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Your search for "*" yielded 538829 hits

Developmental programming : State-of-the-science and future directions: Summary from a Pennington Biomedical symposium

OBJECTIVE: On December 8-9, 2014, the Pennington Biomedical Research Center convened a scientific symposium to review the state-of-the-science and future directions for the study of developmental programming of obesity and chronic disease. The objectives of the symposium were to discuss: (i) past and current scientific advances in animal models, population-based cohort studies, and human clinical

Effects of Surfactant on Flow Boiling Heat Transfer of Ethylene Glycol/Water Mixtures in a Minitube

This study investigated effects of surfactant sodium dodecylbenzene sulfonate (SDBS) on flow boiling heat transfer of ethylene glycol/water mixtures in a vertical minitube. Experiments were performed using solutions containing 300 ppm by weight of surfactant and the results were compared with those of pure mixture. Local heat transfer coefficient was measured and found to be dependent on the mass

Feeding spinach thylakoids to rats modulates the gut microbiota, decreases food intake and affects the insulin response

Thylakoid membranes derived from green leaf chloroplasts affect appetite-regulating hormones, suppress food intake, reduce blood lipids and lead to a decreased body weight in animals and human subjects. Thylakoids also decrease the intestinal in vitro uptake of methyl-glucose in the rat. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of dietary thylakoids on the gut microbiota composition, ma

Interpretation of conventional survival analysis and competing risk analysis : An example of hypertension and prostate cancer

Most clinical studies use conventional methods for survival analysis and calculate the risk of the event of interest, however, it is important to understand that the study population is also at risk of competing events, for example death from other causes. Moreover, the risk of competing events may be dependent on the participants' characteristics. Whether competing risks are taken into account or

Stabilizing nanocellulose-nonionic surfactant composite foams by delayed Ca-induced gelation

Aggregation of dispersed rod-like particles like nanocellulose can improve the strength and rigidity of percolated networks but may also have a detrimental effect on the foamability. However, it should be possible to improve the strength of nanocellulose foams by multivalent ion-induced aggregation if the aggregation occurs after the foam has been formed. Lightweight and highly porous foams based

Sustained Remission Improves Physical Function in Patients with Established Rheumatoid Arthritis, and Should Be a Treatment Goal : A Prospective Observational Cohort Study from Southern Sweden

OBJECTIVE: It has been proposed that remission should be maintained throughout the course of rheumatoid arthritis (RA); however, the evidence supporting this is limited. Physical function measured by the Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ) is a major outcome in RA, and HAQ is shown to be one of the strongest predictors of longterm outcomes. The purpose of this study was to investigate the physic

CSF Aβ42/Aβ40 and Aβ42/Aβ38 ratios : better diagnostic markers of Alzheimer disease

OBJECTIVE: The diagnostic accuracy of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) biomarkers for Alzheimer's disease (AD) must be improved before widespread clinical use. This study aimed to determine whether CSF Aβ42/Aβ40 and Aβ42/Aβ38 ratios are better diagnostic biomarkers of AD during both predementia and dementia stages in comparison to CSF Aβ42 alone.METHODS: The study comprised three different cohorts (n = 1

I’m a lobbyist and I’m proud : – how lobbyists are communicating and negotiating their roles and identities in Brussels (Best paper award)

Lobbyists are working in an ambivalent atmosphere. In Brussels, lobbying is an activity occupying about 20 000 people on a daily basis. They are trying to influence the legislative outcomes from the work of the about 15 000 politicians and employees of the EU institutions (Coen 2007). On one hand the lobbyists are wanted and needed by the politicians and their civil servants. Previous research tel

Vibrational analysis of the C 1s photoemission spectra from pure ethylidyne and ethylidyne coadsorbed with carbon monoxide on Rh (111)

High-resolution core-level photoemission with a resolution better than the intrinsic width of the C 1s level has been used to study pure and coadsorbed ethylidyne overlayers on Rh(111). Components due to excitation of the C-H stretch vibration are clearly resolved in the C 1s spectra. In addition, a component due to the C-C vibration of the ethylidyne molecules is identified. The asymmetry paramet

Effects of vortex generators on the jet impingement heat transfer at different cross-flow Reynolds numbers

Experiments are carried out to investigate the effects of vortex generators on the jet impingement heat transfer in cross-flow. This study is a continuation of our previous research (Wang et al., 2015). In the present paper, the jet Reynolds number is fixed at 15,000 and the cross-flow Reynolds number varies from 40,000 to 64,000. The nozzle-to-surface distance to jet diameter ratio is 4.0. A vort

Caught Between Spaces : Socio-Environmental Vulnerability in Formal and Informal Peri-Urban Bogotá and Soacha, Colombia

Världens städer växer i snabb takt. Denna avhandling undersöker välbefinnandet och sårbarheten hos befolkningen i stadsnära, eller periurbana, låginkomstområden i och runt Bogotá, Colombia, med målet att öka förståelsen för hur sociala och miljömässiga förutsättningar påverkas av stadsutbredning och förtätning.För detta syfte har jag utvecklat en typologi för periurbana bosättningar som består av The world is rapidly urbanizing. To contribute to the understanding of the socio-environmental changes brought about by urban sprawl and densification, this thesis examines wellbeing and vulnerability in low-income peri-urban areas in and around Bogotá, Colombia. For that purpose, I develop a typology of peri-urban settlements that includes four main settlement classifications: agriculture-based,

Äldre lantbrukares olycksrisker

Antalet äldre inom lantbruket ökar och med anledning av detta är det särskilt intressant att studera risker och olyckor utifrån ett åldersperspektiv. Syftet med denna studie var att kartlägga omfattningen och omständigheter kring olyckor, händelseförlopp samt typ av personskador i både lantbruks- och trafikmiljö.

An Introduction to Special Issue: The Causes and Consequences of Secret Ballot Reform

This article introduces a collection of papers that explore two understudied but critical questions of enduring concern for the study of democratization. Was the secret ballot driven by the same forces that drove the rise of democracy more generally? Did the secret ballot end electoral fraud, or was its effect merely endogenous to economic modernization more generally? This article provides histor

Differences between occupations with respect to exit from working life

There is in large parts of the world a demographic crisis. Due to the increase in life length and the drop inbirth rates, prospects are that much fewer people of working age will be available in the future to supportthose in retirement.Also Sweden faces a demographic challenge, implying that it will be necessary to make the Swedeswork more years. There is an obvious potential in the age range 65-7

The politics of landscape creation in the history of development along Florida's Atlantic coast

The politics of landscape production involve questions about the power to define what landscape means, who or what belongs to landscape and who or what belongs in landscape. Asserting the right to participate in landscape production and thus to help steer landscape along desirable development pathways remains a core component of landscape politics and grows in importance as many societies experienc

Att överväga geologin. En idéskrift om geovetenskapliga värden i vägplaneringen

Landskapets geologi, former och andra naturgivna egenskaper har en förhållandevis undanskymd roll i dagens infrastrukturplanering jämfört med den vikt som läggs vid biologiska och ekologiska företeelser och egenskaper. Många gånger är det dessutom endast extremföreteelser som lyfts fram i samband med infrastrukturplaneringen medan det så kallade vardagslandskapet får träda tillbaka, trots att det

Functional hearing deficits in children with Type 1 diabetes

Aim: Hearing loss (as reflected by abnormal sound detection) is a frequently reported consequence of Type 1 diabetes mellitus. We sought to evaluate sound detection, auditory neural function and binaural processing ability in a group of school-aged participants with Type 1 diabetes and to assess their functional hearing and general communication ability. Methods: A range of electroacoustic, electr