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Creating Customer Value in a Circular Economy

Resource related challenges are becoming increasingly severe. The shift towards a circular economy is viewed as one prominent way to overcome the challenges. A shift towards a circular economy would partly require new business models, commonly referred to as circular business models. In order to enhance the development of circular business models, there is a need to understand how companies with c

Upplevelser och erfarenheter av fritidsaktiviteter hos personer över 65 år med artros i händerna

Bakgrund: Fritidsaktiviteter kan bidra till både bättre fysisk och psykisk hälsa samt allmänt välmående. Vid reumatiska sjukdomar är ofta fritidsaktiviteter den första aktivitetsgrupp som faller bort, detta trots att fritidsaktiviteter för många är den mest värdeskapande aktiviteten. Syfte: Att undersöka hur pensionärer över 65 år med artros i händerna beskriver sina upplevelser och erfarenheter a

Från teokratism till rättspositivism

This essay aims to investigate one of the most fundamental questions for legal scientists, namely how the laws have been legitimized throughout history and how we legitimize it today? The essay makes an attempt to examine how these questions have been answered by different philosophers throughout the ages. It starts by examining the anchient philosophers and mover forward cronologically. Within th

Att lägga sig platt - om arbetsrätten och plattformsarbete

Uppsatsen handlar om plattformsekonomin och hur arbetena som skapas i den regleras i svensk arbetsrätt. Skyddet den svenska arbetsrätten ger är primärt för arbetstagare. Därför är syftet med uppsatsen att se vad som talar för respektive emot att plattformsarbetare är arbetstagare. Uppsatsen syftar också att utreda ifall det finns ett behov för närmare reglering av plattformsarbeten. För att kunThis thesis concerns the platform economy and how the works generated by it is regulated in Swedish labor law. The protection the Swedish labor law gives is mainly for employees. Therefore the purpose of this thesis is to see what argues for and against that platform workers should be considered employees. The thesis also aims to determine whether there is a need for closer regulation of platform

Good Governance som skydd mot the Resource Curse

The Resource Curse is a theory which suggests that countries with an abundance of natural resources are prone to experience slower growth than resource scarce countries. Research has suggested that good governance can prevent this negative correlation from emerging. This case study examines which aspects of good governance that have been important in avoiding the Resource Curse in the case of Bots

Miljöhänsyn vid prövning av bearbetningskoncession

Sverige är en av Europas ledande gruvnationer och den svenska gruvindustrin utgör en mycket viktig näring från försörjningssynpunkt, sysselsättningssynpunkt och industriell synpunkt. Samtidigt som mineralindustrin innebär stora vinster för samhället medför den även rad betänkligheter ur miljösynpunkt. Gruvverksamhet för bland annat med sig buller, damm, förändrad hydrologi och utsläpp av olika slaSweden is one of Europe's leading mining nations and the Swedish mining industry is an important industry from a supply, employment and industrial point of view. At the same time as the mineral industry brings profits for society it also brings consideration from an environmental point of view. Mining activities include noise, dust, altered hydrology and emissions of various kinds. In addition

Ode -. Book cabinet

Today, it seems as if every second designed object is referred to as timeless design. We use the word timeless as a selling word without really thinking about what it means. Through investigating the concept of timeless design, I found the physical paper book being probably one of our most timeless objects. There are tons of book storing furnitures on the market of which the majority consists of

Independent Inventors' Invention Processes

Independent inventors typically start to develop a solution to a problem they have personally experienced. They quickly move from realization of a problem to an iterative process of sketching, building and testing. During these activities, little interaction with customers and other stakeholders was found. The main reason for this at an early stage was that they did not want to risk patentability.

Do Property Rights matter for China's Private Sector? A Panel Data Analysis, 1997-2007

This paper examines the ambiguous property rights in China and if they affect the private sector development. The indicators for property rights include both broader property rights and intellectual property rights. The property rights theory offers a perspective as a fundamental component of a market economy to enable a growth of private enterprises. The incentives and constraints offered by the

The impacts of globalization on Chinese intra-provincial income inequality.

China continuously increases its globalization involvement, while in the same time rising income inequality levels can be observed. Income inequality with its wide spread of potential harms such as higher criminal rate, negative economic growth impact and political instability is an issue politicians should be well aware of. International studies show significant relationships between globalizatio

Urban Agriculture: A case study of Quito, Ecuador

Urban agriculture can be one of the many solutions that a city employs as a part of its larger sustainability strategy. It can have many advantages: food security, employment, better utilisation of public spaces, safer and better food production and economic empowerment of disadvantaged groups. But in the context of nature-based solutions (NBS), urban agriculture needs more evidence to support it

Consumer Adoption of Cross-Border E-Commerce: A Comparative Analysis between Sweden and China

This thesis conducts a comparative analysis between Sweden and China on the topic of consumer adoption of cross-border e-commerce. Based on the data collected by a questionnaire survey, it offers description about demographic characteristics and behaviour of consumers in cross-border e-commerce from both countries. Moreover, then, the linear regression firstly shows the relation among adoption, co

Are the ‘laggard states’ obstinate or just inefficient? A study of the EU member states’ compliance with EU environmental legislation 2012- 2016

Despite the fact that EU environmental policy has become increasingly important, the EU member states are struggling to comply with environmental legislation decided on the European level. Interestingly, some member states seem to find it more difficult than others. This thesis seeks to explain the cross-national variation in non-compliance with EU environmental law, that is, why some member state

Strukturerad tillsyn av patienter på Sveriges akutmottagningar: graden av kvalitet på riktlinjerna

Bakgrund: När patienter blir liggande kvar på akutmottagningar på grund av platsbrist och överbeläggningar behövs evidensbaserade riktlinjer för tillsyn och övervakning för att minska risken för vårdskador och lidande. Syfte: Granskning av riktlinjer för tillsyn och övervakning av patienter på alla Sveriges akutmottagningar som väntar på läkare, behandling, undersökning, eller väntar på inläggning

Sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att möta familjer där ett barn far illa

Det har visat sig finnas svårigheter i sjuksköterskans möte med familjer där ett barn far illa. Studiens syfte var att beskriva sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att möta dessa familjer på barnakuten. En kvalitativ intervjustudie utfördes där åtta sjuksköterskor deltog. Efter analys framkom i resultatet tre kategorier vilka benämndes: Att vara uppmärksam, Att integrera känslor och kunskap, Att beakt

Production of the CD44 human receptor in Escherichia coli and study of its interactions with potential inhibitors.

The cell transmembrane receptor CD44 is a member of type I transmembrane receptor family that is found on the outer surface of different types of both immune and cancer cells. It is used by the cells to detect as well as to respond on different changes in the near environment. CD44 receptors are involved in a variety of processes such as hematopoiesis, lymphocyte homing, or limb development. The r

Möjligheten att kombinera pulveriserat aktivt kol (PAK) och MBBR för avskiljning av organiska mikroföroreningar

Den ökade användningen av läkemedel och otillräcklig teknik i reningsverken har lett till allt större halter av läkemedel och andra organiska mikroföroreningar (OMF) i naturliga vatten. Detta har i sin tur konstaterats påverka exempelvis fiskars beteende och fortplantningsförmåga. OMF har även detekterats i det svenska dricksvattnet. På grund av detta har en satsning skett de senaste åren inom forThe increased use of pharmaceuticals in combination with inadequate techniques and procedures in the wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) have resulted in higher concentrations of pharmaceuticals and other organic micro pollutants (OMPs) in the aquatic environment. It has been established that these pollutants have caused changes in the behaviour and reproduction of fishes. Furthermore, these OMPs

Födande kvinnors erfarenhet av föräldrarstödet i den perinatala perioden - en enkätstudie

Bakgrund: Den födande kvinnan har en rättighet att vara delaktig och kunna göra informerade val under förlossningen vilket förutsätter att barnmorskan tillhandahåller relevant information. Idag finns inga entydiga forskningsresultat som visar om föräldrautbildning via barnmorskemottagning ökar delaktigheten under förlossningen. Syfte: Att beskriva förlossningsförberedelse i relation till delaktigh

Talk the Talk and Walk the Walk: En genusstudie om hur DDR i teori och praktik påverkar situationen för kvinnliga kombattanter i Colombia

The peace accord between the government of Colombia and the FARC-guerrilla has caught the attention of the world, not least for its deliberate focus on gender and the inclusion of women in the peace process. This essay aims to investigate the relation between theoretical outlining guidelines presented within the IDDRS framework. As to the construction of Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegrati

Development and design of a vest for a wearable soft robotic arm lifting system

Arbetsrelaterade skador orsakar personligt lidande och ekonomiska förluster för både företag och privatpersoner. Repetitivt arbete och statiska arbetsställningar med armarna kan leda till belastningsskador i axel- och halsregionen. Detta examensarbete har haft som syfte att utveckla ett mjukt bärbart robotsystem med Bioservo Technologies Soft Extra Muscle (SEM) teknik, som ska ge assistans vid lyfWork related injuries causes personal suffering and economic loss for both companies and individuals. Repetitive work and static postures with the arms can lead to musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) in the shoulder and neck region. This thesis set out to develop a wearable soft robotic arm lifting system using Bioservo Technologies’ Soft Extra Muscle (SEM) technology. The objective was to develop a f