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Your search for "*" yielded 532197 hits

Why having 10,000 parameters in your camera model is better than twelve

Camera calibration is an essential first step in setting up 3D Computer Vision systems. Commonly used parametric camera models are limited to a few degrees of freedom and thus often do not optimally fit to complex real lens distortion. In contrast, generic camera models allow for very accurate calibration due to their flexibility. Despite this, they have seen little use in practice. In this paper,

Modeling Pan-Arctic Peatland Carbon Dynamics Under Alternative Warming Scenarios

Peatlands store large amounts of carbon in terrestrial ecosystems and they are vulnerable to recent warming. The ongoing warming may change their carbon sink capacity and could reduce their potential to sequester carbon. In this study, we simulated peatland carbon dynamics in distinct future climate conditions using the peatland-vegetation model (LPJ-GUESS). The study examined whether less pronoun

Spatially and temporally resolved laser/optical diagnostics of combustion processes : From fundamentals to practical applications

Laser diagnostic techniques have for more than five decades been used for gaining a deepened understanding of various combustion processes. The main reason for this is the possibility of non-intrusive measurements of key combustion parameters, e.g. species concentrations, temperatures and velocities, with high spatial and temporal resolution. The present paper will describe some development of the

Primary and Secondary Outcomes from a Double Randomized Clinical Preference Trial of two Panic-Focused Psychotherapies

I Sverige kommer ungefär 2-3 % av befolkningen någon gång att drabbas av paniksyndrom med eller utan agorafobi (PS/A), ett tillstånd som består av plötsliga, oväntade panikattacker som följs av ihållande rädsla för nya attacker och/eller betydande livsstilsförändringar. PS/A debuterar oftast i slutet av tonåren eller i tidig vuxenålder och ger om den förblir obehandlad ofta kroniska psykiska besväApproximately 2-3% of adults in Sweden will experience unexpected panic attacks that cause them to develop fears of future attacks and to alter their lives, defined as Panic Disorder with or without Agoraphobia (PD/A). The condition often onsets in late adolescence or early adulthood, with high levels of psychiatric comorbidity, social difficulties, diminished study and work ability, an elevated r

Methotrexate Treatment Suppresses Monocytes in Nonresponders to Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients

Patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) have an increased risk of infections; therefore, immunization against vaccine-preventable diseases is important. Methotrexate (MTX) impairs the antibody response to pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV) in patients with arthritis, and the underlying mechanism is largely unknown. Here, we investigate the potential role of the innate immune system in the falter

Sensitivity of Diffusion MRI to White Matter Pathology : Influence of Diffusion Protocol, Magnetic Field Strength, and Processing Pipeline in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

There are many ways to acquire and process diffusion MRI (dMRI) data for group studies, but it is unknown which maximizes the sensitivity to white matter (WM) pathology. Inspired by this question, we analyzed data acquired for diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) and diffusion kurtosis imaging (DKI) at 3T (3T-DTI and 3T-DKI) and DTI at 7T in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and healthy c

Resonant Frequency Ultrasonic P-Waves for Evaluating Uniaxial Compressive Strength of the Stabilized Slag–Cement Sediments

Marina sediment kan stabiliseras med ultrahöghållfasta bindemedel: cement, Cement Kiln Dust (CKD) och slagg. Egenskaperna hos den stabiliserade jorden indikerar potential för återanvändning. Den här studien undersökte prestandan för den enaxiella tryckhållfastheten (UCS) i smarina sediment stabiliserade med bindemedel (cement, CKD, slagg), testade med ultraljuds P-vågor. Material omfattar 194 prov

Habitat selection and foraging site fidelity in Caspian Terns (Hydroprogne caspia) breeding in the Baltic Sea

Habitat preferences and foraging strategies affect population-level space use and are therefore crucial to understanding population change and implementing spatial conservation and management actions. We investigated the breeding season habitat preference and foraging site fidelity of the under-studied and threatened, Baltic Sea population of Caspian Terns (Hydroprogne caspia). Using GPS devices,

Introduction of e-portfolio – what do we know?

Aims and ObjectivesTo explore experiences and perceptions from teachers’ and students’ regarding the use of e-portfolio/portfolio through a literature review.Materials and methodsA meta ethnographic literature review was conducted following the guidelines (1). From 94 hits, seven papers fit the criteria for further analysis and synthesis.Search terms: portfolio AND dental AND educationResultsTwo m

Creating a system for Quality and Progress – The Purposeful Need for Technology?

The use of a learning management/assessment system has become common in higher education during the past 20 years. However, such systems are frequently not grounded in approaches to support longitudinal educational needs, such as promoting professional development. One reason may be that digital support is designed to assist with isolated tasks e.g. running MCQ tests, and therefore is not develope

Direct and indirect pressures of climate change on nutrient and carbon cycling in northern forest ecosystems : Dynamic modelling for policy support

Northern forest ecosystems play an important role in mitigating climate change by sequestrating carbon (C), while additionally providing and regulating other ecosystem services. A majority of the Swedish environmental quality objects (EQOs) that guide Swedish environmental policy and management are associated with the forest, and they have proven difficult to achieve. Several of them relate to the

Rectification from radially-distorted scales

This paper introduces the first minimal solvers that jointly estimate lens distortion and affine rectification from repetitions of rigidly-transformed coplanar local features. The proposed solvers incorporate lens distortion into the camera model and extend accurate rectification to wide-angle images that contain nearly any type of coplanar repeated content. We demonstrate a principled approach to

Minimal solvers for rectifying from radially-distorted scales and change of scales

This paper introduces the first minimal solvers that jointly estimate lens distortion and affine rectification from the image of rigidly-transformed coplanar features. The solvers work on scenes without straight lines and, in general, relax strong assumptions about scene content made by the state of the art. The proposed solvers use the affine invariant that coplanar repeats have the same scale in

Deep shutter unrolling network

We present a novel network for rolling shutter effect correction. Our network takes two consecutive rolling shutter images and estimates the corresponding global shutter image of the latest frame. The dense displacement field from a rolling shutter image to its corresponding global shutter image is estimated via a motion estimation network. The learned feature representation of a rolling shutter i

From two rolling shutters to one global shutter

Most consumer cameras are equipped with electronic rolling shutter, leading to image distortions when the camera moves during image capture. We explore a surprisingly simple camera configuration that makes it possible to undo the rolling shutter distortion: two cameras mounted to have different rolling shutter directions. Such a setup is easy and cheap to build and it possesses the geometric const

The european union in international relations : Great power under strain?

This chapter focuses on the diplomatic, security, and defence dimensions of EU foreign policy. Developments in the last decade, not least Russia's annexation of Crimea, China's increasing global political - and not only economic - prevalence, and America's reoriented foreign policy all speak to this dynamic - and also render the EU a more challenging position in international relations. Recognitio