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Human-Centred AI in the EU : Trustworthiness as a strategic priority in the European Member States

The European approach to artificial intelligence (AI) points to ethical considerations, human control and trustworthiness as its core tenets. But how clearly is this approach reflected in the Member States’ strategies?This anthology analyses to what extent the notions of ethical and trustworthy AI, presented by the High-Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence and the European Commission, hav

Whose Experience is the Measure of Justice?

Robert Alexy’s theory of legal argumentation is among the notable contributions made to mainstream jurisprudence in the last three decades. Remaining true to its rational discursive mission, it engages with both analytical positivism and natural law theories. A recent collection of essays edited by George Pavlakos explores Alexy’s theory from a number of philosophical standpoints, revealing its th

Biblisk skräck skrämmer och lindrar i utsatta tider

I tider av krig, hungersnöd eller pandemier har apokalyptiska visioner frodats. Berättelserna var en tidig form av skräcklitteratur som gav konturer åt lidandet och i någon mån gjorde det mer uthärdligt. Men ända in i modern tid har apokalyptiska texter också fungerat som motståndslitteratur mot förtryckare

Grophusben från en vendeltida gård : Osteologisk analys av djurben från Öllsjö 67:1

Denna rapport behandlar den osteologiska analysen av djurbenen från en arkeologisk slutundersökning i fastigheten Öllsjö 67:1 (L1987:3648). Analysen omfattar ben från fem grophus och en härd som daterats till yngre järnålder, med tyngdpunkt på vendeltid. Denna rapport redovisar resultaten från denna analys, samt från två kompletterande 14C-dateringar av ben från två grophus. Analysen har skett ino

Immigration, new religious symbols, and the dynamics of neighborhoods

Last decades' non-western immigration to Europe has resulted in culturally and religiously more diverse populations in many countries. One manifestation of this diversification is new features in the cityscape. Using a quasiexperimental approach, in which an unexpected political process that led way to the first public call to prayer from a mosque in Sweden is combined with rich, daily, informatio

Refining predictions of metacommunity dynamics by modeling species non-independence

Predicting the dynamics of biotic communities is difficult because species’ environmental responses are not independent, but covary due to shared or contrasting ecological strategies and the influence of species interactions. We used latent-variable joint species distribution models to analyze paired historical and contemporary inventories of 585 vascular plant species on 471 islands in the southw

Weak correlations between cerebellar tests

Eyeblink conditioning, finger tapping, and prism adaptation are three tasks that have been linked to the cerebellum. Previous research suggests that these tasks recruit distinct but partially overlapping parts of the cerebellum, as well as different extra-cerebellar networks. However, the relationships between the performances on these tasks remain unclear. Here we tested eyeblink conditioning, fi

The German Federal Constitutional Court’s PSPP Judgment: Proportionality Review Par Excellence

The analysis departs from the FCC’s stringent proportionality review to elaborate an argument on what intensity of review should be adopted when reviewing the ECB’s economic policies. Building on previous scholarly analyses (Öberg) and relevant Court case law( Spain v Council and Vodafone,) it suggests that the proper standard of proportionality analysis should primarily be guided by the nature of

Secondhand cigarette smoke induces increased expression of contractile endothelin receptors in rat coronary arteries via a MEK1/2 sensitive mechanism

Objectives: Cigarette smoke, a strong risk factor for cardiovascular diseases, upregulates contractile endothelin (ET) receptors in coronary arteries. The present study examined the effects of second hand cigarette smoke exposure on the contractile endothelin receptors and the role of the MEK1/2 pathway in rat coronary arteries. Design: Rats were exposed to secondhand smoke (SHS) for 8 weeks follo

Monte Carlo event generation of photon-photon collisions at colliders

In addition to being interesting in itself, the photon-photon interactions will be an inevitable background for the future electron-positron colliders. Thus to be able to quantify the potential of future electron-positron colliders it is important to have an accurate description of these collisions. Here we present our ongoing work to implement the photon-photon collisions in the Pythia 8 event ge

Law, community and the 2011 London Riots

Legal pluralism provided a useful alternative framework because pluralism had always sought to identify hybrid legal spaces, where multiple normative systems occupied the same social field. An emphasis on legal pluralism also freed scholars from endless intractable debates about whether international law is truly law given that coercive enforcement power in the international and transnational aren

Commissioning status of the chopper system for the Max IV injector

The MAX IV facility in Lund, Sweden consists of two storage rings for production of synchrotron radiation, and a short-pulse-facility (SPF). The two rings are designed for 3 GeV and 1.5 GeV, respectively, where the initial beam commissioning of the former has recently been completed, and commissioning of the latter was started in September 2016. Both rings will be operating with top-up injections

Balancing selection in Pattern Recognition Receptor signalling pathways is associated with gene function and pleiotropy in a wild rodent

Pathogen-mediated balancing selection is commonly considered to play an important role in the maintenance of genetic diversity, in particular in immune genes. However, the factors that may influence which immune genes are the targets of such selection are largely unknown. To address this, here we focus on Pattern Recognition Receptor (PRR) signalling pathways, which play a key role in innate immun

Planetariets fängslande värld

I planetariet hittar du en omvälvande och fängslande värld. I detta digitala universum kan du undersöka enorma galaxer eller de minsta atomerna.At the planetarium you find an immersive world where one can travel across the universe, and examine bot the smallest atom and the largest galaxies.