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CRISPR-terapi visar potential – möjligheter och utmaningar

CRISPR är en revolutionerande teknik som möjliggör effektiv redigering av DNA.Kliniska studier med CRISPR-baserade terapier för blodsjukdomar och cancer pågår redan.Framtida tillämpningar av CRISPR kan förväntas bli breda men förutsätter etiska, juridiska och hälsoekonomiska överväganden.

Using proximity extension proteomics assay to identify biomarkers associated with infarct size and ejection fraction after ST-elevation myocardial infarction

Plasma concentrations of many cardiovascular and inflammatory proteins are altered after ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) and may provide prognostic information. We conducted a large-scale proteomic analysis in patients with STEMI, correlating protein levels to infarct size and left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) determined with cardiac magnetic resonance imaging. We analysed 131 c

Work conditions, support, and changing personal priorities are perceived important for return to work and for stay at work after stroke–a qualitative study

Purpose: To explore work related and personal facilitators and barriers for return to work (RTW) and stay at work after stroke. Materials and methods: Twenty individuals post-stroke (median age 52 years; seven women) were interviewed in focus groups. Data were analyzed by using qualitative content analysis. Results: An overall theme “Work conditions, support and changed personal priorities influen

Housing Assessment Tools Developed or Adapted for Use in East and Southeast Asia : A Scoping Review

An overview of housing assessment tools developed or adapted for research use in East and Southeast Asia is currently lacking. A scoping review was conducted to address this knowledge gap. PubMed, Web of Science and CINAHL were searched for relevant scientific literature, and 22 articles were selected. Besides study-specific checklists, two assessment tools validated for use in Asia and three vali

Holocene deglaciation and climate history of the northern Antarctic Peninsula region : a discussion of correlations between the Southern and Northern Hemispheres

The chronology of post-last Glacial Maximum dceglaciation in the northern Antarctic Peninsula region is discussed. It is concluded that, contrary to what was earlier believed, the deglaciation process here was largely out-of-phase with that in the Northern Hemisphere. Although, for global eustatic reasons, the marine-based glaciers may have retreated simultaneously with ice-melting in the Northern

A note on performance indicators for agricultural economic journals

We investigate various performance indicators of ten leading journals in the field of Agricultural Economics and Policy over the period from 2000 to 2020. More specifically, we combine various data sources to derive a coherent record of indicators including acceptance rates, times between submission and first response and impact factors. We show that, for the discipline at large, the turn-around t

Understanding the Acts of Another : Edith Stein and Konstantin Stanislavski

I sitt tidiga verk Om empatins problem (Zum Problem der Einfühlung) försöker Edith Stein ”specificera empatins speciellt intentionella karaktär” (Zahavi 2001,158). Ett övergripande mål för Stein är att finna de element som konstituerar en individ som en ”annan” för oss. Ett liknande syfte återfinns i skrifter som koncipierades delvis under samma tid på ett annat kunskapsområde, skådespelarkonstensIn her early work On the problem of empathy, (Zum Problem der Einfühlung), Edith Stein attempts to ´specify the particular intentional character of empathy´ (Zahavi 2001, 158). An overall aim for Stein is to find out the elements of what constitutes an individual as an ´other´ for us. A similar aim is present in writings that were conceived partly at the same time within another field of knowledge

The fine-grained complexity of computing the tutte polynomial of a linear matroid

We show that computing the Tutte polynomial of a linear matroid of dimension k on kO(1) points over a field of kO(1) elements requires kΩ(k) time unless the #ETH-a counting extension of the Exponential Time Hypothesis of Impagliazzo and Paturi [CCC 1999] due to Dell et al. [ACM TALG 2014]-is false. This holds also for linear matroids that admit a representation where every point is associated to a

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Checkpoints er fremtrædende og helt uomgængelige i nye syriske romaner skrevet i krigsårene. Checkpoint(s) (ḥājiz – pl. ḥawājiz) er en del af det nye litterære ordforråd efter 10 år med opstand og konflikt. Checkpointene er centrale elementer i de landskaber historierne udspiller sig i, de styrer den narrative struktur og tydeliggør væsentlige temaer i den tilværelse i krig, litteraturen fremstillCheckpoints are prominent and completely unavoidable in new Syrian novels depicting the war years. Checkpoint (s) (ḥājiz / ḥawājiz) are part of the new literary vocabulary after ten years of revolt and conflict. The checkpoints are central elements in the landscapes in which the stories take place, they guide the narrative structure, and accentuate essential themes in the life in war. Confrontatio

Receptors for hematopoietic regulatory cytokines : overview of structure and function

The production of blood cells is regulated by the action of external factors, cytokines, that can be released by many cell types. In the first place, a population of multipotent stem cells, mostly in the resting Go phase of the cell cycle, but with self-renewal capacity, gives rise to progenitor cells that are predetermined for differentiation into all kinds of blood cells. Expression of genes for

Positioning and Sensing for Vehicular Safety Applications in 5G and beyond

This article presents a shared vision among stakeholders across the value chain on the use of radio positioning and sensing for road safety in the 5G ecosystem. The key enabling technologies and architectural functionalities are explored, focusing on the extremely stringent localization and communication requirements. A case study for joint radar and communication using experimental data showcases

Human Islet MicroRNA-200c Is Elevated in Type 2 Diabetes and Targets the Transcription Factor ETV5 to Reduce Insulin Secretion

MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are part of deregulated insulin secretion in type 2 diabetes (T2D) development. Rodent models have suggested miR-200c to be involved, but the role and potential as therapeutic target of this miRNA in human islets are not clear. Here we report increased expression of miR-200c in islets from T2D as compared with nondiabetic (ND) donors and display results showing reduced glucose-s