Experience and Identity : A Historical Account of Class, Caste, and Gender among the Cashew Workers of Kerala, 1930–2000
Popular Abstract in Swedish Med ett historiskt perspektiv analyserar denna avhandling erfarenheter och identitetsskapande processer hos en grupp kvinnliga arbetare, cashewarbeterskor, i den sydindiska delstaten Kerala-välkänd för dess radikala befolkning och höga sociala indikatorer för invånarna. Cashewarbeterskorna utmanar den stereotypa bilden av kvinnor i ?Tredje Världen?, genom att de sedan 1Since the 1930s female cashew workers have constituted a majority of the registered workers in the South Indian State of Kerala and today number some 200,000. This group challenged the stereotypical view of Third World women because they were organized into unions, worked in the formal sector, and were literate. The background for this thesis has been the ?Kerala Model?, i.e., the political contex