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Your search for "*" yielded 527037 hits

Low prevalence of known pathogenic mutations in dominant PD genes : A Swedish multicenter study

Objective: To determine the frequency of mutations known to cause autosomal dominant Parkinson disease (PD) in a series with more than 10% of Sweden's estimated number of PD patients. Methods: The Swedish Parkinson Disease Genetics Network was formed as a national multicenter consortium of clinical researchers who together have access to DNA from a total of 2,206 PD patients; 85.4% were from popul

Divide and rule Cyprus? Decolonisation as process

Instances of decolonisation can be considered processes featuring complicated interactions that are both path-depended and open-ended. This perspective contrasts with reductionist epistemologies, particularly economistic ones. Viewing the decolonisation of Cyprus in processual terms, this article argues that the process at hand was crucially shaped by the colonial strategy of divide-and-rule and t

Multi-Port Element for Grating Lobe Suppression in Sparse VHF Phased Array Radars

A multi-port element approach, engineered to address practical design challenges of very high frequency (VHF) phased array radar systems, is presented in this communication. A cornerstone of the antenna element design is its simplicity, which counteracts the mobility issues of physically large and unavoidably bulky ground-based VHF radar systems. The multi-port element introduces a third dimension

Cross comparison and prognostic assessment of breast cancer multigene signatures in a large population-based contemporary clinical series

Multigene expression signatures provide a molecular subdivision of early breast cancer associated with patient outcome. A gap remains in the validation of such signatures in clinical treatment groups of patients within population-based cohorts of unselected primary breast cancer representing contemporary disease stages and current treatments. A cohort of 3520 resectable breast cancers with RNA seq

Soft particles in an electric field-a zero average contrast study

We report on the structural properties of ionic microgel particles subjected to alternating electric fields, using small-angle neutron scattering. The experiments were performed under so-called zero average contrast conditions, which cancel the structure factor contribution to the scattered intensity, allowing us to obtain direct information on the single particle size and structure as particles a

Mental Health Nurses’ Experiences of Risk Assessments for Care Planning in Forensic Psychiatry

The risk of patients committing violence implies major challenges throughout the care process in forensic psychiatry and brings risk assessments to the fore. The aim was to explore nurses’ experiences of risk assessments for their care planning and risk management in forensic psychiatry. Data were collected through focus groups with 15 nurses. The qualitative content analysis followed a deductive

Characterization of airborne particles from cleaning sprays and their corresponding respiratory deposition fractions

Cleaning workers are exposed to many risk factors, including handling of cleaning products. Epidemiological studies show that they have a high incidence of asthma and other respiratory symptoms. Some studies have indicated an even higher incidence of asthma in individuals using cleaning sprays regularly. It is known that sprays produce an aerosol that can expose the respiratory system to chemicals

Interaktion och samverkan över disciplingränser inom musikforskning idag

Idag bedrivs musikforskning inom ett flertal områden. Avsikten med denna panel, med medverkande från disciplinerna musikvetenskap, musikpedagogik och konstnärlig forskning, är att perspektivisera och diskutera förutsättningar och möjligheter för interaktion, samverkan och kunskapsutbyte på fältet som helhet.En central fråga i detta sammanhang rör hur kunskap och utvecklingserfarenheter

Land cover and land use classification performance of machine learning algorithms in a boreal landscape using Sentinel-2 data

In recent years, the data science and remote sensing communities have started to align due to user-friendly programming tools, access to high-end consumer computing power, and the availability of free satellite data. In particular, publicly available data from the European Space Agency’s Sentinel missions have been used in various remote sensing applications. However, there is a lack of studies th

Analysis of 153 115 patients with hematological malignancies refines the spectrum of familial risk

Estimating familial cancer risks is clinically important in being able to discriminate between individuals in the population at differing risk for malignancy. To gain insight into the familial risk for the different hematological malignancies and their possible inter-relationship, we analyzed data on more than 16 million individuals from the Swedish Family-Cancer Database. After identifying 153 11

Anti-tumor effects of PIM/PI3K/mTOR triple kinase inhibitor IBL-302 in neuroblastoma

The PI3K pathway is a major driver of cancer progression. However, clinical resistance to PI3K inhibition is common. IBL-302 is a novel highly specific triple PIM, PI3K, and mTOR inhibitor. Screening IBL-302 in over 700 cell lines representing 47 tumor types identified neuroblastoma as a strong candidate for PIM/PI3K/mTOR inhibition. IBL-302 was more effective than single PI3K inhibition in vitro,

Rare Siblings Speed-Up Deterministic Detection and Counting of Small Pattern Graphs

We consider a class of pattern graphs on (formula presented) vertices that have q-2 distinguished vertices with equal neighborhood in the remaining two vertices. Two pattern graphs in this class are siblings if they differ by some edges connecting the distinguished vertices. In particular, we show that if induced copies of siblings to a pattern graph in such a class are rare in the host graph then

The Dilemma of Drains after Pancreatoduodenectomy : Still an Issue?

Background and Aims: Routine drainage after pancreatoduodenectomy is a controversial issue. In this article, we present and discuss the current evidence on abdominal drains in pancreatic surgery. Material and Methods: Review of the pertinent English-language literature. Results: There is a growing body of evidence showing a lack of benefit of prophylactic drainage after pancreatoduodenectomy. Rand


This thesis concerns assessment of acoustic comfort in apartment buildings. A new approach is followed, beyond noise annoyance investigation, which was the typical path so far. The latter involved acoustic descriptors, which characterize the structural components, being associated to self-reported noise annoyance.A socio-acoustic survey was conducted in 34 Swedish and Danish structures including 1