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Your search for "*" yielded 535626 hits

Search for electroweak production of charginos and sleptons decaying into final states with two leptons and missing transverse momentum in √s=13 TeV pp collisions using the ATLAS detector

A search for the electroweak production of charginos and sleptons decaying into final states with two electrons or muons is presented. The analysis is based on 139 fb- 1 of proton–proton collisions recorded by the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider at s=13 TeV. Three R-parity-conserving scenarios where the lightest neutralino is the lightest supersymmetric particle are considered: the pro

Crack-tip field at steady crack growth and vanishing linear strain-hardening.

A solution to the quasistatically propagating mode III crack in an elastic perfectly plastic solid is obtained as the limit solution for vanishingly small linear strain hardening. A point above or below the crack plane will experience, first, a centered fan slip line field followed at the angle ±32.8° ahead of the crack tip by elastic unloading and, finally, from the angle ±179.7° to the crack sur

Legitimitet genom legalitet?

Law is everywhere – Rätten finns överallt. Det uttrycket kan beskriva rättens roll i våra liv. Utöver formella lagar, regleringar och avtal möter vi i vår vardag även informella lagar och sociala normer: i familjen, i skolan, på arbetsplatsen och i samhället i stort. De styr både hur vi tänker och agerar och vad vi förväntar oss av andra. Rättssociologi handlar om att analysera relationen mellan r

Tunable separation and DNA manipulation in metal coated pillar arrays

Implementing electrically connected metal-coated posts in a Deterministic Lateral Displacement (DLD) device and applying electric fields, we use electrokinetics to achieve tunable particle separations and to trap and manipulate DNA. The strength of DLD stems from its typically binary behavior. Particles move in one out of two trajectories based on their effective size. For particles that are close

ACouWash : A standalone instrument for the washing, separation and enrichment of cells.

We developed the AcouWash (Figures 1 and 2), a benchtop instrument for flow-through cell and particle separation by acoustophoresis. Building on previous research [1-4] AcouWash can re-suspend cells in new medium, separate cells based on size or acoustic properties, or enrich cells, Figure 3. We present our initial evaluation of AcouWash regarding size-based separation of particles, cell washing,

Method for selecting optimal operation frequencies in bulk acoustophoretic devices

We report a new method to select the optimal actuation frequencies in bulk acoustophoresis devices, by means of differential impedance spectrum analysis measured via the actuating piezoelectric transducer (piezo). The impedance spectra is rich of large spurious resonance peaks originating from bulk resonances not related to the channel resonance, Fig. 1a, why direct measurement of the piezo impeda

Spatiotemporal Analysis of Nodding Syndrome in Northern Uganda 1990-2014

The emergence of nodding syndrome (NS) in Northern Uganda has generated controversial views with respect to patterns, natural history, and aetiology of the disease which is yet unknown. This study explored spatial patterns of NS using spatial-temporal methods to establish its clustering patterns across both space and time. Village and year of NS onset for individual patients between the years 1990


The capacity to assemble, store, and make available information in databases is ever growing. This development has accelerated in recent decades, driven by the advent and increased use of digital networks. Already at an early stage, it led to demands for legal protection of databases. In most countries databases have been protected in national legislation based on copyright principles. However, th

Striking a fair balance between the protection of creative content and the need to foster its dissemination : The challenges posed by Internet linking and meta search engines

In recent years, the ability to make available, locate and access copyright protected content over the Internet has increased considerably. Some business models are directly aimed at linking or locating content already made available by other services. Such business models may create value for end users by making it easier to locate and find content on the Internet, but at the same time, they may