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Your search for "*" yielded 531888 hits

ETS & Ecodesign – Anything in Common? Assessment of the interactions between the EU Emission Trading Scheme and the Ecodesign Directive

In the EU, climate policy-making takes place in a complex environment, where multiple climate and energy policy instruments co-exist and interact together. Interactions between different climate and energy instruments can affect - positively or negatively - the achievement of the climate targets. However, the performance of instruments is often evaluated without taking into account those interacti

Wealth Inequality and Mobility - Evidence from the Forbes World Billionaires List

The paper analyses data from the “Forbes World Billionaires List” from 1996 to 2015. Decomposing the sample finds, that inherited wealth exhibits higher levels of inequality than self-made wealth. Overall inequality decreases and the inequality level of the self-made subgroup converges to the one of inherited wealth. In addition, self-made billionaires also experience higher social mobility. Howev

Protecting privacy - The art of consent

Personuppgifter blir allt viktigare i den digitala ekonomin. Omfattningen av insamling och behandling ökar och riskerar att hota den personliga integriteten. Trots att personlig integritet och respekten för privatlivet räknas som som en mänsklig rättighet har dessa en väldigt svag position relativt andra rättigheter och samhälleliga behov. Detta ter sig ganska underligt eftersom den personliga intPersonal data is becoming increasingly important in the digital economy. The scope of collection and treatment increases and may threaten personal integrity. Although privacy is regarded as human right, privacy has a very weak position relative other rights and social needs. This is quite strange as privacy is often considered a prerequisite for many of the traditional rights such as freedom of sp

Kenyas demokratiska presidentval 2017? En komparativ fallstudie med fokus på politiska partier och civilsamhällesorganisationer

Hösten 2017 kom att bli historisk i Kenya då för första gången Högsta Domstolen ogiltigförklarade ett valresultat med motiveringen valfusk. Den här uppsatsen behandlar den utvalda tidsperiod av demokratiseringsprocessen då dessa omstridda presidentval hölls. Arbetet syftar till att undersöka om det demokratiska agerandet inom de största politiska partierna, Jubilee Party och NASA, respektive civil

Att svara som gärningsman eller som medverkande

En viktig utgångspunkt i straffrätten är det individuella ansvaret. Människor begår däremot ofta brott tillsammans. Denna uppsats handlar hur det straffrättsligt bör hanteras när flera personer begår brott gemensamt. Syftet med uppsatsen är att behandla den rubriceringsproblematik som kan uppstå när en tilltalad står åtalad för ett brott som är begånget i gemenskap. Begreppslig klarhet är genomgThe foundation of Criminal liability is the condition that everyone is responsible for their own actions, and those actions alone. People however, often commit crime together. This thesis deals with criminal liability when people commit crime as a collective. With the aim of conceptual clarity, the purpose of this essay is to process the classification problem that may arise when a defendant is

Framställningen av demokrati som samhällsvärde i svensk integrationsprocess

A core value is characterized by a number of values. To find a distinct definition can be difficult since the values and content differ in meaning for different people. The Swedish Government have lately (2017) however, presented a proposal to strengthen the orientation concerning the Swedish core values in the society orientation for the new citizens (refugees). The essay examines how the Swedis

Hur högerpopulistiska är Sverigedemokraterna? En kvalitativ textanalys av lokala valmanifest

The aim of this study was to examine if the ideas researchers mean characterize populist radical right parties is manifested in the Sweden Democrats election manifestos. Furthermore, it was of interest to examine if there is a difference in how and what’s emphasized between election manifestos for different municipalities and over time. Populist radical right parties are characterized by that they

”Ett A-lag och ett B-lag”: En fallstudie av diskursen kring anställningar, kollektiv och facklig organisering på en arbetsplats med stor del inhyrd personal

Since the deregulation regarding temporary agency work in the 1990s the Swedish labour market have seen a rapid increase among the agency industry that does not seem to be showing any signs of slowing down. This has according to previous research led to a dualization of the labour market. This essay aims to research what happens to the discourse at workplaces with temporary agency workers in regar

Molnet och vårdsystem: Utmaningar med vårdsystem i molnet

Denna studie syftar till att identifiera samt behandla de utmaningar den svenska sjukvården ställs inför när informationssystem som man tidigare driftat i traditionella serverhallar på eller i närheten av sjukhus i allt större utsträckning ersätts eller migreras till molnbaserade lösningar. Genom en kvalitativ metodik har vi genom semistrukturerade intervjuer samlat in data från respondenter som a

Guanxi and Corruption Study on the Firm-Level in a Chinese context

China experienced a growing economy with a huge market and business potential and became the second biggest country in terms of GDP. However, because of the limitation of coherent business laws and government supervision, entering the Chinese market became a severe and complicated problem for different kinds of firms. Empirical papers show that networks, called guanxi in China make a primary contr

Det aktivitetsbaserade kontoret - En kvalitativ studie om den fysiska strukturens påverkan på kommunikation, kultur och gruppsammanhållning

Det aktivitetsbaserade kontoret - En kvalitativ studie om den fysiska strukturens påverkan på kommunikation, kultur och gruppsammanhållning Denna studie undersöker problematiken med att allt fler företag följer den aktivitetsbaserade kontorstrenden utan att titta på den egna verksamhetens behov. Eftersom den fysiska strukturen har en påverkan på kommunikationen, kulturen och gruppsammanhållningen

A Stochastic Model for Meningococcal Disease

This paper presents a stochastic model for Meningococcal disease. Mathematical models for diseases are an important tool in population dynamics, and their results carry real-world implications as they guide policies and vaccination strategies. While the systems being modelled are generally stochastic in nature, deterministic models are often used, possibly to the detriment of accuracy. In this pro

Balancing and Locomotion of a Hexapod Robot Traversing Uneven Terrain

This master thesis project has developed a method for a six-legged robot to traverse uneven terrains. From a previous project, the robot already possessed basic locomotion which had to be extensively redesigned. Several new subsystems have been introduced, such as a continuous balancing system, a system estimating the slope of the ground the robot is walking on, and method for detecting when the r

Rational Institutional Design of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank: Bounded Rationality Embedded in A Change-through-Continuity Characteristic

As a Chinese initiative, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) is a newly established multilateral financial institution which addresses the daunting infrastructure demands across Asia and furthers interconnectivity and economic development through advancement in infrastructure and other productive sectors. AIIB is envisaged to be built into a first-class multilateral development institu

När mamma och pappa skärmar av - En kvalitativ studie om föräldrars mobilanvändning på öppna förskolan

The use of smartphones has increased dramatically over the last decade. However, very few studies have been made on the impact of smartphones on the relationship and interaction between parent and child. In this qualitative study, I interviewed five day-care teachers and two social workers in open day-care centres, on their experiences of parents’ usage of smartphones and its impact on the childre

Investigation of rigid building block made from bio-based material

Plaster som används för dagligt bruk består till stor del av fossila ämnen. Med ökad efterfrågan och produktion för varje år, är en hållbar utveckling för plaster en växande utmaning. Ett av de stora problemen är förbrukningen av de icke förnyelsebara fossila källorna, vilket medför att förr eller senare behövs alternativ till de konventionella plasterna. Med detta problem i åtanke, så fokuserar dPlastics for everyday use are made from fossile resources. With the demand for plastics increasing every year, a sustainable development for plastic products is a growing challenge. A major issue is the depletion of the non-renewable fossile resources, which means that sooner or later alternatives to the conventional plastics are needed. With this problem in mind, this work focuses on the developm

Data Management in an Operational Context: A study at Volvo Group Trucks Operations

The present customer based and data driven world of business, together with the evolving social and technological trends continue to drive product complexity and product variety to a new height, one that is characterized by product customization. In the product realization pro-cess, the assembly floor remains the most vital part of the manufacturing process; to cope with the rigorous demands of pr

Market Reforms and Consumerism in China and the Soviet Union

Capitalizing reforms would come to China in 1978, and to the U.S.S.R. in 1985. While the Chinese reforms have been uninterrupted to the modern day, similar reforms in the Soviet Union would lead to its collapse, and to the adoption of capitalism by the Russian Federation. These 'communist' economic reforms were political movements informed by ideology, but China’s more effective reforms re

The Perception of Intonation in Japanese Sentence Types by Swedish Speakers : Wh-Questions, Yes/No-Questions and Declaratives

This study is concerned with the topic of sentence-final intonation in wh-questions, yes/no- questions and declaratives. The aim of the study is to investigate whether native speakers of Swedish can recognize these sentence types in standard Japanese by listening to the intonation alone. In addition, whether exposure to the language affects the ability to distinguish these sentence types is invest