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Your search for "*" yielded 533549 hits

Humanistic and normativistic metaphysics, epistemology, and conative orientation: Two fundamental systems of meaning

Polarity Theory suggests that worldview controversies spanning areas such as morality, politics, epistemology, and metaphysics are ultimately rooted in the clash between humanism, which portrays human nature as intrinsically good and valuable, and normativism, which portrays human goodness and value as contingent upon conformity and achievement. Previous research has shown that humanism and normat

Deriving seasonal dynamics in ecosystem properties of semi-arid savanna grasslands from in situ-based hyperspectral reflectance

This paper investigates how hyperspectral reflectance (between 350 and 1800 nm) can be used to infer ecosystem properties for a semi-arid savanna grassland in West Africa using a unique in situ-based multi-angular data set of hemispherical conical reflectance factor (HCRF) measurements. Relationships between seasonal dynamics in hyperspectral HCRF and ecosystem properties (biomass, gross primary p

Multi-professional and multi-dimensional group education - a key to action in elderly persons

Purpose: This study was intended to evaluate a multi-professional health-promoting and disease-preventive intervention organized as multi-professional senior group meetings, which addressed home-dwelling, independently living, cognitively intact elderly persons (80 +/-), by exploring the participants' experiences of the intervention. Method: The focus group methodology was used to interview a tota

Re-Os and U-Pb constraints on gold mineralisation events in the Meso- to Neoarchaean Storo greenstone belt, Storo, southern West Greenland

The Storo greenstone belt in Godthabsfjord, southern West Greenland consists of juxtaposed rock units of different age and origin, and hosts gold mineralisation that is associated with arsenopyrite along a contact between lithological units and along the axial plane of a large fold core. The age and origin of the gold is debatable, but in this paper, we present new arsenopyrite Re-Os and zircon U-

A direct numerical simulation study of interface propagation in homogeneous turbulence

A 3D direct numerical simulation (DNS) study of the evolution of a self-propagating interface in forced constant-density statistically stationary homogeneous isotropic turbulence was performed by solving Navier–Stokes and level-set equations under a wide range of conditions that cover various (from 0.1 to 2.0) ratios of the interface speed SL to the r.m.s. turbulent velocity U′ and various (50, 10

A Protocol for the exo-Mono and exo,exo-Bis Functionalization of the Diazocine Ring of Tröger's Base.

An efficient protocol has been developed for the exo-mono and exo,exo-bis functionalization of Tröger's base in the benzylic 6 and 12 positions of the diazocine ring. The lithiation of Tröger's base using s-BuLi/TMEDA followed by electrophilic quench affords exo-mono- and exo,exo-bis-substituted derivatives of Tröger's base in good to excellent yields. The variation of the number of equivalents of

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: gender differences in the use of mechanical ventilation

Background and purpose: Invasive and non-invasive mechanical ventilation are therapeutic options in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Related to known national ALS incidence figures, the study aims to examine gender aspects versus physiological data in patients with ALS commencing mechanical ventilation. Methods: Data from two nationwide registers involving all patients with ALS i

Aerobic and anaerobic nitrogen transformation processes in N-2-fixing cyanobacterial aggregates

Colonies of N-2-fixing cyanobacteria are key players in supplying new nitrogen to the ocean, but the biological fate of this fixed nitrogen remains poorly constrained. Here, we report on aerobic and anaerobic microbial nitrogen transformation processes that co-occur within millimetre-sized cyanobacterial aggregates (Nodularia spumigena) collected in aerated surface waters in the Baltic Sea. Microe

An Analytical Link Loss Model for On-Body Propagation Around the Body Based on Elliptical Approximation of the Torso with Arms' Influence Included

An analytical model for estimating the link loss for the on-body wave propagation around the torso is presented. The model is based on the attenuation of the creeping waves over an elliptical approximation of the human torso and includes the influence of the arms. The importance of including the arms’ effect for a proper estimation of the link loss is discussed. The model is validated by the full-

The Postcolonial has Moved into Europe: Bordering, Security and Ethno-Cultural Belonging

The legacy of European colonialisms and nationalisms has conditioned immigration and citizenship policies that inform the postcolonial move into Europe. This article questions the assumptions that undergird conceptions of boundary, territory and ethno-cultural belonging in the constitution of Europe. In particular, it emphasizes how Europe and European integration must be read within the context o

Multiple legitimacy narratives and planned organizational change

This article explores the cultural narratives through which members of organizations define legitimacy during prolonged periods of change. We view legitimacy work as a cultural practice and interpretive process that takes the form of organizational narratives. We show how the shifting configurations of internal power relations shape both the choice and the meaning attached to the varied legitimacy

Combined effects of global change pressures on animal-mediated pollination

Pollination is an essential process in the sexual reproduction of seed plants and a key ecosystem service to human welfare. Animal pollinators decline as a consequence of five major global change pressures: climate change, landscape alteration, agricultural intensification, non-native species, and spread of pathogens. These pressures, which differ in their biotic or abiotic nature and their spatio

Insulin-like growth factor I and risk of epithelial invasive ovarian cancer by tumour characteristics: results from the EPIC cohort

Background: Prospective studies on insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) and epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) risk are inconclusive. Data suggest risk associations vary by tumour characteristics. Methods: We conducted a nested case-control study in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) to evaluate IGF-I concentrations and EOC risk by tumour characteristics (n = 565

Controlled, cross-sectional MRI evaluation of joint status in severe haemophilia A patients treated with prophylaxis vs. on demand

In patients with haemophilia A, factor VIII (FVIII) prophylaxis reduces bleeding frequency and joint damage compared with on-demand therapy. To assess the effect of prophylaxis initiation age, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was used to evaluate bone and cartilage damage in patients with severe haemophilia A. In this cross-sectional, multinational investigation, patients aged 12-35years were assi

The Electrically Wired Molybdenum Domain of Human Sulfite Oxidase is Bioelectrocatalytically Active

We report electron transfer between the catalytic molybdenum cofactor (Moco) domain of human sulfite oxidase (hSO) and electrodes through a poly(vinylpyridine)-bound [osmium(N,N'-methyl-2,2'-biimidazole)(3)](2+/3+) complex as the electron-transfer mediator. The biocatalyst was immobilized in this low-potential redox polymer on a carbon electrode. Upon the addition of sulfite to the immobilized sep

Controlling the microclimate of the skin though the application of occluding films

The skin barrier is a responding membrane that separates environments with profoundly different water contents. This implies a substantial water gradient across the skin membrane, which controls transepidermal water loss (TEWL) and skin hydration. We define the microclimate of the skin as the activity of water in the outermost layer of skin. By applying an occluding film composed of a pharmaceutic

Search for New Particles in Two-Jet Final States in 7 TeV Proton-Proton Collisions with the ATLAS Detector at the LHC

A search for new heavy particles manifested as resonances in two-jet final states is presented. The data were produced in 7 TeV proton-proton collisions by the LHC and correspond to an integrated luminosity of 315 nb(-1) collected by the ATLAS detector. No resonances were observed. Upper limits were set on the product of cross section and signal acceptance for excited-quark (q*) production as a fu

Agglomeration Economies in Classical Music

This study investigates agglomeration effects for classical music production in a wide range of cities for a global sample of composers born between 1750 and 1899. Theory suggests a trade-off between agglomeration economies (peer effects) and diseconomies (peer crowding). I test this hypothesis using historical data on composers and employ a unique instrumental variable - a measure of birth centra

Process-based models not always better than empirical models for predicting budburst of Norway spruce and birch in Europe.

Budburst models have mainly been developed to capture the processes of individual trees, and vary in their complexity and plant physiological realism. We evaluated how well eleven models capture the variation in budburst of birch and Norway spruce in Germany, Austria, the United Kingdom and Finland. The comparison was based on the models performance in relation to their underlying physiological as