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Your search for "*" yielded 531807 hits

Isoform-specific regulation of mood behavior and pancreatic beta cell and cardiovascular function by L-type Ca2+ channels

Ca(v)1.2 and Ca(v)1.3 L-type Ca2+ channels (LTCCs) are believed to underlie Ca2+ currents in brain, pancreatic beta cells, and the cardiovascular system. In the CNS, neuronal LTCCs control excitation-transcription coupling and neuronal plasticity. However, the pharmacotherapeutic implications of CNS LTCC modulation are difficult to study because LTCC modulators cause card iovascular (activators an

Biosensor discrimination of meat juice from various animals using a lectin panel and ellipsometry

In this work, simple microcontact printed gold-wafers were used to make a lectin panel for investigation and discrimination of different meat juices from fresh meat of cattle, chicken, pig, cod, turkey and lamb. Seven different lectins were thus attached to gold surfaces using the streptavidin–biotin method. Lectins recognize and bind specifically to carbohydrate structures present on different pr

Higher values and non-Archimedean additivity

Many philosophers have claimed that extensive or additive measurement is incompatible with the existence of "higher values", any amount of which is better than any amount of some other value. In this paper, it is shown that higher values can be incorporated in a non-standard model of extensive measurement, with values represented by sets of ordered pairs of real numbers, rather than by single real

Medical imaging for improved tumour characterization, delineation and treatment verification

In an investigation by the Swedish Cancer Society, the present status, critical issues and future aspects and potentials were described by an expert group for each of nine major areas of radiation therapy research, This report deals with medical imaging for improved medical diagnosis including tumour detection, staging and characterization, treatment planning, guiding and verification, evaluation

Turn-off Reduction for the Cautious Regulator - a Simulation Study

The cautious regulator based on one-step minimization of a quadratic loss function is easy to derive and seems to work well in many cases. A serious draw-back, however, is the possibility for turn-off. The present report is a small simulation study of a simple turn-off reducing scheme.This work was supported by the Swedish Board for Technical Developmentunder contract No. 7643804.

Lifetimes of some highly excited levels in the Pb-I spectrum measured by the Hanle method

Natural lifetimes of some highly excited levels in the Pb-I spectrum have been measured by the zero field level crossing (Hanle) method. The levels were reached by optical excitation from the metastable 6p2 3P2 and 6p2 3P1 states, were a considerable population had been created by means of adc discharge in a Pb atomic beam. An atomic beam source producing atoms in metastable states is described. F

Photon-echo amplification and regeneration for optical data storage and processing

Optical data storage devices and erasable memories with storage densities in the range of terabits/cm2, all-optical devices for communication like optical bit-rate converters, routers and image processors can become a reality with photon-echo-based frequency-selective materials. In photon-echo-based optical data storage and data processing the photon-echo-output intensity generally is about 0.1–1%

Distal radioulnar joint replacement

The resection of the ulnar head, as described by Darrach, has unfortunately become the standard of care despite the frequent problems of ulnar stump instability following this procedure. To offer better treatment to our patients, we have to appreciate the various roles and the importance of the ulnar head for the function of the distal radioulnar joint (DRUJ) in mechanically loaded forearm rotatio

Self-reported competencies and problems among Swedish adolescents: a normative study of the YSR

The aim of the study was to provide a standardisation of self-reported competencies and emotional/behavioural problems among Swedish adolescents, using the Youth Self-Report (YSR). The YSR was completed by 2522 adolescents aged 13-18 years, recruited from secondary and upper secondary schools in different regions in Sweden. The results showed that effects of gender and age were small but significa

200 år av brödrafolkligt väl

Samlingsrecension av av Torbjörn Nilsson & Øystein Sørensen (red.), Goda grannar eller morska motståndare? Sverige och Norge från 1814, Klas Åmark, Hundra år av välfärdspolitik. Välfärdsstatens framväxt i Norge och Sverige, Torbjörn Nilsson & Øystein Sørensen (red.), 1905 – Unionsupplösningens år. Nya perspektiv på ett svensk-norskt drama; Francis Sejersted, Socialdemokratins tidsålder. Sv

Cystatin C in the anterior segment of rat and mouse eyes.

Purpose: Cystatin C is a mammalian cysteine protease inhibitor. This study describes the localization of cystatin C in the anterior segment of normal rat and mouse eyes. Cysteine proteases play an important role in protein degradation (e.g. of photoreceptor outer segments in the retinal pigment epithelium) and the balance between these proteases and their specific inhibitors is therefore of great

Wave splitting in the time domain for a radially symmetric geometry

A decomposition of the field of the wave equation in three dimensions is suggested. This wave splitting decomposes the field into two components such that in free space simple propagation properties are obtained. The inhomogeneous region is assumed to have a phase velocity variation that varies only in the radial coordinate r from the origin. The suggested wave splitting is a generalization of the