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En text är en text är en text? Om en terminologisk tredelning av textbegreppet

Ett terminologisk förslag till tredelning av textbegreppet i första hand ägnat att handha texttraditioner som rymmer större eller mindre variation: textverk = den abstrakta storhet som i olika manifestationer uppfattas som ett och samma verk (ett slags motsvarighet till fonemet), textvittne = den specifika manifestationen av ett textverk, textbärare = den konkreta (och därmed multimodala) bäraren

Detection of duplicate defect reports using natural language processing

Defect reports are generated from various testing and development activities in software engineering. Some-times two reports are submitted that describe the same problem, leading to duplicate reports. These reports are mostly written in structured natural language, and as such, it is hard to compare two reports for similarity with formal methods. In order to identify duplicates, we investigate usi

Creep Recovery and Elastic Modulus of High Performance Concrete

This article outlines an experimental and numerical study on short-term and long-term creep recovery in High Performance Concrete. About 200 cylinders and 800 cubes were tested. The ambient climate was held constant at 20 °C and 55% relative humidity. Results and analyses are presented as regards short-term and long-term creep recovery with some related properties. The creep deformations are separ

Fatty-acid-displaced transcriptional repressor, a conserved regulator of cytochrome P450 102 transcription in Bacillus species

Bacillus subtilis strain 168 encodes two flavocytochromes P450, Cyp102A2 and Cyp102A3. The cyp102A3 gene is preceded by, and organized in an operon with, a gene for a transcriptional regulator, encoded by fatR. The paralogous gene, cyp102A2, is most likely transcribed as a mono-cistronic message. We show that fatR encodes a protein that binds to an operator sequence that is present upstream of its

Mitogenic effects of ATP on vascular smooth muscle cells vs. other growth factors and sympathetic cotransmitters

The sympathetic nervous system has been shown to exert a trophic influence on vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC). Therefore, we studied the growth-regulating effects of the sympathetic cotransmitters ATP, neuropeptide Y (NPY), and norepinephrine (NE). ATP in concentrations of 1-100 microM greatly increased the incorporation of [3H]thymidine in VSMC from rat aorta and vena cava. ATP also increased

Animism, fetishism, and objectivism as strategies for knowing (or not knowing) the world

Animistic or 'relational' ontologies encountered in non-Western (i.e. premodern) settings pose a challenge to Western (i.e. modern) knowledge production, as they violate fundamentalassumptions of Cartesian science. Naturalscientists who have tried seriously to incorporate subject-subject relations into their intellectual practice (e.g. Uexküll, Bateson) have inexorably been relegated to the margin

The role of context and inhibition in ADHD.

We have shown in a computational model that a poor memory for context could result in some of the behaviors associated with ADHD, which is well in line with the dynamic developmental theory. Given the important role of context in extinction, a weaker context due to a steeper delay-of-reinforcement gradient would result in impaired inhibition.

Application of Flamelet Chemistry Model to Vitiated Methane-Air Diffusion Flames

A laminar flamelet model has been used to calculate chemistry of methane-air flamelets in vitiated and non-vitiated environment. The calculated results for temperature and stable species concentrations agree well with other models of the same kind. The present results also agree quite well with recent laboratory measurements of both laminar and turbulent diffusion flames. The largest discrepancy b

Stretch-dependent modulation of contractility and growth in smooth muscle of rat portal vein

Increased intraluminal pressure of the rat portal vein in vivo causes hypertrophy and altered contractility in 1 to 7 days. We have used organ cultures to investigate mechanisms involved in this adaptation to mechanical load. Strips of rat portal vein were cultured for 3 days, either undistended or loaded by a weight. Length-force relations were shifted toward longer length in stretched cultured v

Quality control of measured x-ray beam data

The purpose of this study was to examine whether the quality of measured x-ray beam data can be judged from how well the data agree with a semiempirical formula. Tissue-phantom ratios (TPR) and output factors for several accelerators in the energy range 4-25 MV were fitted to the formula, separating the dose contributions from primary and phantom-scattered photons. The former was described by expo

Temperature changes within samples in heat conduction calorimeters

So-called isothermal calorimeters are often built on the heat conduction principle. This may sound as a contradiction, as heat conduction is a result of non-isothermal conditions, but most measurements with microcalorimeters and other such instruments are essentially isothermal as the temperature differences within the instruments are in the order of 10 mK. This paper presents simple methods to es

Ett Problem för Hares Superveniensrelation

R. M. Hare skriver första gången om superveniens i boken Language of Morals (LM). Han är inte den förste som understrukit att värdeomdömen handlar om så kallade supervenienta egenskaper – dvs. egenskaper som tillfaller bäraren av värdet i kraft av alla eller några av dess övriga egenskaper. Han ståtar dock i många arbeten med att ha varit den första som gav denna speciella relation ett namn. Det s

Proteoglycan production in disomic and trisomy 7-carrying human synovial cells.

To gain further insight into the synthesis and structure of the synovial matrix of joints, we have established cell cultures from synovial specimens and elaborated their production of hyaluronan and proteoglycans. The cultures secreted mainly the small proteoglycan decorin, but also considerable amounts of the related biglycan and the large proteoglycan versican. Only minor amounts of heparan sulf

Loss of mismatch repair protein immunostaining in colorectal adenomas from patients with hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer.

Colorectal adenomas occur at younger age, at increased frequency and have a greater tendency for malignant transformation in patients with hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC). We performed immunostaining for the mismatch repair proteins MLH1, PMS2, MSH2 and MSH6 in 35 colorectal adenomas from 26 patients with HNPCC and identified loss of immunostaining in 23/35 (0.66) adenomas. Loss