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Projekt som det politiska samverkanskravets uppsamlingsplatser: en studie av Malmö stads projektverksamheter

Många studier har visat på svårigheten att hantera komplexa, gränsöverskridande problem i kortsiktig projektform; likväl fortsätter politikens projektifiering. I denna artikel genomförs en empirisk studie av Malmö stads projektverksamheter i syfte att undersöka förändrande och stabiliserande effekter av projekt. Ett vidare syfte är att utveckla den statsvetenskapliga förståelsen av den ökade använ

Riskabelt att skapa låtsasmarknader i välfärden

Vinsterna bland företagen i välfärdssektorn kan bara hämtas hem genom att krympa kostnaderna. Men att låta företag agera på låtsasmarknader, där nedskärningar är det enda sättet att gå med vinst på kort sikt, är en riskabel väg i välfärdsbyggandet.

Accelerator physics studies of the MAX-lab storage rings

Popular Abstract in Swedish Synkrotronstrålning genereras när laddade partiklar som färdas med relativistiska hastigheter böjs av i ett magnetfält. Under accelerationen som böjningen utgör genereras synkrotronstrålning i en smal kon i partikelns framåtriktning. Denna fotonstrålning är intensiv och utgör en användbar prob inom materialforskningen. Genom att belysa material med synkrotronstrålningenWithin research, synchrotron radiation is a highly useful probe for the study of materials, their properties and structures. Currently, no other radiation source allows the combination of high intensity and short wavelengths. The 3rd generation light sources currently in use for the production of synchrotron radiation are however considerable investments: for already existing facilities this makes

Clonal chromosomal abnormalities in congenital bile duct dilatation (Caroli's disease)

BACKGROUND: Caroli's disease is a rare congenital disorder characterised by cystic dilatation of the intrahepatic bile ducts and an increased risk of cholangiocellular carcinoma. The cause is unknown, but occasional familial clustering suggests that some cases are inherited, in particular when occurring in association with polycystic kidney disease and germline PKD1 gene mutations. To date, no gen

Numerical evaluation of multinormal probabilities

The multivariate normal probability integral with a product correlation structure can be transformed to a one dimensional integral and easily evaluated when the correlation matrix is non-singular and well conditioned. However, the nearly singular case is much more difficult and previous methods fail to compute it with high numerical precision. This paper demonstrates that the (nearly) singular cas

Orientalist Social Work: Cultural otherization of Muslim Immigrants in Sweden

This aim of this article is to critically examine how the concept of culture is used in Sweden to explain the “failure” or the difficulties that Muslim immigrant families are experiencing with regards to their integration into the dominant society. Whereas, the Swedish society is often represented as ‘modern’, ‘progressive’, and ‘democratic’, immigrants with Muslim backgrounds are predominately de

Post cardiac arrest care and follow-up in Sweden - a national web-survey.

Recent decades have shown major improvements in survival rates after cardiac arrest. However, few interventions have been tested in order to improve the care for survivors and their family members. In many countries, including Sweden, national guidelines for post cardiac arrest care and follow-up programs are not available and current practice has not previously been investigated. The aim of this