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Your search for "*" yielded 528151 hits

Feasibility and diagnostic yield of small-bowel capsule endoscopy in patients with surgically altered gastric anatomy : the SAGA study

Background and Aims: Little is known about small-bowel (SB) capsule endoscopy (CE) in patients with a history of gastric surgery. This study aims to evaluate the feasibility and diagnostic yield (DY) of orally ingested SB-CE in patients with surgically altered gastric anatomy. Methods: Twenty-four European centers retrospectively identified patients who had SB-CE after total or subtotal gastrectom

Consumer preferences for low-salt foods - A Danish case study based on a comprehensive supermarket intervention

Objective: The objective is to analyze Danish consumers' attitudes to buying food with reduced salt content. Design: The study is based on a comprehensive store intervention that included 114 stores belonging to the same supermarket chain. Three different salt claims were tested for eight weeks on six test products within the categories bread, cornflakes and frozen pizzas. Scanner data were supple

Involved and Detached: Emotional Management in Fieldwork

Using examples from fieldwork among armed groups in Congo and pre-1989 Romania, this article argues against the prevailing ethos of ethnographers engagement with the people they study, in favor of a dynamic between engagement and detachment, what we call 'emotional management'. Two examples from our fieldwork are given, Hedlund on fieldwork with armed groups, Sampson on his informants being haraas

Inflammatory proteins and miRNA-144-5p in patients with depression, anxiety, or stress- and adjustment disorders after psychological treatment

Both inflammatory proteins and microRNAs (miRNA) have been reported to be associated with various psychiatric disorders. However, the association between inflammatory proteins and miRNAs remains largely unknown, especially for patients with depression, anxiety, or stress- and adjustment disorders. In this study, we analyzed plasma levels of 92 inflammatory proteins from 178 patients with depressio

Gait Flexibility among Older Persons Significantly More Impaired in Fallers Than Non-Fallers-A Longitudinal Study

Gait disorders are a relevant factor for falls and possible to measure with wearable devices. If a wearable sensor can detect differences in gait parameters between fallers and non-fallers has not yet been studied. The aim of this study was to measure and compare gait parameters, vestibular function, and balance performance between fallers and non-fallers among a group of older persons. Participan

The criminal trial as a live event: Exploring how and why live blogs change the professional practices of judges, defence lawyers and prosecutors

Live blogging from legal trials has become one of the most accessible ways in which the public can gain direct insight into legal proceedings, particularly in countries where television cameras are denied entry into the courtroom. Whilst live blogging constitutes an important way of ensuring the transparency and openness of legal processes and documents – a principle known as open justice and a ke

Fast Microscale Acoustic Streaming Driven by a Temperature-Gradient-Induced Nondissipative Acoustic Body Force

We study acoustic streaming in liquids driven by a nondissipative acoustic body force created by light-induced temperature gradients. This thermoacoustic streaming produces a velocity amplitude nearly 100 times higher than the boundary-driven Rayleigh streaming and the Rayleigh-Bénard convection at a temperature gradient of 10 K/mm in the channel. The Rayleigh streaming is altered by the acoustic

Faith as Imagination and the Despair Problem

According to non-doxasticism, religious faith can be in an important sense belief-less. However, such faith becomes vulnerable to the despair-problem known from the literature on hope. I suggest that the problem can be overcome by adopting J. L. Schellenberg’s imagination-based account of non-doxastic faith. In developing this idea, I draw on the account of imagination offered by Amy Kind and an u

A Structured Optimal Controller With Feed-Forward for Transportation

We study an optimal control problem for a simple transportation model on a path graph. We give a closed form solution for the optimal controller, which can also account for planned disturbances using feed-forward. The optimal controller is highly structured, which allows the controller to be implemented using only local communication, conducted through two sweeps through the graph.

Plasma proenkephalin A 119-159 on intensive care unit admission is a predictor of organ failure and 30-day mortality

BACKGROUND: Proenkephalin A 119-159 (penKid) has been suggested as a marker of renal failure and poor outcome. We aimed to investigate the association of penKid on ICU admission with organ dysfunction and mortality in a mixed ICU population. In this retrospective, observational study, admission penKid levels from prospectively collected blood samples of consecutive patients admitted to four Swedis

Considering optimal lifetimes for LED lamps: a mixed approach and policy implications

Ecodesign policy for energy-using products so far has tended to focus on the energy efficiency requirements, but there is increasing interest in durability requirements as well. This exploratory study analyses whether and when long lifetimes are preferable when considering the trade-offs between durability and other important parameters such as costs and environmental impacts, examining the case o