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Your search for "*" yielded 532222 hits

The ALICE muon spetrometer and related physics

ALICE is the LHC experiment dedicated to the study of heavy-ion collisions at extreme energy density where formation of the quark–gluon plasma is expected. Among the different observables, open heavy flavors and heavy quarkonia states are especially relevant. Indeed they will be copiously produced and they will provide sensitive information on the collision. In this paper, the ALICE muon spectrome

Atom-solid binding energy shifts for K 2p and Rb 3d sublevels

Binding energy shifts between free and solid state atoms for K 2p and Rb 3d photolines have been determined by measuring the vapor and solid state spectra simultaneously in similar experimental conditions applying synchrotron radiation excited photoelectron spectroscopy. This method has the important benefit that the work function is not needed to correct for different reference energy levels, the

Molecular Etiology of Graves’ Disease and Associated Ophthalmopathy

Graves' disease (GD) is a complex autoimmune disorder characterized by hyperthyroidism and diffuse goitre. 25-50% of the patients with GD develop eye symptoms, Graves' ophthalmopathy (GO). The overall aim of this thesis was to explore the molecular etiology of GD and GO. By studying gene expression in Studies I, III, and IV, we demonstrated that adipocyte-related immediate early genes (IEGs) incl

ADHD symptoms and maturity - a follow-up study in school children.

Abstract Aim: To test the hypothesis that there is a subgroup of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) who show a decline in ADHD-symptoms that is associated with signs of biological maturation, a phenomenon referred to as a 'maturation catch-up'. Methods: The parents of 147 children who were given an examination in grades one and two 1999-2000 that included assessment of A

Assessing the phenotypic effects in the general population of rare variants in genes for a dominant Mendelian form of diabetes

Genome sequencing can identify individuals in the general population who harbor rare coding variants in genes for Mendelian disorders1-7 and who may consequently have increased disease risk. Previous studies of rare variants in phenotypically extreme individuals display ascertainment bias and may demonstrate inflated effect-size estimates8-12. We sequenced seven genes for maturity-onset diabetes o

Scaffolding mentalizing via a play-&-learn game for preschoolers

Educational software in which the student takes the role of teacher and instructs a digital tutee a so-called teachable agent has repeatedly proven to have positive effects for school children's learning. In a study with 39 preschoolers aged 3:9 to 6:3, we explored the conditions under which children this young would benefit as well from this kind of educational software. We specifically investiga

Nanoscale heat transport studied by high-resolution time-resolved x-ray diffraction

We report on synchrotron-based high-repetition rate ultrafast x-ray diffraction (UXRD) experiments monitoring the transport of heat from an epitaxial La0.7Sr0.3MnO3/SrTiO3 superlattice (SL) into the substrate on timescales from 100 ps to 4 mu s. Transient thermal lattice expansion was determined with an accuracy of 10(-7), corresponding to a sensitivity to temperature changes down to 0.01 K. We fo

“Striden ägde rum i Malmö”: Möllevångskravallerna 1926. En studie av politiskt våld i mellankrigstidens Sverige.

During a few days at the end of November 1926, the Möllevången neighborhood in Malmö was the scene of violent confrontations between thousands of demonstrators and a large part of the city police force. Behind these demonstrations lay an industrial conflict, begun early in July that year at A. W. Nilsson factory. The workers went on strike, and a week or so later the factory owner employed a local

Neurogenic and inflammatory response in the rodent brain following stroke

Stroke and in this case cerebral infarction affects 20 million people each year and five million of them die. In Sweden 30-35000 people will be affected and one of three of them will be severely disabled. In addition, one of six will suffer a new stroke within six years. The cause of stroke is usually a vessel in the brain that is blocked, resulting in massive neuronal cell death. Since treatment

Bridging the macro and the micro by considering the meso: reflections on the fractal nature of resilience

We pursued the following three interconnected points: (1) there are unexplored opportunities for resilience scholars from different disciplines to cross-inspire and inform, (2) a systems perspective may enhance understanding of human resilience in health and social settings, and (3) resilience is often considered to be fractal, i.e., a phenomenon with recognizable or recurring features at a variet

A comparative study of digital human modelling simulation results and their outcomes in reality: A case study within manual assembly of automobiles

The objective of this study was to examine to what extent ergonomics simulations of manual assembly tasks correctly predict the real outcomes in the plants and if recommended measures originating from ergonomics simulations are taken into consideration. 155 ergonomics simulation cases were used in the study and all cases were performed by nine simulation engineers at Volvo Car Corporation in Gothe

Transposable Elements in Neural Progenitor Cells

Popular Abstract in English In an organism the DNA contains the entire biological information that is needed to be able to exist and function. Those segments, also known as DNA sequences are a genetic code, which is further packaged into units called genes. The entity of all genes is called genome. Today we know, that only a small proportion of genes encode for proteins, which are responsible for More than 90% of DNA does not code for proteins and for a long time these sequences were referred to as “junk DNA” due to their unknown purpose. With the advent of new technologies it is now known, that the non-coding part of the genome is of great importance for regulating gene expression and is therefore indispensable. Transposable elements comprise about 50% of the genome and co-exist as symbio

Cervical cancer studies on prevention and treatment

Popular Abstract in Swedish Livmoderhalscancer är den näst vanligaste cancern för kvinnor i världen, över 500 000 kvinnor insjuknar varje år. Varje år dör dessutom 275 000 kvinnor av denna sjukdom. De flesta av de som insjuknar och dör bor i utvecklingsländer. I Sverige drabbas ca 400 kvinnor varje år. På sextiotalet i Sverige började vi screena för denna cancertyp i Sverige. Detta genom hälsokonCervical cancer is the fourth most common reason for cancer death amongst women worldwide, with 500 000 new cases every year. Most of these women live in developing countries. Cervical screening programs can reduce the incidence by 50%, but are not common in the developing world. In Sweden there are approximately 400 new cases of cervical cancer yearly, despite the existence of a screening program

Icosahedral capsid formation by capsomer subunits and a semiflexible polyion

The role of the genome in the assembly of icosahedral viral capsids has been investigated by molecular dynamics simulation of a coarse-grained model, in which the capsomers carry explicit charges and the polynucleic acid is represented by a bead-spring chain. The co-assembly process was contrasted with the self-assembly of uncharged capsomers. In the co-assembly, the capsomers first associated to

Quantification of differences between occupancy and total monitoring periods for better assessment of exposure to particles in indoor environments

For the assessment of personal exposure, information about the concentration of pollutants when people are in given indoor environments (occupancy time) are of prime importance. However this kind of data frequently is not reported. The aim of this study was to assess differences in particle characteristics between occupancy time and the total monitoring period, with the latter being the most frequ

Out-of-treatment room set-up for patient positioning in external beam radiotherapy

The use of a transport system for out-oftreatment room set-up in external beam radiotherapy has been verified. We have looked into the vibrations which a patient is subject to during movement of the trolley as well as the accuracy achieved when using a reclining table for patient set-up and immobilization. The accuracy that can be achieved by the reclining approach is compared to conventional meth

CRIRES-POP A library of high resolution spectra in the near-infrared

Context. New instrumental capabilities and the wealth of astrophysical information extractable from the near-infrared wavelength region have led to a growing interest in the field of high resolution spectroscopy at 1-5 mu m. Aims. We aim to provide a library of observed high-resolution and high signal-to-noise-ratio near-infrared spectra of stars of various types throughout the Hertzsprung-Russell