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Your search for "*" yielded 531651 hits

Non-adrenergic, non-cholinergic neural activation in guinea-pig bronchi: powerful and frequency-dependent stabilizing effect on tone

1 We examined non-adrenergic, non-cholinergic (NANC) stimulation for its stabilizing effect on bronchial smooth-muscle tone with respect to its regulatory power and the effect of variations in neural impulse frequency. 2 The guinea-pig isolated main bronchus (n = 4-12) was pretreated with indomethacin (1O JAM) and incubated with atropine (1 pM) and guanethidine (10 JM). Electrical field stimulatio

Neuropeptide Y-like immunoreactivity and hypertension

OBJECTIVE: Neuropeptide Y is a co-transmitter with noradrenaline in sympathetic neurons supplying arteries and veins with potent contractile effects. To investigate the role of neuropeptide Y in hypertension, we measured the circulating levels of neuropeptide Y and noradrenaline in patients with severe hypertension. DESIGN: Samples were collected from patients with untreated, severe hypertension (

Self-regulated learning through writing on computers: Consequences for reading comprehension.

The overall aim for the present study was to analyze the consequences for reading ability among the children of a computer supported self-regulated learning environment in grade two. By means of a quasi-experimental design in a natural setting, an experimental group (n=39) was compared to a control group from a national sample (n=3409) on reading comprehension. The statistical analyses showed that

Global sequence and dispersion of ventricular repolarization: In vivo validation of non-invasive parameters using monophasic action potential mapping technique

The purposes are to validate the noninvasive parameters, QT interval, QT dispersion, Tpeak-Tend interval, and the activation recovery time (ART) for estimation of global dispersion of ventricular repolarization (DVR), and to investigate the changes of repolarization sequence and DVR by altered ventricular pacing sites. The material consisted of 12 patients (Study I) and two series healthy pigs wi

The chloroplast small heat shock protein undergoes oxidation-dependent conformational changes and may protect plants from oxidative stress

The nuclear-encoded chloroplast-localized Hsp21 is an oligomeric heat shock protein (Hsp), belonging to the protein family of small Hsps and @a-crystallins. We have investigated the effects of high temperature and oxidation treatments on the structural properties of Hsp21, both in purified recombinant form and in transgenicArabidopsis thalianaplants engineered to constitutively overexpress Hsp21.

Essays on Pharmaceutical R&D

The first paper, Pharmaceutical R&D: a real option approach, considers the process of pharmaceutical R&D analyzed with real option theory. This process is analyzed as an opportunity to research and develop a new pharmaceutical. Contrary to other models using real option analysis I use an option that takes time to exercise. Thus, the important aspect of long R&D processes when developin

Domain-wall contribution to magnetoresistance of a ferromagnetic (Ga,Mn)As layer

Low-temperature charge-carrier transport in simple magnetoresistive nanodevices, consisted of narrow constrictions of submicron width in the epitaxial layer of a ferromagnetic (Ga,Mn)As semiconductor, has been investigated and correlated with magnetic properties of the layer. The devices containing constrictions; revealed abrupt jumps of a reduced resistance that appeared when the sweeping magneti

Hip involvement in early rheumatoid arthritis

OBJECTIVE--To study early hip involvement in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and to evaluate the usefulness of ultrasonography in the detection of hip joint synovitis in RA. METHODS--Study I: The number of hip joint replacements was recorded in a cohort of 113 patients with RA of at least five years disease duration followed from an early stage. Study II: Ultrasonography was evaluated as a method to ide

On approximate string matching of unique oligonucleotides

The current research considers the approximate string matching search for important subsequences from DNA sequences, which is essential for numerous bioinformatics computation tasks. We tested several approximate string matching algorithms and furthermore developed one for DNA data. Run times of the algorithms are important, since the amount of data is very large.

Aspects of photoinduction of carotenogenesis in the fungus Verticillium-Agricinum

An action spectrum for light induced carotenogenesis in V. agaricinum (Link) Corda (ATCC 24668) was obtained by exposing mycelial pads to monochromatic radiation. Action maxima occurred at 290 (main peak) and 390 nm and there was a minor peak at 483 nm. An interaction between the blue and UV light occurred. Blue light partly reversed the UV light induction of carotenogenesis when given after, but

Malmo International Brother Study (MIBS): an international survey of brother pairs with haemophilia

Malmo International Brother Study (MIBS) was initiated in 1996 in order to set up an international registry of twins and non-twin brothers with haemophilia and to search for genetic and compound factors predisposing for inhibitor development. As of July, 1997, 178 brother pairs are registered (143 haemophilia A and 35 haemophilia B patients). Sixteen of these pairs are twins. In 48 of the brother

Exploration of subjective well-being and dependence in daily activities at the beginning of the geriatric rehabilitation process: a challenge to traditional goal-setting and evaluation procedures?

The objectives of this study were to describe a population of elderly patients at the beginning of their rehabilitation period as regards subjective well-being and dependence in activities of daily living (ADL). In a Swedish rural county 244 patients aged 65+ who had begun rehabilitation within the last month were targeted. One part of the self-administered Goteborg Quality of Life Instrument and

Increased risk of developing atrophic gastritis in patients infected with CagA+ Helicobacter pylori

BACKGROUND: To clarify the possible role of CagA positive (CagA+) Helicobacter pylori strains in the development of atrophic gastritis, the prevalence of antibodies to H. pylori and CagA (120 kD protein) was studied among subjects with atrophic and non-atrophic gastritis. METHODS: The study population was randomly selected among 12,252 Finnish men who were screened for atrophic corpus gastritis wi

Skin toxicity as a risk factor for major infections in breast cancer patients treated with docetaxel

Docetaxel-related skin toxicity, oral and gastrointestinal mucosal toxicity, and changes in blood cell counts were investigated as predictive factors for major infections in 143 women treated with 3-weekly docetaxel (100 mg/m(2)) as second-line therapy for metastatic breast cancer in a randomized trial. Each patient with a major infection (n = 37) was compared with two controls. Skin toxicity (odd

A systematic overview of radiation therapy effects in brain tumours

A systematic review of radiation therapy trials in several tumour types was performed by The Swedish Council of Technology Assessment in Health Care (SBU). The procedures for evaluation of the scientific literature are described separately (Acta Oncol 2003; 42: 357-365). This synthesis of the literature on radiation therapy for brain turnouts is based on data from 9 randomized trials and 1 meta-an