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alpha-Trinositol: a functional (non-receptor) neuropeptide Y antagonist in vasculature

Neuropeptide Y is a sympathetic co-neurotransmitter released with noradrenaline upon sympathetic nerve stimulation. This study describes the ability of a synthetic inositol phosphate, alpha-trinositol(D-myo-inositol 1,2,6-triphosphate; PP 56) to antagonize vasoconstrictor responses to neuropeptide Y in-vitro as well as in-vivo. In human and guinea-pig isolated arteries alpha-trinositol potently (1

Konstruktion av förnyelse i organisationer

Popular Abstract in Swedish Strävan efter förnyelse präglar det moderna samhället och dess organisationer. Överlevnad och framgång anses vara förknippad med förmågan att förändra och ompröva befintliga förhållanden. Det gäller snart sagt alla typer av verksamheter. Vi vet samtidigt att organisationer inte enbart utmärks av sin förmåga att ständigt förnyas. Etablerade arbetssätt, organiseringsformeThe aim of this thesis is to generate a theory of renewal in organizations. In modern society, characterized by the idea of progress, renewal has become an axiomatic assumption behind organizational existence. From an institutional perspective, the continuous search for new organizational forms and practises can be described as a process of imitation. The thesis acknowledges renewal as a process o

A chemotaxonomic method for classification of asymmetric Penicillia by means of cross-partition in aqueous 2-phase systems combined with simca pattern-recognition analysis

A chemotaxonomic method for classification of asymmetric penicillia by means of cross-partition in aqueous two-phase systems combined with SIMCA pattern recognition analysis. Conidia of three strains each of three closely related Penicillium species in the P. oiridicatum group were subjected to cross-partition in aqueous polymer two-phase systems. The cross-point values, the percentage of conidia

Accurate sample-and-hold circuit model

An accurate circuit model is presented for the general sample-and-hold circuit with a finite sampling duration. The applications of the model, such as to design a direct down-conversion sampler (RF sampler) and to calculate the thermal noise and output SNR of the general sample-and-hold circuit, are discussed. The results provide a theoretical basis for understanding and designing a sample-and-hol

Development of a microtomography system at the Lund sub-micron beamline

A system for ion beam tomography has been implemented in conjunction with the new sub-micron bearriline at the Lund Nuclear Microprobe laboratory. The first version of the system is dedicated to STIM (scanning transmission ion microscopy) tomography for three-dimensional mass density analysis, but future development will allow also PIXE (particle induced X-ray emission) tomography for elemental an

Molecular analysis of the O alleles at the blood group ABO locus in populations of different ethnic origin reveals novel crossing-over events and point mutations

The blood group ABO genotypes of 138 group O individuals with three different ethnic origins in Brazil were determined, including Whites, Blacks and Amerindians. Several previously undescribed O alleles were found, predominantly in the Black group, in which about a third of the samples did not conform to previously known O allele structures. It has been well documented for the first time that some

Tunneling spectroscopy of a quantum dot through a single impurity

A single impurity inside a resonant tunneling diode is used to perform tunneling spectroscopy on an adjacent electrostatically defined vertical quantum dot. This results in tunneling between two zero-dimensional systems, measured as a set of sharp peaks in the current-voltage spectrum for finite bias. Magnetic-field-dependent measurements show that the angular momentum of the tunneling electrons i

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Abstract in German A complete documentation of the castles in SE Denmark

Crystallographic characterization of two novel crystal forms of human insulin induced by chaotropic agents and a shift in pH

Background: Insulin is a therapeutic protein that is widely used for the treatment of diabetes. Its biological function was discovered more than 80 years ago and it has since then been characterized extensively. Crystallization of the insulin molecule has always been a key activity since the protein is often administered by subcutaneous injections of crystalline insulin formulations. Over the year

Incidence of hand eczema in female Swedish hairdressers

Objective: To estimate the occurrence of hand eczema in hairdressers in Sweden. Methods: The occurrence of hand eczema was estimated in a Swedish longitudinal retrospective cohort study including all female graduates from vocational schools for hairdressers from 1970 to 1995. A stratified sample from the general population acted as controls. A self-administered questionnaire including questions on

Wave-propagation from medical implants -influence of body shape on radiation pattern

The influence of a patient's body shape and position on the radiation pattern from an implanted radio transmitter has been simulated. Simulations and comparisons have been made with different body shapes (male, female and child) and different arm positions. It can be concluded from the results that the difference between different body shapes are at least as large as the influence of a patients ar

Resonant soft X-ray emission spectroscopy of doped and undoped vanadium oxides

Resonant soft X-ray emission (RSXE) spectra of NaV2O5, MoxV1-xO2 and V2O3 have been recorded for a series of excitation energies at resonances of the V L- and O K-absorption band. Resonant excitation allows us, firstly, to separate V 3d and O 2p projected density-of-states of the valence band and, secondly, to study charge-neutral low-energy excitations due to resonant inelastic X-ray scattering (