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Kommunikationsförmåga hos barn med cerebral pares: En registerstudie

Syfte: Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur skattad nivå i Communication Function Classification System (CFCS) förändras mellan tre skattningstillfällen (2018-2020-2022) för barn med cerebral pares i åldrarna 0–18 år. Syftet var även att undersöka hur mycket av variansen i förändringen av CFCS-nivå som kunde förklaras av ålder och användandet av tal som kommunikationssätt. Metod: Data inhämtadAim: The aim of this study was to investigate how Classification of Communicative Functioning System (CFCS) level changed between three measurements (2018-2020-2022) for children with cerebral palsy aged 0 to 18 years. The aim was also to investigate how the variance in change of CFCS level could be explained by age and use of speech as communication method. Method: Data were obtained using the S

Countering the Proliferation of Plastic Waste through Circularity

How can the circular economy address the challenges of plastic waste? By rethinking production, distribution, and consumption patterns. It is a complex challenge that necessitates ethical, cultural, technical, and social considerations, far beyond managerial concerns. Recirculating some plastic and taking out the rest will require unraveling deeply embedded practices and choices in society.

Klimat och konflikt i Syrien: Ett rumsligt perspektiv på torka, jordbruk och sårbarhet i Syrien under perioden 2000–2022 : Climate and conflict in Syria: a spatial perspective of drought, agriculture and vulerability in Syria during the period 2000–2022

The Syrian civil war has been described as a first example of the conflicts expected in the wake of climate change. The conflict, which started in 2011, was preceded by a severe drought in 2007–2009 that hit agriculture and the rural population hard. But what do we really know about what happened to Syria’s climate and agriculture before and after the start of the conflict? In this article, I summ

China’s Crisis Governance and Evolving State-Society Relations during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Existing studies on China’s COVID-19 response have gravitated to a macro-level, formal institutional analysis, focusing either on the effectiveness of the policy in early-stage virus containment or on the growing negative impacts of COVID policy practices on China’s socio-political landscape at the late stage. Using serial interviews accompanied by online observations and documents, this thesis re

Positivitet som vägen till balans: Sambandet mellan psykologiskt kapital och balansen mellan arbetsliv och privatliv

Denna studie syftade till att undersöka sambandet mellan psykologiskt kapital och balansen mellan arbetsliv och privatliv bland anställda i större kommunförvaltningar (N=140). För att genomföra studien användes en digital enkät som inkluderade demografiska frågor samt två befintliga skalor avsedda att mäta respondenternas psykologiska kapital och deras balans mellan arbetsliv och privatliv. DataanThis study aimed to investigate the correlation between psychological capital and work-life balance among employees in larger municipal administrations (N=140). To conduct the study, a digital survey was used, which included demographic questions as well as two existing scales intended to measure respondents’ psychological capital and their work-life balance. Data analysis was performed using corr

Rätten av leva som andra - en kvalitativ studie av normers inverkan på rättens tolkning av LSS 1 § tredje punkt

Our interest to perform this study surfaced after watching an investigative documentary (SVT 2022) about a vision-impaired woman having her right to assistance withdrawn for the reason that, according to the court, she did not experience “significant difficulties in her daily life”. The reason for the withdrawal was that she no longer meet the set requirement according to the requisite specified i

Människan och den moderna teknologin: en studie om individers föreställningar om ChatGPT och deras korrelation med attityder

ChatGPT är det senaste tillskottet inom AI-teknik, en konversationsmodell skapad för att svara på frågor och producera text. Trots att ChatGPT är mycket uppmärksammat och har blivit en allt vanligare del av människors vardag, är tidigare psykologisk forskning kring denna funktion begränsad. Därför ansågs det intressant att fördjupa sig inom detta samhällsaktuella ämne. Studien valde att undersöka ChatGPT is the latest addition in AI technology, a conversational model created to answer questions and produce text. Although ChatGPT is receiving a lot of attention and has become an increasingly common part of people’s everyday life, previous psychological research on this feature is limited. Therefore, it was considered interesting to delve deeper into this socially relevant topic. The study c

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Dzisiejszy poziom cyrkulacji ludzi i kapitału sprawia, że pewne, z pozoru ulotnespołeczności i przestrzenie wytwarzane są w oparciu o wspólne wartości i preferowany styl życia. Problematyka niepewności oraz krótkotrwałości silnie i gruntownie łączy się z fenomenem turystyki. Jedną z podstawowych potrzeb podróżujących jest poszukiwanie i doświadczenie autentyczności w odwiedzanym miejscu (Urry, 200

Setting the scene: from voluntary to mandatory sustainability reporting in Korea

Sustainability Reporting (SR) has hitherto been discretionary in most Asian countries; however, a new paradigm – mandatory SR – is emerging in South Korea, provoked by the EU’s SR regulation, Non-Financial Reporting Directive (NFRD) and Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD). The Korean government plans to enforce SR legislation in 2025, targeting large firms. However, little is known

Corporate Climate Due Diligence in the European Union – A Legal Analysis of its Implications for the Climate Action of Energy-Intensive Industries

In this thesis, issues surrounding climate actions are analysed through the notion of corporate due diligence in the European Union (EU) context. The study explores how mandatory climate change due diligence schemes, potentially in the form of a legally binding instrument, may affect the critical sector of energy-intensive industries (EIIs) in the Union and further contribute to the broader EU cli

What are Turnover decision making factors? - A comparative study between Generation Y and Generation X in Sweden on how different factors weigh in the decision to stay or resign from a workplace.

Denna studie genomfördes i Sverige med syftet att erbjuda ett nytt perspektiv på ämnet turnover och hur olika faktorer påverkar beslutet att säga upp sig från jobbet eller stanna kvar. Med detta syfte undersökte studien de sex faktorerna lön och förmåner, miljö, karriärmöjligheter, kollegiala aspekter, meningsfullhet och balans mellan arbete och privatliv, som har ansetts vara några av de mest infThis study was conducted in Sweden with the motivation to provide a new perspective on the topic of turnover, specifically how different factors may affect turnover decision making. With this aim, the study examined the six factors salary and benefits, environment, career opportunities, collegial aspects, meaningfulness, and work/life balance, that have been regarded as some of the most influentia

Studying Elliptic Flow in High Centrality Pb-Pb Collisions using Proton Collision Background Fitting

Ända sedan tidernas begynnelse har människor funderat på frågor kring den värld vi lever i och dess ursprung. Förklaringarna har varit många, olika och har ofta varit förknippade med religiösa trosuppfattningar. Idag är den rådande vetenskapliga konsensusen att vårt universum skapades för cirka 14 miljarder år sedan i det så kallade Big Bang, eller 'Den Stora Smällen' på svenska. Enligt deIn this report, the elliptic flow in high centrality Pb-Pb collisions is calculated using two particle correlations $v_2\{2\}$ but without any imposed separation in η with data taken from the ALICE experiment at CERN in 2015. Instead, measurements of the same correlations in proton-proton collisions is used as a background to account for non-flow effects and data is correlated between the time pro

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The Greek physician Praxagoras from Kos was active around year 300 BC. He represents the transition between the Hippocratic and the Hellenistic periods in medicine. Praxagoras was the teacher of several renowned physicians active during the 3rd century BC. Although he wrote many books nothing of his writing has survived to our time. To learn about his teachings we must rely on fragments and testim

Problems caused by unilateral measures while taxing the digital economy: Does the value creation approach suggested by OECD solve the problem?

This thesis examines the challenges arising from unilateral measures taken by both developing and developed countries to protect their taxing rights in the digital economy, leading to issues of double taxation. It focuses on India's equalisation levy and the UK's diverted profits tax (DPT) as examples of unilateral measures. The thesis evaluates whether the value creation approach recommen

The circular economy: a geometry lesson

To maintain its transformational potential, the circular economy needs to be associated with an actual closing of material loops, recognising that this entails a new balance of power among corporations, customers and those who work with material recovery—not least waste pickers in the global south. The environmental footprint of production and consumption must be reduced, through decreased extract

Testing the Effect of Relative Pollen Productivity on the REVEALS Model : A Validated Reconstruction of Europe-Wide Holocene Vegetation

Reliable quantitative vegetation reconstructions for Europe during the Holocene are crucial to improving our understanding of landscape dynamics, making it possible to assess the past effects of environmental variables and land-use change on ecosystems and biodiversity, and mitigating their effects in the future. We present here the most spatially extensive and temporally continuous pollen-based r

Mäns våld mot kvinnor - Om emotionella konsekvenser av våld i nära relation

The aim of our study was to increase the understanding of women's experiences of violence in close relationships with a special focus on emotional consequences for women. Our empirical data consisted of four autobiographies, which we analyzed through thematic content analysis. The results showed that the emotional consequences are worse than the physical. Emotional pains are for example captur