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Your search for "*" yielded 532180 hits

CDK9 Regulates Apoptosis of Myoblast Cells by Modulation of microRNA-1 Expression

Cdk9 is the catalytic core of the positive transcription elongation factor b (P-TEFb) and regulates transcriptional elongation factors by phosphorylation of RNA pol II. Apart from its role on myogenic gene expression, Cdk9 regulation of muscle-specific microRNAs in the early stage of cardiomyogenesis is poorly understood. Here we demonstrate that Cdk9 not only regulates myogenic transcription fact

”För illa att vara sannt” – svenska nationalekonomers reaktion på Keynes bok om Versaillesfreden och skadeståndskraven på Tyskland

I december 1919 utkom John Maynard Keynes med sin varning för konsekven- serna av Versaillesfreden, The Economic Consequences of the Peace. Boken gjorde honom i ett slag världsberömd. Den översattes snabbt till svenska och kommenterades av ledande svenska nationalekonomer som David Davidson, Gustav Cassel och Eli Heckscher. De ställde sig alla helhjärtat bakom Keynes budskap. Knut Wicksell däremot

Pediatric Insulin Injection Technique : A Multi-Country Survey and Clinical Practice Implications

Introduction: The 2015 Insulin Injection Technique Questionnaire survey involving 13,289 patients included 898 (6.8%) patients in the pediatric age range (≤ 18 years). Methods: The younger patients included in the questionnaire survey were grouped according to age: Group 1 (G1), 0–6 years, n = 85; Group 2(G2), 7–13, n = 423; Group 3 (G3), 14–18, n = 390. The injection technique was evaluated by me

Transport properties of alternative fuel microemulsions based on sugar surfactant

Electrical conductivity of fuel microemulsion composed of diesel, pentanol, water, and sucrose laurate as surfactant was investigated over a wide range of water contents varying from 0 to 90 wt% and temperature varying from 10°C to 50°C. Conductivity measurements were performed on samples, the composition of which lie along the one-phase channel using a conductivity meter. Activation energy of con

The genetic landscape of renal complications in type 1 diabetes

Diabetes is the leading cause of ESRD. Despite evidence for a substantial heritability of diabetic kidney disease, efforts to identify genetic susceptibility variants have had limited success. We extended previous efforts in three dimensions, examining a more comprehensive set of genetic variants in larger numbers of subjects with type 1 diabetes characterized for a wider range of cross-sectional

Patrick Meurling in memoriam

Minnesruna över docent Patrick Meurling (1931-2016) med fokus på dennes insatser som ordförande m m i Fakirensällskapet.

Experimental investigation on micromixing characteristics of coaxial mixers in viscous system

An experimental investigation into the micromixing performance of coaxial mixers in a viscous system is reported, in which the iodide-iodate reaction system is chosen to quantitatively characterize the product distributions. The effects of feeding time, feeding position, impeller speed, inner impeller configuration, and operation mode on the segregation index, Xs, are examined. It is revealed that

Immune checkpoint inhibitors of the PD-1/PD-L1-axis in non-small cell lung cancer : promise, controversies and ambiguities in the novel treatment paradigm

Immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) have received much attention not least for melanoma since the award of the Nobel prize in 2018. Here, we review the current state of knowledge about the use of these monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). These drugs have generally been conditionally approved on limited early data and there are few long-term follow-up data from rando

The Role of Co-stimulatory/Co-inhibitory Signals in Graft-vs.-Host Disease

Allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation (allo-HCT) is an effective immunotherapeutic approach for various hematologic and immunologic ailments. Despite the beneficial impact of allo-HCT, its adverse effects cause severe health concerns. After transplantation, recognition of host cells as foreign entities by donor T cells induces graft-vs.-host disease (GVHD). Activation, proliferation and tr

Exponential and practical exponential stability of second-order formation control systems

We study the problem of distance-based formation shape control for autonomous agents with double-integrator dynamics. Our considerations are focused on exponential stability properties. For second-order formation systems under the standard gradient-based control law, we prove local exponential stability with respect to the total energy by applying Chetaev's trick to the Lyapunov candidate function

Bidrag för jobb : Arbetsgivares perspektiv på anställningsstöd

Statligt stöd till arbetsgivare för att anställa arbetssökande har genom tiderna haft olika namn. När denna undersökning gjordes kallades de bland annat nystartsjobb, instegsjobb och lönebidrag. Bidragen har ständigt diskuterats och reformerats. Kvantitativa effektundersökningar om hur flest sökande kommer i arbete är vanliga. Denna bok har en annan ingång. Här återges material från

FragHAR : Towards ab initio quantum-crystallographic X-ray structure refinement for polypeptides and proteins

The first ab initio aspherical structure refinement against experimental X-ray structure factors for polypeptides and proteins using a fragmentation approach to break up the protein into residues and solvent, thereby speeding up quantum-crystallographic Hirshfeld atom refinement (HAR) calculations, is described. It it found that the geometric and atomic displacement parameters from the new fragHAR

Performing rurality. but who?

Reflective inquiries to better understand 'the rural' have tried to embed rural research within the notion of performativity. Performativity assumes that the capacity of language is not simply to communicate but also to consummate action, whereupon citational uses of concepts produce a series of material effects. Of late, this philosophical shif has also implicated geographers as active agents in

Essays on Panel Data with Multidimensional Unobserved Heterogeneity

This thesis contributes to econometric methodology in terms of estimation and inference in static panel data models with unobserved multidimensional heterogeneity. When not properly accounted for, unobserved heterogeneity may introduce bias into the parameter estimates associated with covariates of interest, such as treatment indicators or determinants of macroeconomic indicators. A common way of

Chicken for Everyone? A cultural political economy of the popularity of chicken meat in Bolivia.

Over the last 50 years, the production and consumption of chicken meat have soared in Bolivia. This paper analyzes the political, economic, and cultural developments that have led to the popularity of chicken meat in this country. It also asks who has benefitted from this success story. The author uses data from one year of multi-sited ethnographic fieldwork in Bolivia in order to give an account