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Optimal control for systems with varying sampling rate

The paper addresses the aspects of control of real time systems with varying sampling rate. An example is given in which a stable continuous system is sampled at two different sampling rates. Two controllers are designed to minimize the same continuous quadratic loss function with the same weights. It is shown that although the design leads to stable controlled closed loop systems, for both discre

The cultured neuroretina: development, survival and transplantation

Popular Abstract in Swedish Näthinnan är den del av ögat som tar emot ljussignaler och omvandlar dem till elektriska signaler. Dessa signaler förs sedan vidare via synnerven till hjärnan för att man skall kunna erhålla en synupplevelse. Näthinnan består av flera celltyper och en av dessa är fotoreceptorcellen, som omvandlar ljus till elektriska signaler, den s.k. fototransduktionen. Den del av fotIn the cultured immature rat full-thickness neuroretina, massive apoptosis appears in the GCL within hours after explantation, but in the ONL cell death is low. Microglia cells become activated when the retina is kept in culture and are found in the GCL within 24 hours of culture. Embryonic porcine retina kept in culture can survive and develop according to its intrinsic timetable for at least si

Temperature-dependent changes in the soil bacterial community in limed and unlimed soil

A humus soil with a pH(H2O) of 4.9 was limed to a pH of 7.5 and was incubated together with samples from unlimed and field limed (pH 6.1) soils at 5, 20 and 30degreesC for up to 80 days. The changes in the phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) pattern were most rapid for the bacterial community of the soil incubated at 30degreesC, while no changes were found in the soil incubated at 5degreesC. The respon

A proposal to estimate homogeneous and inhomogeneous energy level broadening in double barrier resonant tunneling diodes

In this paper we proposed a method for evaluating a homogeneous broadening (DeltaE(h)) and inhomogeneous broadening (DeltaE(i)) of the resonant energy level width independently by using current-voltage characteristics in double barrier resonant tunneling diodes (DBRTDs). The line shape of the resonant energy broadening is assumed as a convolution of Lorentz function and a Gauss function. Measured

Dynamical systems and commutants in crossed products

In this paper, we describe the commutant of an arbitrary subalgebra A of the algebra of functions on a set X in a crossed product of A with the integers, where the latter act on A by a composition automorphism defined via a bijection of X. The resulting conditions which are necessary and sufficient for A to be maximal abelian in the crossed product are subsequently applied to situations where thes

Extramedullary fixation of 569 unstable intertrochanteric fractures: a randomized multicenter trial of the Medoff sliding plate versus three other screw-plate systems

We compared the efficacy of the Medoff sliding plate (MSP) with 3 other screw-plate systems for fixation of unstable intertrochanteric fractures in a randomized multicenter trial of 569 elderly patients. The MSP has biaxial dynamic capacity along both the neck and the shaft of the femur unlike the other systems, which lack dynamic capacity along the shaft. 268 fractures were operated on with the M

Photoelectrochemical investigation of methylene blue immobilised on zirconium phosphate modified carbon paste electrode in flow injection system

The adsorption of methylene blue (MB) onto zirconium phosphate (ZrP) was studied and the adsorption capacity value and isotherms were determined. The adsorption capacity of ZrP was increased after being exposed to gas phase n-butyl amine. The adsorbed MB on ZrP was used as a modifier material in carbon paste electrode (MCPE), which in turn was used in voltammetric investigations and flow injection

The disabilities of the arm, shoulder and hand (DASH) outcome questionnaire: reliability and validity of the Swedish version evaluated in 176 patients

The disabilities of the arm, shoulder and hand (DASH) questionnaire is a self-administered region-specific outcome instrument developed to measure upper-extremity disability and symptoms. The DASH consists mainly of a 30-item disability/symptom scale. We performed cross-cultural adaptation of the DASH to Swedish, using a process that included double forward and backward translations, expert and la

Efficient Depth Buffer Compression

Depth buffer performance is crucial to modern graphics hardware. This has led to a large number of algorithms for reducing the depth buffer bandwidth. Unfortunately, these have mostly remained documented only in the form of patents. Therefore, we present a survey on the design space of efficient depth buffer implementations. In addition, we describe our novel depth buffer compression algorithm, wh

Studies on a serine peptidase inhibitor locus on human chromosome 20 Characterization of novel genes encoding proteins with WFDC and kunitz domains

An unlimited number of proteolytic reactions are carried out by enzymes in biological systems. These enzymes are a necessity of life, but they can also be dangerous if they are not controlled. Protease inhibitors regulate proteolytic enzymes by interacting and forming complexes with them, thereby preventing the substrate from gaining access to the active site of the enzyme. We have recently identi

The Significance of Critical Degrees of Saturation at Freezing of Porous and Brittle Materials

"The paper treats the problem of frost resistance as a general problem for all porous materials. The difference between the new way of defining critical degree of saturation (as a materials constant) and the usual way (as functions of a combination of properties of material and environment) is discussed. Possible definitions of moisture conditions are provided. By comparison of the critical degree

The inclusion of female PhD students in academia: A case study of a Swedish university department

The article introduces a framework for understanding women's entry into the academic world and how it interacts with internal departmental structures and practices. It presents three specific strategies applied by a group of women to gain a doctorate and acceptance in their department. Few previous studies have stressed women's strategies to cope with the organizational setting in academia. The ar

Cycle-Accurate Test Power Modeling and its Application to SoC Test Scheduling

Concurrent testing of the cores in a modular core-based System-on-Chip reduces the test application time but increases the test power consumption. Power models and scheduling algorithms have been proposed to schedule the tests as concurrently as possible while respecting the power budget. The commonly used global peak power model, with a single value capturing the power dissipated by a core when t

Neurogenesis in stroke and epilepsy

Ischemic and epileptic insults promote neurogenesis from neural stem cells located in the dentate subgranular zone and in the subventricular zone lining the lateral ventricles. These findings raise the possibility that the adult brain tries to use its own stem cells to repair itself. New neurons generated by ischemic insults have now been shown to migrate from the subventricular zone and posterior

A 6 hour working day - effects on health and well-being

The effect of the total amount of work hours and the benefits of a shortening is frequently debated, but very little data is available. The present study compared a group (N = 41) that obtained a 9 h reduction of the working week (to a 6 h day) with a comparison group (N = 22) that retained normal work hours. Both groups were constituted of mainly female health care and day care nursery personnel.

Nocturia: morbidity and management in adults

Nocturia is an increasingly prevalent and bothersome urinary symptom associated with considerable impact and morbidity in later life. Nocturnal frequency is associate with a number of underlying pathologies, both related and unrelated to the lower urinary tract. Following careful assessment, diagnosis and management, the condition is amenable to amelioration, if not complete cure in the majority o

Viktigt att upptäcka ärftliga fall av kolorektal- och endometriecancer. Mutationer hos »HNPCC-individer» kan orsaka flera tumörsjukdomar

Hereditary Nonpolyposis Colorectal Cancer (HNPCC) is one of our most common hereditary cancer syndromes and confers an increased risk for several tumor types, with the greatest lifetime risks being for colorectal cancer and endometrial cancer. Hereditary mutations in one of several mismatch-repair (MMR) genes cause the syndrome, and 39 such mutations, involving the genes MLH1, MSH2 and MSH6, have