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Om gudsbildens gåtor : rapport från ett forskarliv
Dyspepsi och reflux. Systematisk litteraturöversikt från SBU
SBU performed a systematic review concerning dyspepsia and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). The review included the perspective of managing patients in primary care. Dyspepsia is a common condition but varies from one geographic area to another. Despite presenting symptoms of dyspepsia, a majority of patients may not have an ulcer diagnosis (non-ulcer dyspepsia [NUD]). For undiagnosed GERD
Farsoternas hemsökelse i historien
Contact allergy to gold is correlated to dental gold
Questionnaire studies have indicated that patients with dental gold will more frequently have contact allergy to gold. This study aimed at investigating the relationship between contact allergy to gold and the presence and amount of dental gold alloys. A total of 102 patients were referred for patch testing because of suspicion of contact allergy. Patch tests were performed with gold sodium thiosu
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Cyclization of (-)-pregaliellalactone in the fungus Galiella rufa
What are the possible influences affecting the future environmental agricultural policy in the European Union? An investigation into the main factors
This paper is built on a summary of the findings of a research report, entitled 'European Common Agricultural Policy: An analysis of the main factors affecting its future environmental policy', which aimed to identify and examine the main factors that could influence the development of the environmental policy of the European Union's Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) in the future. After the analys
Macular appearance by means of OCT and electrophysiology in members of two families with different mutations in RDS (the peripherin/RDS gene).
Purpose: To describe the phenotype using electroretinography and optical coherence tomography (OCT) in members of two families with different mutations in RDS. Methods: DNA was extracted from blood samples and used for mutation screening by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and nucleotide sequencing of RDS exons. Patients were examined with clinical evaluation, full-field electroreti
The pre-fysch and basal shaly flysch deposition in the Parnassus-Ghiona Zone, central Greece
The interruption in deposition during the K/T transition in the Parnassus-Ghiona Zone caused the formation of hardgrounds and intraformational conglomerates in the central parts. During the later part of the early Paleocene to the middle or early part of the late Paleocene a shallow sea covered central Parnassus; stromatolites formed in broad valleys and phosphatic calcarenitic accumulations in sm
Integritetsfrågor i arbetslivet
Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling behandlar ämnesområdet integritet i arbetslivet. Individer i ett modernt samhälle har anspråk på respekt eller icke angrepp inom sitt intresseområde. Arbetslivet utgör ett exempel på ett sådant område. Min utgångspunkt då jag behandlar ämnet är främst individens (arbetstagarens) prima-facie anspråk på respekt, icke angrepp inom sitt intresseområde. IntThis dissertation deals with personal privacy in working life. Humans have legitimate expectations and claims to respect for and non-interference with personal privacy in many areas and stages of life. The work place is just one of them. The point departure when dealing with privacy matters at the workplace is primarily the claim by individual employees to respect for and non-interference with the
Festen & Idioterna (film review)
Effect of high-fat diet, surrounding temperature, and enterostatin on uncoupling protein gene expression
Nonshivering thermogenesis induced in brown adipose tissue (BAT) during high-fat feeding is mediated through uncoupling protein 1 (UCP1). UCP2 is a recently identified homologue found in many tissues. To determine the role of UCP1 and UCP2 in thermoregulation and energy balance, we investigated the long-term effect of high-fat feeding on mRNA levels in mice at two different ambient temperatures. W
A role for hormone-sensitive lipase in the selective mobilization of adipose tissue fatty acids
The mobilization of fatty acids from rat and human fat cells is selective according to molecular structure, and notably carbon atom chain length. This study aimed at examining whether the release of individual fatty acids from triacylglycerols (TAG) by hormone-sensitive lipase (HSL) plays a role in the selectivity of fatty acid mobilization. Recombinant rat and human HSL were incubated with a lipi
Reference data representative of normal findings at two-dimensional and three-dimensional gray-scale ultrasound examination of the cervix from 17 to 41 weeks' gestation.
Objectives To create reference values representative of normal findings on two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) transvaginal ultrasound (TVS) examination of the cervix from 17 to 41 weeks' gestation and to determine the agreement between cervical measurements taken by 2D and 3D TVS. Methods Cross-sectional study covering 17 to 41 weeks in 419 nulliparous and 360 parous women who deliver
Silicone rubber implants for arthrosis of the scaphotrapezial joint
Between 1980 and 1983, 10 patients received high performance silicone rubber condylar implants for the treatment of isolated degenerative changes of the scaphotrapezial joint. Early clinical and radiographic results (at a mean of 15 months) were excellent. Late follow up of these 10 together with a further 11 patients, however, showed migration of the implant and radiological signs of silicone par
I Thomas Müntzers spår : en resa i tid och rum
Müntzers dramatiska levnadsöden och hans utveckling från mystiker till karismatiker och revolutionär skildras med anknytning till de orter där han verkat.
Size-selective predation on pelagic microorganisms in Arctic freshwaters
Herbivorous zooplankton may have a pronounced influence on pelagic microorganisms in Arctic freshwaters. We quantified experimentally the size-selective feeding of several zooplankton groups on pelagic microorganisms in high Arctic tundra systems. Our experiments and field study focused on dominant herbivores in Arctic freshwaters, including the cladoceran Dophnia, the copepod Diaptomus and the an
Entrepreneurship: A Contextual Perspective. Discourses and Praxis of Entrepreneurial Activities within the Institutional Context of Ghana
This study is motivated by the understanding that entrepreneurship varies from one context to another as there are distinctive factors that influence the development and organization of entrepreneurial activities in any particular national context. Using qualitative methodology the study aims at developing a conceptual and empirical framework for the study and understanding of the phenomenon of en