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Psychotropic drugs and accidents in Scania, Sweden.

BACKGROUND: Injuries are second to cardiovascular diseases, the main cause of hospital care in Sweden. The aim of the present study was to investigate the associations between medication with psychotropic drugs and injuries from two types of accidents, i.e. falling accidents and transportation accidents, respectively, in the whole population aged ≥18 years in the county of Scania, Sweden. METHODS:

Thymic stromal lymphopoietin exerts antimicrobial activities.

Thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP) is an interleukin-7-like cytokine expressed by epithelial cells and reported to be involved in allergic diseases and atopic eczema. The presence of several predicted α-helical regions in TSPL, a structure characterizing many classical antimicrobial peptides (AMPs), prompted us to investigate whether TSLP exerts antimicrobial activities. Recombinant human TSLP ex

Serious complications in connection with cardiac surgery-Next of kin's views on information and support.

OBJECTIVE: Next of kin (NoK) to patients undergoing cardiac surgery expect successful outcomes but sometimes serious complications occur and this affects their NoK. To describe NoK's experiences of information and support when serious complications occur during the first 30 days after cardiac surgery. METHODS: A qualitative, critical incident technique was used. Forty-two NoK were asked to descri

Global investigation and meta-analysis of the C9orf72 (G4C2)n repeat in Parkinson disease

OBJECTIVES: The objective of this study is to clarify the role of (G4C2)n expansions in the etiology of Parkinson disease (PD) in the worldwide multicenter Genetic Epidemiology of Parkinson's Disease (GEO-PD) cohort. METHODS: C9orf72 (G4C2)n repeats were assessed in a GEO-PD cohort of 7,494 patients diagnosed with PD and 5,886 neurologically healthy control individuals ascertained in Europe, Asia,

Participant Experiences in the Environmental Determinants of Diabetes in the Young Study: Common Reasons for Withdrawing.

Background. To characterize participant reasons for withdrawing from a diabetes focused longitudinal clinical observational trial (TEDDY) during the first three study years. Methods. 8677 children were recruited into the TEDDY study. At participant withdrawal staff recorded any reason parents provided for withdrawal. Reasons were categorized into (1) family characteristics and (2) protocol reasons

The role of phospholipid transfer protein in lipoprotein-mediated neutralization of the procoagulant effect of anionic liposomes.

Summary Background: Serum has the ability to neutralize the procoagulant properties of anionic liposomes, with transfer of phospholipids (PLs) to both high-density lipoprotein (HDL) and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) particles. Phospholipid transfer protein (PLTP) mediates transfer of PLs between HDL and other lipoproteins and conversion of HDL into larger and smaller particles. Objectives: To exam

Nordic Seniors on the Move : Mobility and Migration in Later Life

"I believe that all people need to move about. Actually, some have difficulties in doing so. They stay in their home neighbourhoods, where they’ve grown up and feel safe. I can understand that, but my wife and I, we didn’t want that. We are more open to new ideas".This anthology is about seniors on the move. In seven chapters, Nordic researchers from various disciplines, by means of ethnographic m

An electromechanically coupled micro-sphere framework: application to the finite element analysis of electrostrictive polymers

The number of industrial applications of electroactive polymers (EAPs) is increasing and, consequently, the need for reliable modelling frameworks for such materials as well as related robust simulation techniques continuously increases. In this context, we combine the modelling of non-linear electroelasticity with a computational micro-sphere formulation in order to simulate the behaviour of EAPs

Amphetamine-induced abnormal movements occur independently of both transplant- and host-derived serotonin innervation following neural grafting in a rat model of Parkinson's disease.

Serotonin has been postulated to play a role in the transplant-induced involuntary movements that occur following intrastriatal grafts of ventral mesencephalic tissue in the treatment of Parkinson's disease. Serotonin innervation of the striatum may be derived from either the donor graft tissue or the normal host projections from the midbrain. In two sets of experiments we study the impact of graf

Osteoarthritis - an update

Osteoarthritis (sometimes called “arthrosis” or “osteoarthrosis”) often entails a slow and gradual deterioration of the joint that may sometimes lead to its total destruction and the need for an operation to replace it. However, for most patients with osteoarthritis, surgical treatment never becomes necessary, and their symptoms can be dealt with satisfactorily by self management, by non-pharmacol

The stellar populations of the M31 halo substructure

We present the first results from our survey of stellar substructure in the outskirts of M31 using the Advanced Camera for Surveys on board the Hubble Space Telescope. We discuss the stellar populations associated with five prominent stellar overdensities discovered during the course of our panoramic ground-based imaging survey with the Isaac Newton Telescope Wide-Field Camera; a sixth pointing ta

Comparison of monolayer films of stearic acid and methyl stearate on an Al2O3 surface

Both stearic acid and methyl stearate chemisorbs onto an oxide surface of aluminum with an asymmetric coordination of the carboxylate group as concluded from infrared (IR) spectroscopy data. Similarities in the IR spectra of the films from the two compounds suggest that the ester is bonded in the same way as the acid, and that the ester therefore undergoes hydrolysis during the surface reaction. X

Kvalet inför valet: Om elevers förväntningar och möten med vägledare i grundskolan

Popular Abstract in Swedish Med utgångspunkt i elevers väljande till gymnasieskolan har denna studie fokuserat på hur eleverna upplever detta val och med särskild betoning på samtalen mellan skolans syokon-sulenter (studie- och yrkesvägledare) och elever. Åtta elever har valts ut och samtliga deras samtal i årskurs nio med vägledare (4 stycken) har videoinspelats och analyserats. Dessutom har elevThe main purpose of this study is to highlight the counselling interview in connection with the choice of upper secondary school from three perspectives, the student's, the counsellor's and society's. The intention is to describe and analyse the counselling interview in the ninth grade with relation to: · the student's expectations, perceptions and values before and after the interviews, · the co

Renal arteries covered by aortic stents: clinical experience from endovascular grafting of aortic aneurysms

OBJECTIVES: During the endovascular repair of abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAAs), effective anchoring of the stent-graft is difficult in the presence of a short infrarenal aneurysm neck. The aim of this study was to investigate renal artery patency and renal function after deployment of graft anchoring stents across the renal arteries. DESIGN: Retrospective open study. PATIENTS: Twenty-five renal a

Gendered subjectivity in Sweden 1959-1993: Psychological discourses of gendered subjectivity in relaton to history, materiality, political appeals and psychological truth-regimes. What about 2007?

To demonstrate the psychological importance of social changes in behavioural practice, three interview studies were carried out in Sweden, each in the decade of 1970, 1980 and 1990. All subjects were university students, as were te subjects in a study performed 1959 which served as an "anchor study". The results were analysed using the following three perspectives:(1)Hegemonic social appeals rega