The research question of this article is how and why collectors structure their collections, organise, and arrange them. The research material is answers to the directive “Collecting things”, presented by the Mass Observation Archive in

Study of the (p, γ) and (α, γ) reactions for 96,98,104Ru and 112,114,116Sn at astrophysically relevant energies

Cross section and S factor of the proton- and alpha-induced reactions have been studied for the Ruthenium and tin isotopes in the effective energy range, i.e. Gamow window. These reactions are important for developing the understanding for nucleosynthesis, particularly for the synthesis of p nuclei (p process). In this work, cross sections and S factor have been calculated through TALYS in Hauser–

Self-control depletion impairs goal maintenance : A meta-analysis

Initial exertion of self-control has been suggested to impair subsequent self-regulatory performance. The specific cognitive processes that underlie this ego depletion effect have rarely been examined. Drawing on the dual-process theory of executive control (Engle & Kane, ; Kane & Engle, ), the current meta-analysis revealed that initial self-control exertion impairs participants' capaciti

Search for pair production of Higgs bosons in the b b b b final state using proton-proton collisions at s =13 TeV with the ATLAS detector SEARCH for PAIR PRODUCTION of HIGGS BOSONS in ⋯ M. AABOUD et al.

A search for Higgs-boson pair production in the bbbb final state is carried out with 3.2 fb-1 of proton-proton collision data collected at s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. The data are consistent with the estimated background and are used to set upper limits on the production cross section of Higgs-boson pairs times branching ratio to bbbb for both nonresonant and resonant production. In the case

The hemX gene of the Bacillus subtilis hemAXCDBL operon encodes a membrane protein, negatively affecting the steady-state cellular concentration of HemA (glutamyl-tRNA reductase).

The Bacillus subtilis hemAXCDBL operon encodes enzymes for the biosynthesis of uroporphyrinogen III from glutamyl-tRNA. The function of the hemX gene product was studied in this work. The deduced amino acid sequence suggests HemX to be an integral 32 kDa membrane protein. This was confirmed by experiments using Escherichia coli minicells and hemX-phoA gene fusions. Deletion of the hemX gene from t

Krebs´ citric acid cycle

The citric acid cycle (CAC) has several functions in aerobic bacteria. Together with the pyruvate dehydrogenase multienzyme complex (PDHC), it completely oxidizes pyruvate and provides membrane-bound respiratory systems with reducing equivalents. An overview of the biochemistry and genetics of CAC enzymes in B. subtilis is presented in this chapter. B. subtilis, being a strict aerobe, runs a compl

Molecular biology of Bacillus subtilis cytochromes

Bacillus subtilis cells must have cytochromes for growth and can synthesize cytochromes of a-, b-, c-, d-, and o-types. After a long lag, our knowledge of the structure, genetics and specific role for these cytochromes is now growing exponentially as the result of recent research. This progress is reviewed here and includes, for example, the discovery of two different cytochrome a systems and gene

Role of His residues in Bacillus subtilis cytochrome b558 for haem binding and assembly of succinate:quinone oxidoreductase (complex II)

Cytochrome 5558 in the cytoplasmic membrane ofBacilius subtiiis constitutes the anchor and electronacceptor to the flavoprotein (Fp) and iron-sulphurprotein (Ip) in succinate:quinone oxidoreductase, andseemingly contains two haem groups. EPR and MCDspectroscopic data indicate bis-imidazole ligation ofthe haem. Apo-cytochrome was found in the mem-brane fraction of haem-deficient B. subtilis, sugges

Selective extraction of small proteins from biological samples using a novel restricted access column with cation exchange properties

The determination of proteins utilising a polymer-based restricted access support material with ion exchange properties (IERAM) is outlined. Solid phase extraction coupled on-line with a microbore reversed phase HPLC system for the quantitation of small marker proteins is demonstrated. The cation-exchange restricted access packings were characterised with respect to their adsorption and desorption

Competence Building: A Systemic Approach to Innovation Policy

The main question that guides this paper is how governments are focusing (and must focus) on competence building (education and training) when designing and implementing innovation policies. With this approach, the paper aims at filling the gap between the existing literature on competences on the one hand, and the real world of innovation policy-making on the other, typically not speaking to each

Electron microscopy methods for space-, energy-, and time-resolved plasmonics

Nanoscale plasmonic systems combine the advantages of optical frequencies with those of small spatial scales, circumventing the limitations of conventional photonic systems by exploiting the strong field confinement of surface plasmons. As a result of this miniaturization to the nanoscale, electron microscopy techniques are the natural investigative methods of choice. Recent years have seen the de

Trade-offs between plant species richness and carbon storage in the context of afforestation – Examples from afforestation scenarios in the Mulde Basin, Germany

The German Federal State of Saxony aims to increase forest cover, supported by the implementation of afforestation programs. To analyze consequences of an increase in forest cover, this study investigates possible trade-offs between carbon storage and plant biodiversity caused by afforestation. Six afforestation scenarios with total forest cover ranging from 27.7% to 46% were generated in the Muld

Interaction between subclinical doses of the Parkinson's disease associated gene, α-synuclein, and the pesticide, rotenone, precipitates motor dysfunction and nigrostriatal neurodegeneration in rats

In most patients, Parkinson's disease is thought to emerge after a lifetime of exposure to, and interaction between, various genetic and environmental risk factors. One of the key genetic factors linked to this condition is α-synuclein, and the α-synuclein protein is pathologically associated with idiopathic cases. However, α-synuclein pathology is also present in presymptomatic, clinically “norma

Yushchenko's Fascist : The Bandera Cult in Ukraine and Canada

Viktor Yushchenko’s 2010 designation of Stepan Bandera, the war‐time leader of the most radical and violent branch of the Ukrainian far right, as a national hero constituted, in many ways, the climax of the third post‐Soviet Ukrainian president’s instrumentalization of history. Yushchenko’s political use of history triggered sharply polarized, and often emotional discussions of Bandera’s role in h

Organization and regulation of the Bacillus subtilis odhAB operon, which encodes two of the subenzymes of the 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase complex

The primary structure of Bacillus subtilis 105 kDa 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase (E1o) was deduced from the nucleotide sequence of the odhA gene and confirmed by N-terminal sequence analysis. The protein is highly homologous to E1o of Azotobacter vinelandii and Escherichia coli and of bakers' yeast cells. The 5′ end of the odhAB mRNA was determined and the promoter region for the odhAB operon was l

Progress in succinate:quinone oxidoreductase research

This chapter discusses the progress in succinate:quinone oxidoreductase research. It reviews the progress made mainly within the last decade in understanding of the genetics, biogenesis, structure and functions of succinate:quinone oxidoreductases. The work on this class of enzymes has involved a vast amount of experimental efforts in many laboratories. As in many other fields of biological resear

Infrastructures as an analytical framework for understanding research evaluation systems

When trying to map the bibliometrics based ‘research evaluation landscape’ in terms of for instance methods, technical systems and stakeholders; the complexities soon become obvious. Different methods are used at different national and local levels; there is a great variation of systems used for gathering, organizing, and analyzing data; and a multitude of stakeholders, many of which taking on a v