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Increased phonon broadening of XPS lines of metals due to finite core-hole lifetime

The author generalizes the solution of the independent boson model to take the finite lifetime of the core hole into account. The generalized solution is compared to the conventional convolution of the infinite lifetime spectral function with a Lorentzian lifetime broadening function. The generalized solution reduces to the conventional convolution in two limits. However, the new solution predicts


In a situation when radionuclides accidentally or deliberately are dispersed in the environment, there is a need for rapid investigation of the internal contamination in exposed individuals. In this work, the possibilities of visualising and quantifying uptakes of different radionuclides in the lung region of an adult individual using gamma camera systems have been examined, mainly on a two-headed

Cyclin A1 and P450 aromatase promote metastatic homing and growth of stem-like prostate cancer cells in the bone marrow.

Bone metastasis is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in prostate cancer (PCa). While cancer stem-like cells have been implicated as a cell of origin for PCa metastases, the pathways which enable metastatic development at distal sites remain largely unknown. In this study, we illuminate pathways relevant to bone metastasis in this disease. We observed that cyclin A1 (CCNA1) protein express

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Kulturkrönika om bortglömda filmregissörer och särskilt Vilgot Sjöman, vars politisk-konstnärliga projekt bedöms som lika intressant för högerextremismens 2000-tal som för maoismens 1960-tal.

Expression of FK506 binding protein 65 (FKBP65) is decreased in epithelial ovarian cancer cells compared to benign tumor cells and to ovarian epithelium.

FK506 binding protein 65 (FKBP65) belongs to a group of proteins termed immunophilins that have a high binding affinity to immunosuppressant drugs as FK506 (tacrolimus) and rapamycin (sirolimus). Treatment of female premenopausal women with tacrolimus, which binds to FKBP65, has been reported to be followed by a strongly increased risk of ovarian cysts. We performed the present study to reveal how

Nio liv: Livsberättelser för myndighetsbruk - brottstycken ur nio personakter från Maos Kina

Denna antologi innehåller ett slumpmässigt urval av helt vanliga kinesers opublicerade livsberättelser, författade mellan 1950 och 1981. Originalberättelserna har snappats upp på loppmarknader i Beijing, Shanghai och Nanjing och har här översatts till svenska av studenter vid Språk- och litteraturcentrum vid Lunds universitet. De skildrar inte bara nio liv som kontrarevolutionär, arkivarie, teknik

Peripheral modulation of pheromone response by inhibitory host compound in a beetle.

We identified several compounds, by gas chromatographic–electroantennographic detection (GC–EAD), that were antennally active in the bark beetle Ips typographus and also abundant in beetle-attacked spruce trees. One of them, 1,8-cineole (Ci), strongly inhibited the attraction to pheromone in the field. Single-sensillum recordings (SSRs) previously showed olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs) on I. typ