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Your search for "*" yielded 533562 hits

Floristic change in the province of Scania in southernmost Sweden 1800-2020: using fragmented data to study landscape-level shifts

Vascular plant observances were compiled for 10 well-documented parishes throughout southernmost Sweden from published floras, herbarium specimens, modern inventories, and a large citizen-science database to provide presence/absence of species from 1800-2020 at the decade level. A regionally-specific database of species-specific plant traits and ecological indicator values was used to examine flor

The Pope and the Brogue – Om översättning av dialekt i Darragh Martins Future Popes of Ireland

Denna uppsats är baserad på en översättning av kapitel 1-9 i första delen av romanen Future Popes of Ireland av den irländske författaren Darragh Martin. Efter en inledande källtextanalys baserad på modellen som beskrivs av Hellspong & Ledin i Vägar genom texten – Handbok i brukstextananalys (1997) följer ett kortare medierande avsnitt om överväganden inför översättningen, där valet av översät

An Assessment of Strategies for the Promotion of Women’s Right to Education in Post-Taliban Afghanistan.

This study assessed the work of individuals, organizations and the state in the promotion of women’s right to education after the Taliban regime in Afghanistan. It drew from the theories of feminism and masculinity as well as Feminist Security Studies and gender and development studies. In order to achieve its objective, the study adopted a triangulated research method which involved Discourse Ana

Developmental Assets Among Migrant Children in Shanghai

"Developmental Assets" refer to a series of relevant experiences, relationships, skills and values that can effectively promote the healthy development of children. They are social and psychological strengths that can enhance the healthy development of children and adolescents. Studies have shown that having sufficient developmental assets can develop children's competencies, skills

Sourcing in 2020: a benchmark of manufacturing companies’ source-to-contract and electronic reverse auction practices

Abstract Digital sourcing platforms were invented in the last decade of the 20th century and brought tools such as electronic reverse auctions (eRA) into the hands of purchasing professionals. The Trelleborg Group initiated a project to implement such a digital sourcing platform last year but the research in the field is outdated. Focus was directed to the choice of sourcing approach, i.e. either

Information asymmetries and the underpricing of European IPOs

IPO underpricing is an international phenomenon that has been documented by numerous authors. However, the IPO market keeps evolving. Since the decline in IPO volume following the “dot-com bubble”, there have been periods with high IPO volume, as well as periods with low IPO volume. This paper uses a linear regression model and t-tests to investigate underpricing of European IPOs between 2001 and

Koppning botekonsternas kameleont En etnografisk studie om traditionell finsk blodkoppning

Wet cupping, or traditional Finnish cupping has been practised in Finland for several centuries. It is a treatment where blood is removed from the body through a ritual-like procedure. The treatment starts with the cupper making small cuts on the skin with a lancet or cuppers axe. Cups are placed over the cuts, and through the vacuum that emerge under the cups blood is drained. Still in the middle

Pricing power and time-variation of global factor proxies

The marginal pricing power and individual impact of proxies used in international asset pricing and financial integration studies is not well researched. In this study I look at the most widely used proxies; i.e. World Index Return, change in Eurodollar rate, change in spread between 10-year U.S. T-bond and 3-month U.S. T-bill, and change in spread between Baa and Aaa rated bonds; and ascertain wh

A new lincRNA network controlling USP18, the negative regulator of type I interferon signaling

Linc-DGCR6-1 as a new potential “bodyguard” of human germ cell survival Immune responses are essential to protect us from pathogens. However, there are distinct sites of our body, such as brain or testis, in which the action of systemic immune system is not well tolerated. For this reason, these sites evolved different strategies to suppress immune responses, creating what is known as “immune pri

Evolving Text Classifier Using Genetic Programming

Evolvering av textklassificerare med hjälp av genetisk programmering Genetisk programmering (GP) är ett område inom AI som är inspirerat av den biologiska evolutionen. I detta arbete använder vi genetisk programmering för att evolvera fram textklassificerare. Denna metod ger många fördelar som dagens teknik saknar. Textklassificering går ut på att kategorisera textdata efter fördefinierade klassText classification is one of the main tasks within the field of natural language processing, which has been growing significantly during the last decade with applications in different industries. Despite different approaches to text classification showing good results, such as Machine Learning and Deep Learning, their shortcomings give substance to the need for further research on other approache

Adaptive PI-control for an air sterilization module

The goal of this master thesis has been to implement adaptive PI-control of two air flow heaters in an air sterilization module. This is done by modeling the module and using the information from the model to estimate the dynamics of the heaters. The idea of this thesis is to implement adaptive control with as simple control structures and tuning algorithms as possible, to keep it as generalized

Public Goods on Networks : Statics, Welfare & Mechanisms

This thesis studies a network game of heterogeneous and asymmetric public goods. Players allocate their wealth between private and public goods, benefiting from the public goods provisioned by their out-neighbors on the network graph. Utilities are given by a Cobb-Douglas function to capture substitutability and decreasing marginal returns. I prove that the game is well-behaved under a condition r

“This is so uncertain” – Reasons for Non-Participation in a Recently Implemented Job Rotation Program from an Employee Perspective

The present study concerns the implementation of a voluntary job rotation program for individual and organizational development. In order to increase participation in job rotation programs, it is crucial to understand the phenomenon of non-participation. Accordingly, the present study aims to (a) identify reasons for non-participation from an employee perspective and (b) uncover possible hindrance

Lifetime Predictions of Electrolytic Capacitors in Network Cameras with Random Forest

Electrolytic capacitor components degrade when exposed to thermal stress which can cause failures in electrical devices. Several recent works have studied the lifetime of these components by using accelerated life testing. This work, however, takes a new approach by utilising vast amounts of temperature data and regression techniques. Axis Communications collects large amounts of non-personalised

Does workplace health promotion pay off? Examining the effect of employees’ participation and perception of workplace health promotion on positive work outcomes.

Workplace health promotion has been gaining a lot of interest, as it could benefit both employees and organizations. Results and conclusions are, however, still ambiguous and there is not much known about how employees’ participation and perception affect positive work outcomes. The present research aims to examine the link between employees’ participation and perception of workplace health promot

Hur den fysiska sportbutiken hanterar digitala utmaningar

Syftet med denna studie är att bidra med en ökad förståelse för hur digitaliseringen har påverkat butiker inom sportbranschen. Detta har studerats genom att undersöka vilka utmaningar sportbutiker ser med digitaliseringen samt på vilka sätt sportbutiker tar sig an dessa utmaningar med hjälp av en omnikanal-strategi. Med bakgrund i att teknologin utvecklas och att människor blir allt mer styrda av

Reflecting Environmental Protection Requirements in the EU State Aid Policy

The Member States of the European Union push hard to address modern environmental challenges they face and achieve their environmental targets. However, in doing so, they need to comply with European Union law: the State aid policy and the ‘polluter pays’ principle often seem as obstacles before the Member States to implement their national environmental policies. On the one hand, State aid contro

Circular Economy: Effects on Business Model Components - A single case study in the building industry

In a modern-day circular economy context, there is a dire need for companies all over the world to change and adapt their business model from linear to circular. This thesis is thus dedicated to deepening the understanding of business models in circular transition, by looking at effects on the specific business model components: value proposition, value creation and delivery, and value capture (as

Antagonistisk marknadsföring, och de reaktioner det skapar i brand communities

Syftet med uppsatsen är att utforska och beskriva hur antagonistisk marknadsföring används i företagens reklamfilmer, samt analysera konsumentreaktioner som denna typ av marknadsföring väcker bland berörda brand communities med hjälp av det teoretiska perspektivet. Uppsatsen utgår från ett socialt konstruktionistiskt vetenskapligt förhållningssätt, med en abduktiv forskningsansats. Den empiriska

Agila mjukvaruteams arbete med wikis: Vilka arbetsuppgifter utförs och hur används wikin som hjälpmedel?

Wikin är en webbaserad applikation som sedan den introducerades har blivit ett allt populärare verktyg som organisationer väljer att inkorporera i sin verksamhet. Wikin är ett verktyg där alla dess användare får möjlighet att tillföra information till dess innehåll, och den bygger därför på att det är användarna som ansvarar för dess kvalité. Trots att många studier är gjorda om wikin finns inte m