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Your search for "*" yielded 532215 hits

When technology enters the home – a systematic and integrative review examining the influence of technology on the meaning of home

Aim: To analyse and synthesise the research that has investigated the experience of home in relation to home mechanical ventilation (HMV). Method: Systematic integrative review. Four electronic databases (CINAHL, PubMed, Scopus and ISI Web of Knowledge) were searched between January 2010 and April 2017 as well as reference lists of included studies. Quantitative and qualitative studies meeting the

A quantitative model of cellular decision making in direct neuronal reprogramming

The direct reprogramming of adult skin fibroblasts to neurons is thought to be controlled by a small set of interacting gene regulators. Here, we investigate how the interaction dynamics between these regulating factors coordinate cellular decision making in direct neuronal reprogramming. We put forward a quantitative model of the governing gene regulatory system, supported by measurements of mRNA

Huntingtons sjukdom – kliniska prövningar inger nu optimism - Vanligaste formen av ärftlig neurodegenerativ sjukdom i västvärlden ger svåra symtom och förtidig död

Huntington's disease is an autosomal dominant neurodegenerative disease that leads to premature death. The disease is caused by a pathological CAG triplet expansion in the huntingtin gene. The disease is most common in Western populations, with onset in middle age and causing progressive motor, cognitive, and psychiatric symptoms. Currently, only symptomatic treatment is provided, but new molecula

Bat Fatalities at Wind-Farms in the Lowland Mediterranean of Southern Spain

Wind energy is an important source of bat mortality worldwide. Extensive mortality data were gathered by a provincial surveillance program carried out at wind farms in lowland Mediterranean areas of the province of Cadiz, Andalusia (South Spain) between 2005 and 2016. As many as 2,371 bat fatalities were found. We determined the patterns of fatality in this sample and tested the quality of the sur

Renewable Energy Adoption: Is current growth enough to meet future climate targets?

Every year, the world adds more renewable energy production capacity than the year before. But, looking historically, is this growth enough to achieve our climate targets? According to a recent publication in ‘Nature Energy’, the short answer is “no” – to meet the climate goals requires decades of growth in renewables at rates higher than those observed historically in most countries. In this epis

Mercury–Selenium Accumulation Patterns in Muscle Tissue of Two Freshwater Fish Species, Eurasian Perch (Perca fluviatilis) and Vendace (Coregonus albula)

Mercury (Hg) in the form of highly toxic methyl mercury (MeHg) accumulates in aquatic food webs to an extent where it may threaten fish health in many freshwaters. Selenium (Se) mitigates the toxicity of accumulated Hg by forming strong bonds with it, a drawback being diversion of Se from biosynthetic pathways of essential selenoenzymes. We measured Se and Hg in muscle tissue of Eurasian perch (Pe

A model of wild bee populations accounting for spatial heterogeneity and climate-induced temporal variability of food resources at the landscape level

The viability of wild bee populations and the pollination services that they provide are driven by the availability of food resources during their activity period and within the surroundings of their nesting sites. Changes in climate and land use influence the availability of these resources and are major threats to declining bee populations. Because wild bees may be vulnerable to interactions bet

Early and Late Migrating Avian Individuals Differ in Constitutive Immune Function and Blood Parasite Infections – But Patterns Depend on the Migratory Strategy

Billions of birds migrate every year. To conduct a successful migration, birds undergo a multitude of physiological adaptions. One such adaptation includes adjustments of immune function, however, little is known about intraspecies (between-individual) and interspecies (between-species) variation in immune modulations during migration. Here, we explore if early and late migrating individuals diffe

Accuracy of a Bayesian technique to estimate position and activity of orphan gamma-ray sources by mobile gamma spectrometry : Influence of imprecisions in positioning systems and computational approximations

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of experimental data on performance of a developed Bayesian algorithm tailored for orphan source search, estimating which parameters affect the accuracy of the algorithm. The algorithm can estimate the position and activity of a gamma-ray point source from experimental mobile gamma spectrometry data. Bayesian estimates were made for source p

Why having 10,000 parameters in your camera model is better than twelve

Camera calibration is an essential first step in setting up 3D Computer Vision systems. Commonly used parametric camera models are limited to a few degrees of freedom and thus often do not optimally fit to complex real lens distortion. In contrast, generic camera models allow for very accurate calibration due to their flexibility. Despite this, they have seen little use in practice. In this paper,

Modeling Pan-Arctic Peatland Carbon Dynamics Under Alternative Warming Scenarios

Peatlands store large amounts of carbon in terrestrial ecosystems and they are vulnerable to recent warming. The ongoing warming may change their carbon sink capacity and could reduce their potential to sequester carbon. In this study, we simulated peatland carbon dynamics in distinct future climate conditions using the peatland-vegetation model (LPJ-GUESS). The study examined whether less pronoun

Spatially and temporally resolved laser/optical diagnostics of combustion processes : From fundamentals to practical applications

Laser diagnostic techniques have for more than five decades been used for gaining a deepened understanding of various combustion processes. The main reason for this is the possibility of non-intrusive measurements of key combustion parameters, e.g. species concentrations, temperatures and velocities, with high spatial and temporal resolution. The present paper will describe some development of the

Primary and Secondary Outcomes from a Double Randomized Clinical Preference Trial of two Panic-Focused Psychotherapies

I Sverige kommer ungefär 2-3 % av befolkningen någon gång att drabbas av paniksyndrom med eller utan agorafobi (PS/A), ett tillstånd som består av plötsliga, oväntade panikattacker som följs av ihållande rädsla för nya attacker och/eller betydande livsstilsförändringar. PS/A debuterar oftast i slutet av tonåren eller i tidig vuxenålder och ger om den förblir obehandlad ofta kroniska psykiska besväApproximately 2-3% of adults in Sweden will experience unexpected panic attacks that cause them to develop fears of future attacks and to alter their lives, defined as Panic Disorder with or without Agoraphobia (PD/A). The condition often onsets in late adolescence or early adulthood, with high levels of psychiatric comorbidity, social difficulties, diminished study and work ability, an elevated r

Methotrexate Treatment Suppresses Monocytes in Nonresponders to Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients

Patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) have an increased risk of infections; therefore, immunization against vaccine-preventable diseases is important. Methotrexate (MTX) impairs the antibody response to pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV) in patients with arthritis, and the underlying mechanism is largely unknown. Here, we investigate the potential role of the innate immune system in the falter

Sensitivity of Diffusion MRI to White Matter Pathology : Influence of Diffusion Protocol, Magnetic Field Strength, and Processing Pipeline in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

There are many ways to acquire and process diffusion MRI (dMRI) data for group studies, but it is unknown which maximizes the sensitivity to white matter (WM) pathology. Inspired by this question, we analyzed data acquired for diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) and diffusion kurtosis imaging (DKI) at 3T (3T-DTI and 3T-DKI) and DTI at 7T in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and healthy c