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Trump, TV, och Twitter: En Jämförande Studie i Uppkomsten av Donald Trumps Populistiska Uttryck Mellan Olika Medieplatformar

Donald Trump är välkänd som USA:s ex-president, och en frispråkig användare av Twitter. I denna analys undersöker vi hur Trumps populistiska uttryingar skiljer sig mellan traditionell media, och den sociala median han ofta använde sig av. Detta görs genom en komparativ fallstudie, där vi jämför ett traditionellt tal som hölls och televiserades den 2:e december 2020 med hans Twitter feed mellan den

A Study on Efficient Memory Utilization in Machine Learning and Memory Intensive Systems

As neural networks find more and more practical applications targeted for edge devices, the implementation of energy-efficient architectures is becoming very crucial. Despite the advancements in process technology, power and performance of memories remain to be a bottleneck for most computing platforms. The aim of this thesis is to study the effect of the breakdown structure of memories on power c

The impact of argument quality, source credibility, risk perception and visual design on perceived message effectiveness in covid-19 vaccine communication in Sweden: A quantitative study from an ELM perspective

Reaching intended effects of the covid-19 pandemic vaccination is dependent on both coverage rates and time. Without vaccine mandates in Sweden, communication strategists have become essential to succeed. Vaccine hesitancy is complex with reasons differing on an individual level. This makes mass communication suboptimal, but also mainly what is used due to practical reasons. Consequently, understa

Att avgöra betydelse : om översättning av polysema ord i ett samtal om vägen till tyranni

Denna magisteruppsats tar sin utgångspunkt i en översättning från engelska av ett politiskt samtal i boken Making Sense av Sam Harris. Uppsatsen inleds med en källtextanalys och en redogörelse för den globala strategi som har använts vid översättningen. Därefter följer en översättningsanalys som behandlar översättningen av tre ord som representerar olika typer av polysemi – denunciation, governmen

Cytochrome c oxidase biogenesis: the role of the copper-binding protein CtaK

Cytochrome c oxidases - why you need copper to breathe The next time anyone will ask you to provide any proof of evolution, you can surprise them by mentioning cytochrome c oxidases. Not only this answer will make you look smart and knowledgeable, but it will also provide a very solid example of something that brings together any oxygen-breathing organism, from the smallest bacterium to a majesti

Aesthetic experiences and their theoretical and neuroaesthetic context: An integrate literature review of the theoretical concept of Einfühlung and its relation to neuroaesthetics

How we as viewers emotionally connect and interact with art and other aesthetic experiences is a widely debated topic in the art historical discourse. Following German aesthetician and philosopher Robert Vischer’s theorisation of the concept of Einfühlung during the 1870s, the empathic discourse has intrigued and engaged thinkers throughout centuries. With the discovery of mirror neurons in the hu

Unveiling Surveillance Giants: Human Rights Violations within the Ad Tech Industry

In an increasingly online society, scholars have gradually come to scrutinize the ad tech industry. The research field, however, tends to focus on the most visible tech giants, such as Google or Facebook, and few researchers approach the industry from a human rights perspective. This thesis deals with some relatively unknown, but still massive, ad tech companies and unveils how they operate at the

Vilket vin rekommenderar du?

Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka eWOM genom Facebookgrupper för att få en djupare förståelse för vilka intentioner som finns bakom varför användare väljer att dela och ta del av rekommendationer genom Facebookgrupper samt varför dessa väljer att förlita sig på personerna bakom rekommendationerna. Ambitionen är att vi med denna studie ska bidra med teoriutveckling av befintlig litteratur inom eWOMThe purpose of the thesis is to investigate eWOM through Facebook groups to gain a deeper understanding of the intentions behind why users choose to share and take part in recommendations through Facebook groups and why they choose to rely on the people behind the recommendations. The ambition is to contribute with theory development of existing literature within eWOM by increasing the understandi

Design of a cost model for a hospital area to switch between district heating and geothermal heat pumps

The design of the cost model is motivated by the need of the customer to optimize its energy consumption and maximize the savings. Therefore, this tool will be able to manage the data from both power (geothermal heat pumps) and heating (district heating) systems, as well as outdoor temperatures, energy demand and other inputs, and determine which one is more feasible for every hour of the year. Al

Musik i rörelse: Ett arbete om kroppsliga rörelsers påverkan på trombonspel

Ett arbete som undersöker hur trombonspel påverkas av kroppsliga rörelser och hur dessa kan vägas in i inlärningen av ett stycke. Syftet är att förstå hur kroppens rörelser påverkar musiken för att lära sig när det passar att röra sig och när det inte gör det. Undersökningen kommer ske genom analys av inspelningar där jag spelar ett förbestämt stycke med olika mycket rörelse. En publik kommer deThis is a project that explores how a trombone player is affected by body movements and how you can use the movements when you are practicing a piece. The purpose is to understand how the movements of the body affect the music in order to learn when it is appropriate to move and when it is not. The project will be conducted through analyses of recordings where I play a piece with a different amo

Architectural Technical Debt - can it be prevented with a software project generator?

Architectural Technical Debt (ATD) is a challenge that many of today's companies aim to overcome. ATD concerns the overall structure and architecture of a software-intensive system and can be described as the unresolved shortcuts developers take under circumstances of e.g. time pressure and uncertain requirements. Planning and constructing a well-thought-out architecture is time consuming and

Integrating Ground Source Heat Pumps into Elderly Homes as Energy-efficient Heating and Cooling Solution - A Swedish Case Study

Energy efficiency and environmental questions have gained increased attention over the last decade. In combination with global warming and increasing cooling demands, the Swedish market for combined heating and cooling solutions such as ground source heat pumps expands. As it currently stands, the multi-family building market is highly dominated by district heating, while the market share of combi

Shaping The Workforce For Tomorrow - Today

The labor market for IT-oriented professions, especially software engineers, is characterized by extensive skills gaps due to fast-evolving technology. The purpose of this thesis is to shed light on the work toward closing the skills gap in IT-oriented professions, especially for software engineers, by providing suggestions on how the workforce can be prepared with the skills needed for tomorrow -

Synchrotron X-ray Tomography Study of Bone-implant Integration

Implant loosening is a recurring problem in the field of orthopedics, typically resulting in a physical and financial burden for the patient. Proper integration of orthopedic implants within host bones is a fundamental requirement for the successful function and limited risk of failure of implants which, in-vivo, must support various loading conditions. This implant fixation is highly dependent on

Alkoholkultur hos socionomstudenter - en jämförande studie av socionomstudenters alkoholkultur vid Socialhögskolan Lund och Campus Helsingborg

The aim of this study was to examine the alcohol culture amongst students in social work at Lund University, but with different places of study, i.e. Lund and Helsingborg. The studies purpose was to see if there was any difference between the genders as well as between the two places of study in question about drinking behavior according to AUDIT. To be able to meet the aims of the study I used a

Contested Urban Green Space: An Analysis of Right to the City and Affordable Housing Discourses in Cape Town

With rapid urbanisation, local governments are increasingly put under pressure to manage urban space in a way that benefits all citizens. Urban space often become contested and economic, political, social, and environmental interests shape how these spaces are used and managed. In the context of Cape Town, two mayor interests that determine spatial development are urban greening and affordable hou

Building a neural network for the analysis of fracture in concrete

SAAB Dynamics produces and develops warheads and uses computer simulations to evaluate its products. Recently, SAAB has begun using neural networks to quickly obtain accurate outputs, based on simulated data, from a set of input variables with success. This thesis investigated whether interim data in the form of video frames can improve the output of the network. This thesis investigated the use o