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Your search for "*" yielded 533629 hits

Fast Witness Extraction using a Decision Oracle

The gist of many (NP-)hard combinatorial problems is to decide whether a universe of n elements contains a witness consisting of k elements that match some prescribed pattern. For some of these problems there are known advanced algebra-based FPT algorithms which solve the decision problem but do not return the witness. We investigate techniques for turning such a YES/NO-decision oracle into an alg

Semantic profiles of antonymic adjectives in discourse

This study has two goals: Firstly, to give an account of the semantic organization of individually used antonymic adjectives in discourse, and secondly, based on these finding, and previous work on antonymic meanings, contribute to a comprehensive theoretical account of their representation within the framework of Cognitive Linguistics. The hypothesis is that the members of the pairs are used in t

Search for supersymmetry in events with large missing transverse momentum, jets, and at least one tau lepton in 20 fb(-1) of root s=8 TeV proton-proton collision data with the ATLAS detector

A search for supersymmetry (SUSY) in events with large missing transverse momentum, jets, at least one hadronically decaying tau lepton and zero or one additional light leptons (electron/muon), has been performed using 20.3 fb(-1) of proton-proton collision data at root s = 8 TeV recorded with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider. No excess above the Standard Model background expectatio

Phase Coexistence in a Dynamic Phase Diagram.

Metastability and phase coexistence are important concepts in colloidal science. Typically, the phase diagram of colloidal systems is considered at the equilibrium without the presence of an external field. However, several studies have reported phase transition under mechanical deformation. The reason behind phase coexistence under shear flow is not fully understood. Here, multilamellar vesicle (

TOA-Based Self-Calibration of Dual-Microphone Array

In this paper, we study the time-of-arrival (TOA) based self-calibration problem of dual-microphone array for known and unknown rack distance, and also for different combinations of dimension for the affine spaces spanned by the receivers and by the senders. Particularly, we analyze the minimum cases and present minimum solvers for the case of microphones and speakers in 3-D/3-D, in 2-D/3-D, and i

Analysis of binding sites on complement factor I using artificial N-linked glycosylation.

Factor I (FI) is a serine protease that inhibits all complement pathways by degrading activated complement components C3b and C4b. FI functions only in the presence of several cofactors such as factor H, C4b-binding protein, complement receptor 1 and membrane cofactor protein. FI is composed of two chains linked by a disulphide bridge; the light chain comprises only the serine protease (SP) domain

Experimental inflammation following dural application of complete Freund's adjuvant or inflammatory soup does not alter brain and trigeminal microvascular passage.

Migraine is a paroxysmal, disabling primary headache that affects 16 % of the adult population. In spite of decades of intense research, the origin and the pathophysiology mechanisms involved are still not fully known. Although triptans and gepants provide effective relief from acute migraine for many patients, their site of action remains unidentified. It has been suggested that during migraine a

Children with Atopic Dermatitis Should Always be Patch-tested if They Have Hand or Foot Dermatitis.

In industrialised countries atopic dermatitis (AD) is the most common chronic inflammatory disease among children. Many factors influence this disease in a negative way and contact allergy is one such factor. The aim of the study was to examine the frequency of contact allergy among children with the diagnosis AD in Malmö, Sweden and to evaluate if a significant degree of contact allergies in thes

Training activities on radiation protection in nuclear medicine in the frame of the EURATOM FP7 collaborative project MADEIRA

MADEIRA was a Collaborative Project cofunded by the European Commission through the EURATOM Seventh Research Framework Programme. It was structured into four scientific work packages, and its aim was to optimize the efficacy and safety of 3D functional imaging in nuclear medicine and thereby to reduce the radiation exposures of the patients while keeping or even improving the quality of the diagno

Credit-Claiming or Blame Avoidance? Comparing the Relationship between Welfare State Beliefs and the Framing of Social Policy Retrenchment in France and Germany

This study aims to theorize more concretely the micro-foundations of reform strategies with attention to the role of would-be reform winners in motivating strategy choice. The theory incorporates insights about multidimensional preferences into Weaver’s framework and builds on a growing literature on the framing of welfare state change in order to hypothesize that governments may face a vote-seeki

A Quantitative Balian-Low Theorem

We study functions generating Gabor Riesz bases on the integer lattice. The classical Balian-Low theorem (BLT) restricts the simultaneous time and frequency localization of such functions. We obtain a quantitative estimate on their Zak transform that extends both this result and the more general (p,q) Balian-Low theorem. Moreover, we establish a family of quantitative amalgam-type Balian-Low theor

Standard first-line chemotherapy with or without nintedanib for advanced ovarian cancer (AGO-OVAR 12): a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled phase 3 trial.

Angiogenesis is a target in the treatment of ovarian cancer. Nintedanib, an oral triple angiokinase inhibitor of VEGF receptor, platelet-derived growth factor receptor, and fibroblast growth factor receptor, has shown activity in phase 2 trials in this setting. We investigated the combination of nintedanib with standard carboplatin and paclitaxel chemotherapy in patients with newly diagnosed advan

A Matter of Time: Revisiting Growth Convergence in China

China’s unbalanced growth strategy has seemingly fostered growing inter-regional growth disparities and there is little evidence of wealth trickling down from richer provinces to poorer provinces. Standard convergence tests, however, may be ill specified to detect underlying long-term growth trends in small samples due to the pronounced and frequent inter-regional short-term fluctuations. Our pape

Peripheral antioxidant markers are associated with total hippocampal and CA3/dentate gyrus volume in MDD and healthy controls-preliminary findings.

Several psychiatric disorders, including major depressive disorder (MDD), are associated with increased blood markers of oxidative stress. The relevance of this to the oxidation-sensitive hippocampus (HC) is unknown. We investigated the relationship between peripheral oxidative stress markers and HC volume in unmedicated individuals with MDD (n=16) and healthy controls (n=19). To conserve power, o

Effect of polymorphisms in the leptin, leptin receptor, and acyl-coenzyme A:diacylglycerol acyltransferase 1 (DGAT1) genes and genetic polymorphism of milk proteins on cheese characteristics.

Cheese production has increased worldwide during the last decade and is expected to increase within the coming decade as well. Despite this, the relations between cow genetics and cheese characteristics are not fully known. The aim of this study was to determine if polymorphisms in the leptin (LEP), leptin receptor (LEPR), and acyl-coenzyme A:diacylglycerol acyltransferase 1 (DGAT1) genes as well