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Expression of human all-trans-retinoic acid receptor beta and its ligand-binding domain in Escherichia coli

all-trans-Retinoic acid, one of the hormonally active derivatives of vitamin A, occurs physiologically in plasma at a concentration below 10 nmol/l. The methods currently used for its quantification are based on HPLC, need about 1 ml of serum, are relatively laborious and thus not well suited for mass analysis. The affinity and specificity of retinoic acid receptors for all-trans-retinoic acid enc

Spectroscopic techniques for photodynamic therapy dosimetry

Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling handlar till stora delar om fotodynamisk tumörterapi (PDT). PDT har sedan början av förra århundradet undersökts som ett tänkbart alternativ till strålningsbehandling, kirurgi och kemoterapi för behandling av cancertumörer i kroppen. Precis som namnet antyder involverar metoden en fotodynamisk reaktion. För att denna reaktion skall ske behövs tre kompoPhotodynamic therapy (PDT) as a cancer treatment modality relies on the simultaneous presence of three components; light, photosensitiser and oxygen. Once excited by the light, the photosensitiser can interact with oxygen, leading to the formation of toxic oxygen species. These reactive substances induce cellular damage within the irradiated tissue volume. PDT has been investigated for treating ma

Upconversion luminescence of CdTe nanoparticles

Efficient upconversion luminescence is observed from CdTe nanoparticles in solution and precipitated as solids. In the solids, the upconversion luminescence spectrum is significantly red shifted relative to the photoluminescence spectrum, whereas in solution, there is very little spectral shift. The upconversion luminescence exhibits a near-quadratic laser power dependence, both at room temperatur

What Determines the Costs of Repair and Rehabilitation of Flexor Tendon Injuries in Zone II? A Multiple Regression Analysis of Data From Southern Sweden.

The epidemiology and costs of repair and rehabilitation of zone 11 flexor tendon injuries in 135 patients from the southern part of Sweden were analysed. The little finger was most frequently injured (43%), usually with a knife (46%), and 30% of the injuries were work related. Total median costs within the health-care sector for the injuries were SEK 48,500 (1 EURO = 9.23 SEK, 4/1/2002). Costs in

Multi-hadron final states

This summary aims to highlight major results and insights gained from recent studies of hadronic final states in ep, p (p) over bar, e(+)e(-), as well as relevant theoretical developments, presented in the Multi-Hadron Final States parallel sessions of the DIS2002 workshop held in Krakow, Poland in May 2002.

Low-temperature MOCVD growth of InN buffer layers with indium pre-deposition technology

Cubic-InN was grown at a low temperature of 350 degrees C using our home-made low-pressure metal-organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD). The technology of indium pre-deposition was applied, that is, a layer of indium was deposited on the sapphire surface with a precursor of trimethylindium (TMI) before the growth of InN. Both X-ray diffraction (XRD) and X-ray photoelectron (XPS) spectra show th

Geometric foundation and quantification of the flow in a verbal expression

This article shows that language must be conceived of as a natural system that becomes structured through rhythmic driving forces. This gives weight to the hypothesis that rotatio¬nal dynamics is basic to the effects that selective textual movement patterns have on the evolution of texture, i.e. a text surface. The experimental procedure has been focused on the manipulation of text translation, as

Distribution of different fibre types in human skeletal muscles. I. Method for the preparation and analysis of cross-sections of whole tibialis anterior

The aim of this study was to examine whether small biopsy specimens are representative of the whole human skeletal muscle or whether the different fibre types are unevenly distributed at different depths of the muscle. Ten micrometre thick cross-sections of whole human tibialis anterior were prepared using LKB PMV Cryo-Microtomes with a stroke length of 160 to 480 mm and the sections were stained

Adaptation of postural control to perturbations-a process that initiates long-term motor memory.

The objective was to investigate postural control adaptation during daily repeated posturography with vibratory calf stimulation. The posturography was performed with eyes open and closed daily for 5 days and after 90 days on 12 healthy subjects. The postural control adaptation could be described as two separate processes, a rapid adaptation during the test progress and a long-term habituation bet

IL-3 and IL-4 activate cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterases 3 (PDE3) and 4 (PDE4) by different mechanisms in FDCP2 myeloid cells

In FDCP2 myeloid cells, IL-4 activated cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterases PDE3 and PDE4, whereas IL-3, granulocyte-macrophage CSF (GM-CSF), and phorbol ester (PMA) selectively activated PDE4. IL-4 (not IL-3 or GM-CSF) induced tyrosine phosphorylation of insulin-receptor substrate-2 (IRS-2) and its association with phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3-K). TNF-alpha, AG-490 (Janus kinase inhibitor),

A PIXE System for Routine Longitudinal Scanning of Single Hair Strands

This article describes a PIXE system designed and constructed for routine longitudinal scanning of single hair strands. In constructing a PIXE system for trace elemental scans of single hair strands on a routine basis, a fairly intense beam has to be used but the heating damage must be kept to a minimum. The experimental conditions (charge integration, beam homogeneity etc.) have to be carefully c

Billigare, effektivare och mer kompetent genom samarbete

Hur ska den svenska samhällsstrukturen vara utformad? Vem ska egentligen göra vad? Detta är centrala frågor som idag diskuteras flitigt när man både på nationell och lokal nivå konstaterar att det är gott om framtida utmaningar. Delvis råder det nu en situation där 'hela havet stormar' när den befintliga samhällsstrukturen är under utredning genom t ex Ansvarskommittén. Inom avfallsområdet har eme

Xenoestrogenic activity in blood of European and Inuit populations

BACKGROUND: Human exposure to persistent organic pollutants (POPs) is ubiquitous and found in all individuals. Studies have documented endocrine disrupting effects and impact on reproduction. The aim of the present study was to compare the level of xenoestrogenic activity in serum of groups with varying POP exposure, and to evaluate correlations to the POP biomarkers, 2,2',4,4',5,5'-hexachlorobiph

Mobile Positioning in MIMO System Using Particle Filtering

Abstract—This paper represents the results of a simulation study on positioning of a mobile unit in MIMO settings. We used two different approaches for modeling the mobile movement, combined with a simple geometrical model for the MIMO channel. Three different particle filters were implemented for the position estimation. The results show that all three filters are able to achieve estimation accur