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Your search for "*" yielded 533510 hits

Search for a multi-Higgs-boson cascade in W(+)W(-)b(b)over-bar events with the ATLAS detector in pp collisions at root s=8 TeV

A search is presented for new particles in an extension to the Standard Model that includes a heavy Higgs boson (H-0), an intermediate charged Higgs-boson pair (H-+/-), and a light Higgs boson (h(0)). The analysis searches for events involving the production of a single heavy neutral Higgs boson which decays to the charged Higgs boson and a W boson, where the charged Higgs boson subsequently decay

No evidence of enteroviruses in the intestine of patients with type 1 diabetes

The purpose of this study was to investigate whether the gut mucosa is a reservoir for enterovirus persistence in patients with type 1 diabetes. Small intestine biopsy samples from 25 individuals at different stages of type 1 diabetes, 21 control individuals and 27 individuals with coeliac disease were analysed for the presence of enterovirus RNA by using both radioactive in-situ hybridisation and

Brain injury activates microglia that induce neural stem cell proliferation ex vivo and promote differentiation of neurosphere-derived cells into neurons and oligodendrocytes

Brain damage, such as ischemic stroke, enhances proliferation of neural stem/progenitor cells (NSPCs) in the subventricular zone (SVZ) To date, no reliable in vitro systems, which can be used to unravel the potential mechanisms underlying this lesion induced effect, have been established Here we developed an ex vivo method to investigate how the proliferation of NSPCs changes over time after exper

Seroconversion to islet autoantibodies between early pregnancy and delivery in non-diabetic mothers

Islet autoantibodies are currently used to classify type 1 diabetes at diagnosis as they reflect the autoimmune pathogenesis of the disease. The presence of maternal autoantibodies reactive with pancreatic islet antigens is thought to increase the risk for type 1 diabetes in the offspring. The objective of this study was to determine seroconversion to islet autoantibodies in non-diabetic mothers d

Virtuous carbon

To provides an overall framework for thinking about the construction of carbon markets, we adopt James Der Derian's 'virtuous war' theory to develop an argument about carbon as a virtuous commodity. This refers to the close affinity between virtuality and virtue - the technological and the ethical - in the construction of carbon markets. The figure of virtuous carbon draws attention to both the fi

Characterization and optimization of the laser-produced plasma EUV source at 13.5 nm based on a double-stream Xe/He gas puff target

The paper describes a debris-free, efficient laser-produced plasma source emitting EUV radiation. The source is based on a double-stream Xe/He gas-puff. Its properties and spectroscopic signatures are characterized and discussed. The spatio-spectral features of the EUV emission are investigated. We show a large body of results related to the intensity and brightness of the EUV emission, its spatia

The Presidential, Parliamentary and Local Elections in Malawi, May 2014

On 20 May 2014, Malawi arranged tripartite elections for president, parliament and local councils. The elections were remarkable for several reasons, seen from both an African and a Malawian perspective. Despite an uneven electoral playing field, the elections were highly competitive, ultimately leading to the country’s second turnover of power when opposition challenger Peter Mutharika defeated t

Asymmetric waves in wave energy systems analysed by the stochastic Gauss-Lagrange wave model

The Gauss-Lagrange stochastic wave model is known to produce irregular waves with realistic degrees of asymmetry. We present the basic structure of the model and illustrate three of its characteristic properties: front-back asymmetry, particle orbits, and average horseshoe pattern. We also study the effect of a linear filter in a wave energy converting (WEC) system on asymmetry and on average powe

Late Palaeoproterozoic mafic dyking in the Ukrainian Shield of Volgo-Sarmatia caused by rotation during the assembly of supercontinent Columbia (Nuna)

The Ukrainian Shield comprises the exposed crust of the large Palaeoproterozoic protocraton Volgo-Sarmatia, which together with the Fennoscandian crustal segment constitutes the East European Craton ("Baltica"). Geological and geophysical data indicate that 1.80 to 1.75 Ga mafic dykes related to anorthosite-mangerite-charnockite-granite (AMCG) plutons are widespread within the Ukrainian Shield. We

The slower the better? Does the speaker's speech rate influence children's performance on a language comprehension test?

The aim of this study was to examine the effects of speech rate on children's performance on a widely used language comprehension test, the Test for Reception of Grammar, version 2 (TROG'2), and to explore how test performance interacts with task difficulty and with the child's working memory capacity. Participants were 102 typically-developing Swedish-speaking children randomly assigned to one of

Intraspecific variations of Dekkera/Brettanomyces bruxellensis genome studied by capillary electrophoresis separation of the intron splice site profiles

In enology, "Brett" character refers to the wine spoilage caused by the yeast Dekkera/Brettanomyces bruxellensis and its production of volatile phenolic off-flavours. However, the spoilage potential of this yeast is strain-dependent. Therefore, a rapid and reliable recognition at the strain level is a key point to avoid serious economic losses. The present work provides an operative tool to assess

Multicomponent Interdiffusion and Self-Diffusion of the Cationic Poly{[9,9-bis(6 '-N,N,N-trimethylammonium)hexyl]fluorene-phenylene} Dibromide in a Dimethyl Sulfoxide plus Water Solution

The diffusion behavior of the conjugated polyelectrolyte poly{[9,9-bis(6'-N,N,N-trimethylammonium)hexyl]fluorene-phenylene) bromide (HTMA-PFP) with different molecular weights has been studied in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) + water solutions. Samples of HTMA-PFP with various molecular weights were obtained by synthesis of poly[9,9-bis(6'-bromohexyl)fluorene-phenylene] via a Suzuki coupling reaction,

The Functional Polymorphism 844 A>G in Fc{alpha}RI (CD89) Does Not Contribute to Systemic Sclerosis or Rheumatoid Arthritis Susceptibility.

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the role of the Fc(α)RI 844 A>G functional polymorphism in the genetic predisposition to rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and systemic sclerosis (SSc) susceptibility. METHODS: The study population was composed of 1401 patients with SSc, 642 patients with RA, and 1317 healthy controls. The Fc(α)RI (CD89) single-nucleotide polymorphism rs16986050 was genotyped by pyrosequencing. R

Transfer of cortical motor representation after a perinatal cerebral insult.

Abstract in UndeterminedIn a 16-year-old boy with hemiplegia and severe, intractable epilepsy after a neonatal cerebral ischemic insult, cortical motor control was only equivocally assessed by functional magnetic resonance imaging. Therefore, high-precision navigated transcranial magnetic stimulation was performed, which demonstrated that cortical control of muscles on the paretic side was selecti

Controlled Synthesis of Uniform Silver Nanospheres

We describe a new route, in which the polyethylene glycol (PEG) is used both as a solvent and reducing reagent and the polymer polyvinglpyrrolidone (PVP) is used as capping agent, for the synthesis of monodisperse silver nanoparticles. Uniform nanospheres with an average diameter of 54 nm can be routinely synthesized in high yield through this approach by using a PVP/AgNO3 molar ratio of 8 at 260

The many faces of diabetes: a disease with increasing heterogeneity

Diabetes is a much more heterogeneous disease than the present subdivision into types 1 and 2 assumes; type 1 and type 2 diabetes probably represent extremes on a range of diabetic disorders. Both type 1 and type 2 diabetes seem to result from a collision between genes and environment. Although genetic predisposition establishes susceptibility, rapid changes in the environment (ie, lifestyle facto