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Hur påverkar vattenbrist konfliktintensitet? : Vattenbrist i Jemen och Libyen

Vatten är grundläggande för mänsklig hälsa och livskvalitet, och en allvarlig vattenbrist kan ha förödande konsekvenser för stater och deras befolkning. Denna uppsats är en komparativ studie av hur vattenbrist påverkar konfliktintensitet. Studien kommer att undersöka hur vattenbrist har påverkat konfliktintensiteten i Jemen och Libyens respektive inbördeskrig. Detta kommer att undersökas utifrån w

Ungdomars motivation till att ingripa i mobbningssituationer

Den aktuella studien fokuserar på skolmobbning och undersöker vad som motiverar ungdomar att ingripa i mobbningssituationer. 279 elever i årskurs 7 deltog, varav 243 elever inkluderades i enkätstudien (140 tjejer och 103 killar). En vinjett lästes och frågor besvarades som mätte empati samt motivation till att ingripa i en mobbningssituation. Via korrelationer, envägs-ANOVA och multipla regressionThe current study focuses on school bullying and investigates what motivates young adolescents to intervene in bullying situations. 279 students in 7th grade participated, of which 243 students were included (140 girls and 103 boys). A vignette was read and questions answered that measured empathy and motivation to intervene in a bullying situation. Correlations, one-way ANOVA and multiple regress

Little flying microalgae, who are you? - Taxonomy determination of airborne microalgae monocultures

Små flygande mikroalger – vilka är ni? Mikroalger är små encelliga fotosyntetiska mikroorganismer (1–500 μm i diameter), knappt synliga för ögat. De finns precis överallt omkring oss, i luften vi andas, i vattnet vi dricker och på våra husväggar. Det är inte mycket vi vet om dessa små mikroorganismer. Några av dem är luftburna, vilket innebär att de kan sprida sig långa sträckor med vindpustar fr


The memory is by far one of the brain’s most important and fundamental functions, but perhaps also one of the most unreliable. In order for information to be retained in memory, the brain performs, in a few milliseconds, an outstandingly complex process that is also very sensitive to external disturbances. With the information technology available today, it is easy to be distracted by redundant in

”Ja, jag får stryk av min fru” – Trovärdighet och gestaltningsproblematik för manliga brottsoffer

There is limited research conducted into the field of male victims of intimate partner abuse. Although, recent Swedish studies show that male victimization from female offender may be equally prevalent as female victimization of partner abuse. Previous international examples suggest that male victims may be less likely to acknowledge themselves as “victims” and therefore less likely to take legal

Konsultens roll - En kvalitativ studie om chefers syn på konsulter inom socialtjänsten

The aim of this qualitative study is to investigate social services managers' expectations and experiences of social services consultants. This study focuses on managers for children and young people in social services. The method used in the survey was semistructured interviews with six managers, who has had at least one consultant in their working group. To analyze our results, we have used

Hembesök inom ekonomiskt bistånd En kvalitativ studie om kontroll, makt och hjälp

This study is written with an aim to explain and analyse how Social Welfare in Sweden works with their methodology in regards of home visiting as an examination, or investigation, with focus on economical relief. This is conducted from a perspective that comprehend leverage, power, help, aid and implemented control. Home visiting is a work method that is used by many municipalities and is describe

Swedish Foreign Aid Policy, Narrative Analysis

This paper will examine the Swedish Foreign Aid policy, particularly those values it was based on. It will attempt to discover how the narrative of foreign aid was affected after the accession to the European Union and how the European values were reflected in national foreign aid policy. Since the 1950’s, the Official Development Assistance (ODA), usually referred to as foreign aid is one of the

Reentering Society - An anthropological study of a reentry center, in the United States, for incarcerated people working towards their release

The United States has the highest incarceration rate in the world. The phenomenon of mass incarceration largely confines minorities and people living in poverty. More than 600,000 prisoners are released yearly to face barriers of reentering society. Struggles of finding employment, housing, and being denied social services, due to their criminal record, generate a system where former inmates becom

Pro-inflammatory cytokine regulation by the immunomodulatory protein p33

p33 as a potential novel therapeutic target in inflammatory diseases Inflammation is a condition usually triggered by infection of invading pathogens such as bacteria or viruses in the body. This invasion is quickly recognized by specific receptors localized on the membrane of cells, ready to sense these so called “danger” signals or foreign material. These receptors are part of the innate immuni

Why Formal Stop Work Schemes Do Not Work

Stopping unsafe work is not only a legal but moral necessity for those that perform work in safety critical industries. Stop Work Authority Cards, Interventions, Refusals of Unsafe Work and the Andon Cord have become symbolic and physical abstractions of decentralization – a shifting of authority down to those which perform the dirty and dangerous work. Paradoxically, the manner in which these for

Utformning av stationsnära miljö i Svalöv vid införande av persontågstrafik.

The world today faces many different environmental problems, which has a negative effect. These are both global, regional and local, which means that they affect all people. To be able to overcome this and be able to promote a long-term sustainability, it is essential that all contribute and take responsibility for it. An example of doing this is to get more people to commute rather than using the

Risk based monitoring in clinical studies – improving data quality

Riskbaserad monitorering – ett sätt att säkerställa kvalitet i kliniska studier Kliniska studier undersöker effekter av medicinska behandlingar på människor. De är hårt reglerade för att säkerställa patientsäkerhet, det vill säga att försökspersonerna inte utsätts för onödiga hälsorisker, och för att säkerställa ett pålitligt studieresultat. Därför behöver alla processer och all data i varje studStudy quality is of paramount importance in clinical studies to ensure patient safety and reliable evaluation of the treatment, where the latter also entails the safety of future patients. Therefore, for example monitoring is required to minimise any risk of quality loss. Traditionally, the method for monitoring has been 100% source data verification which is costly and not sufficient. Today, auth

Physically Based Water Shading

Ge dig ut på äventyr och utforska nya oceaner hemma i din egen soffa. Med hjälp av mätningar av havets fysikaliska egenskaper beskriver detta arbete hur man kan visualisera realistiska hav i realtids applikationer.Rendering and simulating an ocean as realistic as possible is a desirable effect to many outdoor scenes of movies and video games. The difficulties with simulating a plausible ocean arise from the complex behavior and scaling of the ocean waves. The length of the waves may vary from being just a few millimeters up to several kilo meters long and the waves can for instance break and line up with th

Under the Influence - en kvalitativ studie av influencer marketing och konsekvenserna det har för konsumenters förtroende för varumärken

Problemformulering: Med sociala mediers stigande popularitet har influencer marketing blivit en relevant strategi för företag att utnyttja. Influencer marketing på Instagram innebär att varumärken använder sig av influencers för att kommunicera budskap till följare och därmed företagets målgrupp. Beroende på hur företag använder sig av sin influencer marketing-strategi kan konsumenters förtroende

Efterarv och försäkring - Kan ett förmånstagarförordnande skapa ett efterarv?

Då en make ärver en make med släktingar i första eller andra parantelen uppstår arvsrättsligt en efterarvsrätt. Denna efterarvsrätt har tidigare inte förtydligat huruvida en försäkringsersättning som utfaller genom förmånstagarförordnande till efterlevande make ska inräknas i efterarvet. 1975 kom ett rättsfall från högsta domstolen som fastställde just detta, att det faktiskt föreligger rätt till When a spouse inherits another spouse, who has children from a previous marriage, parents, siblings or nephews alive, a right to secondary inheritance occurs according to Swedish law. Before 1975, it was not clarified whether this right to secondary inheritance should include an insurance reimburse-ment due to an insurance with a spouse as beneficiary. In 1975 the Swedish Supreme Court ruled that

Internationella kvinnodagen…med mannen i fokus? En kvantitativ och kvalitativ studie om porträttering av kvinnan och mannen i svensk dagspress.

The purpose of this thesis is to study how femininity and masculinity are portraited in three Swedish national newspapers (Aftonbladet, Svenska Dagbladet and Dagens Nyheter), which all represent different points on the Swedish ideological spectrum. The focus of the studie was to answer how women and men are portraited with stereotypical traits, if there is similarities and differences and how the

Encapsulation and oxidation of fat in recombined milk powder

Fat-filled milk powders are manufactured by blending skim milk powder with vegetable oil and these powders have gained a great economic importance. Sensible selection of vegetable oil can help in satisfying both nutritional features and functional characteristics of fat for dairy application. The stability of milk powders can be affected by its composition, mainly the composition of fats which can

State Aid control in the Financial Sector and Systemic Financial Stability: Rules applied during the Financial Crisis and in the Banking Union

Statligt stöd är ett område för konkurrenslagstiftning. Statsstödsåtgärder används för att avhjälpa marknadsmisslyckanden och hjälpa företag när de står inför svårigheter. Statsstödskontroll syftar till att skapa lika villkor för stödda och icke-stödda företag. Under finanskrisen 2007–2009 har flera banker stött på svårigheter, och medlemsstaterna har tvingats hjälpa dem på olika sätt. Europeiska State aid is an area of competition law. State aid measures are used to remedy market failures and to help undertakings when they are facing difficulties. State aid control aims at ensuring a level playing field between aided and non-aided firms. During the 2007-2009 financial crisis, several banks have encountered difficulties, and Member States have been forced to help them out through diverse m