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A role for hepatic lipase in chylomicron and high density lipoprotein phospholipid metabolism

The rate of removal of phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylcholine from the plasma of rats treated with antiserum to hepatic lipase was measured. The hepatic lipase antiserum was injected intravenously into animals prior to injection of 32P-labeled chylomicrons or 32P-labeled high density lipoproteins. In experiments in which 32P-labeled chylomicrons were injected, antiserum treatment inhibit

Cleaner cooking while producing biochar: factors affecting adoption of gasifier cookstoves in rural areas

A majority of households in developing countries use biomass energy for cooking and heating due to its affordability and accessibility. However, unsustainable biomass use leads to deforestation, environmental degradation and climate change. The pollution from open burning of biomass is a major health concern especially for women and children as they spend a lot of time in the kitchen. Biochar-prod

Hope in Dark Times : Theological Accounts of Hope as Critical Resources for Coping with Political Defeatism

This article is a revised version of a keynote given at the 18th Nordic Conference on Systematic Theology: Hope in Dark Times, held in Stavanger on 10–13 January 2019. The aim of the article is to ponder how Jewish and Christian discourses on hope can contribute in a critical way to contemporary political and philosophical discussions of hope. Taking its cue from the biblical idea of messianic red

A framework to explore the effects of urban planning decisions on regulating ecosystem services in cities

Urban planning is the most relevant decision-making process affecting urban regulating ecosystem services. However, a clear understanding of the effects of planning decisions on both the supply and demand of urban regulating ecosystem services is still lacking. To support planners in enhancing urban regulating ecosystem services, there is a need to understand what variables are at stake and how ch

Planet-planet scattering as the source of the highest eccentricity exoplanets

Most giant exoplanets discovered by radial velocity surveys have much higher eccentricities than those in the solar system. The planet-planet scattering mechanism has been shown to match the broad eccentricity distribution, but the highest-eccentricity planets are often attributed to Kozai-Lidov oscillations induced by a stellar companion. Here we investigate whether the highly eccentric exoplanet

Hur ser ett 'optimalt' valutaområde ut för Sverige

Teorin för optimala valutaområden är den grundläggande ramen för nationalekonomernas analys av för- och nackdelar med ett medlemskap i en valutaunion. I forskningen kring EMU intar den en central plats. Denna teori används här för att kartlägga detlämpliga eller ’’optimala’’ valutaområdet för Sverige. Granskningen visar att detta geografiska område i första hand bör omfattaFinland, möjligen också

With a Little Help from my Friends: Gender and Intimacy in Two Friendship Research Projects

Friendship is an undertheorized but increasingly important relationship in late modernity. In this article, the authors present findings from two ongoing research projects about friendship, gender and age in contemporary Sweden. They argue that discourses about gender and friendship are highly relevant for how friendship is conceptualized both among men and women, but that culturally ingrained con

Redefining energy system flexibility for distributed energy system design

A novel method is introduced in this study to consider flexibility taking into account both system design and operation strategy by using fuzzy logic. A stochastic optimization algorithm is introduced to optimize the system design and operation strategy of the energy system while considering the flexibility. GPU (Graphics Processing Unit)-accelerated computing is introduced to speed up the computa

Landscapes of Dispossession : The Production of Space in Northern Tanintharyi, Myanmar

Since 2007, rural areas, particularly across the global south, have been ravaged by what has been dubbed a “global resource rush”. On the heels of this rush, a new wave of dispossession studies across the fields of agrarian political economy, human geography and political ecology is emerging. A decade into this wave, a series of conceptual challenges in the literature are identifiable, namely 1) t

Sex differences in IL-17 contribute to chronicity in male versus female urinary tract infection

Sex-based differences influence incidence and outcome of infectious disease. Women have a significantly greater incidence of urinary tract infection (UTI) than men, yet, conversely, male UTI is more persistent, with greater associated morbidity. Mechanisms underlying these sex-based differences are unknown, in part due to a lack of experimental models. We optimized a model to transurethrally infec

European Ultrahigh-Field Imaging Network for Neurodegenerative Diseases (EUFIND)

Introduction: The goal of European Ultrahigh-Field Imaging Network in Neurodegenerative Diseases (EUFIND) is to identify opportunities and challenges of 7 Tesla (7T) MRI for clinical and research applications in neurodegeneration. EUFIND comprises 22 European and one US site, including over 50 MRI and dementia experts as well as neuroscientists. Methods: EUFIND combined consensus workshops and dat

The Effect of Stopping Smoking on Disease Activity in Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA). Data from BARFOT, a Multicenter Study of Early RA

OBJECTIVE: We studied the effect of stopping smoking on disease activity in patients with RA.METHODS: Between 1992 and 2005, 2,800 adult patients were included in the BARFOT early RA study in Sweden. Disease Activity Score 28 joints (DAS28), C-reactive protein (CRP), Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ), rheumatoid factor (RF), anti-CCP, general health and pain visual analog scales (VAS), EULAR r

Landscape homogenization due to agricultural intensification disrupts the relationship between reproductive success and main prey abundance in an avian predator

Background: Selecting high-quality habitat and the optimal time to reproduce can increase individual fitness and is a strong evolutionary factor shaping animal populations. However, few studies have investigated the interplay between land cover heterogeneity, limitation in food resources, individual quality and spatial variation in fitness parameters. Here, we explore how individuals of different

Struggles over Human Smuggling in Court: Challenging National and European Border Regimes

In this paper, we explore the ways in which national and European border regimes have been chal- lenged by cases of “compassionate smuggling” of refugees. We centre the analysis around a Swedish case, in which three film makers accompanied a boy from Syria on his journey through Europe in 2015, while at the same time documenting the journey in a documentary film. After the screening of the film inIn this paper, we explore the ways in which national and European border regimes have been challenged by cases of “compassionate smuggling” of refugees. We centre the analysis around a Swedish case, in which three film makers accompanied a boy from Syria on his journey through Europe in 2015, while at the same time documenting the journey in a documentary film. After the screening of the film in t

Exploratory Profiling of Urine MicroRNAs in the dy2J/dy2J Mouse Model of LAMA2-CMD : Relation to Disease Progression

Circulating microRNAs (miRNAs) are being considered as non-invasive biomarkers for disease progression and clinical trials. Congenital muscular dystrophy with deficiency of laminin α2 chain (LAMA2-CMD) is a very severe form of muscular dystrophy, for which no treatment is available. In order to identify LAMA2-CMD biomarkers we have profiled miRNAs in urine from the dy2J /dy2J mouse model of LAMA2-