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Migrants’ experiences of a nature-based vocational rehabilitation programme in relation to place, occupation, health and everyday life

Forced migration has dramatically increased around the world during the last decade. Integration, including health and work among migrants, is an important topic in many European countries; thus, it is crucial to develop relevant approaches to address challenges that arise in tandem with migration and work. Nature-based intervention is one such approach that addresses different kinds of challenges

Replication study reveals miR-483-5p as an important target in prevention of cardiometabolic disease

BackgroundAlterations in levels of circulating micro-RNAs might reflect within organ signaling or subclinical tissue injury that is linked to risk of diabetes and cardiovascular risk. We previously found that serum levels of miR-483-5p is correlated with cardiometabolic risk factors and incidence of cardiometabolic disease in a case–control sample from the populations-based Malmö Diet and Cancer S

Empowering upcoming city developers with futures literacy

New types of human capacities will be needed to achieve sustainable futures within our planet's limited boundaries. The capability of futures thinking, i.e., futures literacy is among the required proficiencies. This research explores how engaging in futures studies methods develops the futures literacy of upcoming city developers. Four student test groups, with altogether 373 participants, took p

Oxidation kinetics of methyl crotonate : A comprehensive modeling and experimental study

The current study explores the combustion behavior of methyl crotonate (CH3CH=CHC(=O)OCH3), which is a short ester representative of large unsaturated methyl esters. Starting with a detailed kinetic model for methyl butanoate (CH3CH2CH2C(=O)OCH3) oxidation, revisions are introduced to the C0-C4 chemistry based on the recent Aramco mechanism 3.0. The resulting mechanism is combined with a short mod

Cadmium, total mercury, and lead in blood and associations with diet, sociodemographic factors, and smoking in Swedish adolescents

Background: Despite their vulnerability to the toxic effects of certain metals, biomonitoring data on adolescents are limited. In the present study, we assessed blood concentrations of toxic metals (cadmium [Cd], total mercury [Hg], and lead [Pb] in a national representative sample of Swedish adolescents. We also examined the associations of Cd, total Hg and Pb with habitual intakes of major energ

The Angantyr model for heavy ions in Pythia8

Pythia8 is the only general purpose event generator able to produce complete fully exclusive hadronic final states in collisions involving heavy ions. The model that allows this is called Angantyr and will be discussed in this contribution. The contribution also discusses models based on interactions between strings in an extention of the Lund model that are able to describe some collective effect

Rapid neural processing of grammatical tone in second language learners

The present dissertation investigates how beginner learners process grammatical tone in a second language and whether their processing is influenced by phonological transfer. Paper I focuses on the acquisition of Swedish grammatical tone by beginner learners from a non-tonal language, German. Results show that non-tonal beginner learners do not process the grammatical regularities of the tones but

Can iterative reconstruction algorithms replace tube loading compensation in low kVp hepatic CT? : Subjective versus objective image quality

Background: Hepatic computed tomography (CT) with decreased peak kilovoltage (kVp) may be used to reduce contrast medium doses in patients at risk of contrast-induced acute kidney injury (CI-AKI); however, it increases image noise. To preserve image quality, noise has been controlled by X-ray tube loading (mAs) compensation (TLC), i.e. increased mAs. Another option to control image noise would be

Prenatal diagnosis : The co-production of knowledge and values in medical research and public debate

This chapter examines how prenatal diagnosis was discussed and interpreted when translated from laboratories and clinics into the public arena. It focusses on debates about policy and regulation in the early 1980s. Drawing on the concept of co-production the chapter argues that when groups outside the medical context discussed prenatal diagnosis, other values and norms were mobilized. Thus, in ordThis chapter examines how prenatal diagnosis was discussed and interpreted when translated from laboratories and clinics into the public arena. It focusses on debates about policy and regulation in the early 1980s. Drawing on the concept of co-production the chapter argues that when groups outside the medical context discussed prenatal diagnosis, other values and norms were mobilized. Thus, in ord

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Formalized triage has been implemented in all Danish emergency departments. The validation behind formalized triage has focused on investigating predictive validity, i.e. correspondence between triage category and different outcome measures. Reliability is primarily investigated in terms of inter-rater reliability on written patient cases, and several studies have methodological limitations questi

Extended theoretical transition data in C I-IV

Accurate atomic data are essential for opacity calculations and for abundance analyses of the Sun and other stars. The aim of this work is to provide accurate and extensive results of energy levels and transition data for C i–iv. The Multiconfiguration Dirac–Hartree–Fock and relativistic configuration interaction methods were used in this work. To improve the quality of the wavefunctions and reduc