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Omsorgstagares inflytande över vardag och framtid : en kvalitetsundersökning i två gruppbostäder för utvecklingsstörda

The purpose of this paper was to, from a user perspective examine and describe how the cares of people with learning disabilities in two care residences fulfil stated quality objectives. Another purpose was also to examine if the quality tool, Quest, was useful when evaluating Swedish conditions. The result shows the conditions were good for performing high quality care, but there are certain need

Sprutbytesprojektet - rätt eller fel? : en diskursanalys

The purpose of this study was to explore how the arguments for and against syringe exchange has been, in what way both parties opinions differ, and how they give weight to their arguments. We used a method called discourse analysis in this study. One can describe discourse as a way of describing the world by using words. The foundation for this work has been collected in interviews and newspaper a

Högstadieflickor förklarar mobbning och sexuella trakasserier

The purpose of this essay was to describe, from a perspective of gender, how girls, from the eighth and ninth grade in school explained bullying and sexual harassment and how bullying and sexual harassment was explained in topical research. The main issues were: 1. What does bullying and sexual harassment mean? 2. Who becomes a bully and who becomes a sexual harasser? 3. Why do they bully or sexua

"Vi och Dom" : en studie om inflytande och ortsbors syn på varandra i Båstad kommun

This composition is based on a rural district with 14 000 inhabitants. It's an agricultural district with much summer tourism. During the last five to ten years the summer tourists have started to by houses in the district. They can offer a lot more than the locals. The consequences will be that the locals will live in specific areas that are less attractive. Four interviews have been made wit

Har ungdomar som kommit på "glid" någon chans att normaliseras?: vad tror ungdomarna själva?

The purpose of our essay was to investigate whether a certain group of young people felt that they had a chance to live according to the rules and standards that rule our society through certain given support actions. Central issues were, e.g., if we could understand the situation of the adolescents through certain theories about social background and integration. Were the adolescents considered a

Nyrekrytering av personal i Helsingborg - en studie av tre förvaltningar inom kommunen samt tre privata företag

Our purpose with this paper was to examine how new recruitment of personnel were done and how new recruitment of people with an immigrant background was done. The purpose was also to see what kind of qualifications that are requested now and in the future and also if diversity is aimed at. We were interested to see the current situation at the local authorities and at private companies in Helsingb

Önskan att förstå andra människor – En studie om socionomers syn på kulturkompetens inom skolans värld

Our purpose was to examine what point of view social workers, active in schools, have of cross-cultural competence. To accomplish this we interviewed six counsellors in different senior-level compulsory schools in Malmö and Lund. The framing questions were: · What does cross-cultural competence mean? · What are the advantages and disadvantages with such competence? · Is it something that differs i

"Innan såg man sig själv som en skitig knarkare helt enkelt"Berättelser om vägen in och ut ur missbruket med händelser, tankar och beslut om ett drogfritt liv.

The purpose of this essay was to try to understand wich situations and events influenced individuals in the process of both becoming a drug-addict and in the process becoming a person with a drug-free life. The framing of the questions we had were if it was possible to see a pattern and find similarities in the changing-process, what role did relationsships play and which turning-points was import

Stora kvinnor: en studie av samhällets inställning till kvinnor med kraftig övervikt

The purpose of this essay is to examine if discrimination of obese women occurs and if people in general have prejudices against these women. We have made an investigation to find out if there is any connection between female obesity and social exclusion/discrimination. We have also investigated what kind of prejudices against female obesity that impress our society. We wanted to investigate how o

Att styra eller styras : regionpolitiker om politiskt arbetsgivaransvar

Purpose: The political management of health care in Region Skåne, has been the subject of criticism due to irrational government. The situation has been described in media as a lack of faith in the politicians. Furthermore professional representatives also described experiences that political decisions are sometimes seen as complicated factors in the running of everyday care-giving activities. The

Pappa av stål, pappa av plast, pappa av ... : åtta personers röster om vad en pappa är

The purpose of this essay was to examine how eight persons described their fathers, out of qualities, function and role. We also wanted to find out how they described their idealfather. Second the purpose was to compare the experience from two groups of respondents. Four of the respondents had grown up with a biological father and the other four with a non-biological father. Were there any differe

Hur jag mår? : en valideringsstudie av BarnKASAM-testet i årskurs 1-4

This study investigated the validity of the Children's Sense of Coherence Scale, CSOC (in Swedish BarnKASAM-testet). We also studied if the test, from a developmental psychological point of view, was possible to use with children in grade 1-4, aged 7-11 years old. The results of the scale were also compared with two other test instruments that were expected to measure similar qualities. The CS

Ung och mamma

The purpose of our paper was to examine what it is like to be a young mother in todays society. We have focused on the young mothers social network and how people around them has been treating them. We have also looked at what kind of support the young mothers get from the society and how they picture their future. We have been working out of a qualitative method of inquiry and interviewed ten mot

Vårdnadskonflikter och sexuella övergrepp ur familjerättens perspektiv

American studies have shown that sexual abuse allegations within the family during divorce cases occur in the USA. No previous studies regarding this matter has been undertaken in Sweden. I therefore decided to investigate the occurrence of sexual abuse allegations in Sweden and more specifically in Helsingborg. My purpose was to find out the frequency of sexual abuse allegations within families r

"Att vara handikappad är faktiskt inte så lätt som man tror" : samtal med funktionshindrade ungdomar om deras syn på gymnasieutbildning och nuvarande livssituation

Syftet med uppsatsen var att få kunskap om hur livssituationen ser ut för de funktionshindrade ungdomar som inte genomgått sin gymnasieutbildning på riksgymnasiet. Mitt intresse riktade sig mot ungdomarnas egen syn på sin situation. Syftet var att utifrån deras berättelser om sig själva och sina upplevelser beskriva hur deras gymnasieutbildning blev och hur den fört dem till den situation de befin

Äldre invandrare i äldreomsorgsplaneringen

The purpose of this essay was to study the social planning, in terms of age care, of the elderly immigrants in Sweden. I wanted to examine if elderly immigrants have special needs and if so, how they are met. I also wanted to find out in what way elderly immigrants are taken into consideration in the planning process of age care and how one can relate that to the planning of age care in general. M

Varför ökar elevantalet i särskolan?: en rättighet eller en avstjälpningsplats?

The purpose of this study was to examine the cause of the major increase of the number of pupils in the special school in the Swedish school system during the 1990's in Sweden. The main questions were: What were the criteria for rights to undergo education within the special school and had they changed? What structural changes could had contributed to the increase of the number of pupils in th

I have a dream : a study of Maori mothers living on social welfare, their lives, dreams and thoughts about the future

The purpose of this Thesis was to let a group of six Maori single mothers, depending on Social Welfare, tell the story about their lives, their dreams and thoughts about the future. The queries at issue dealt with topics such as the interview persons (IPs) economy, living standard and family constellations. Other questions dealt with reasons for getting and staying on Social Welfare, interactions

Welcome Czech Republic! - The EU accession process in three perspectives

The objective of this essay was to shed light on the problems concerning social policy and employment issues involved in the Czech Republic's accession process into the European Union. Central questions asked was; What does the social policy of the EU, the same policy the Czech Republic is adjusting to, look like? What kind of problems is the Czech Republic experiencing with the adjustment? Ar