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Expression of a novel missense mutation found in the A4GALT gene of Amish individuals with the p phenotype.

BACKGROUND: The rare p phenotype is found at a higher frequency in Amish people than in other populations. Different mutations in the 4-alpha-galactosyltransferase gene (A4GALT), responsible for synthesis of P(k) (Gb(3)) antigen, have been found to cause the P(k)-deficient p phenotype. The aim of this study was to explore the molecular background of the p phenotype in people of Amish origin. STUDY

Beginnings in North Sámi

In North Sámi, inceptives can be formed with the inceptive verb álgit, with the morphologically bound form -goahtit, or by changing the theme vowel of the base verb. The syntactic properties of these inceptives indicate that -goahtit is an auxiliary, and so is álgit when it takes a verbal complement. These inceptive auxiliaries are located below tense, and also below obligational and permissive mo

Extreme ultraviolet interferometry measurements with high-order harmonics

We demonstrate that high-order harmonics generated by short, intense laser pulses in gases provide an interesting radiation source for extreme ultraviolet interferometry, since they are tunable, coherent, of short pulse duration, and simple to manipulate. Harmonics from the 9th to the 15th are used to measure the thickness of an aluminum layer. The 11th harmonic is used to determine the spatial di

Exact and approximation algorithms for graph problems with some biological applications

In this thesis we study several combinatorial problems in algorithmic graph theory and computational biology, and different algorithmical approaches for solving them. In particular, we focus on graph algorithms, seeking for the most part polynomial or sub-exponential exact solutions, but in some cases also approximate solutions. In the first part we study two problems on phylogenetic trees, the pr

The ABO blood group system revisited: a review and update.

The antigens of the ABO system were the first to be recognized as blood groups and actually the first human genetic markers known. Their presence and the realization of naturally occurring antibodies to those antigens lacking from the cells made sense of the erratic failure of blood transfusion hitherto and opened up the possibility of a safe treatment practice in life-threatening blood loss. Alth

Desmopressin in mild hemophilia A: indications, limitations, efficacy, and safety.

Replacement therapy with blood products has long been the only available therapeutic option for patients with bleeding disorders. Plasma-derived cryoprecipitate and factor (F) VIII concentrates, which have been used for hemophilia A patients, involve the risk of transmitting blood-borne diseases. Both plasma-derived and recombinant FVIII concentrates are expensive, and there is a global shortage.

Optical spectroscopy of turbid media: time-domain measurements and accelerated Monte Carlo modelling

Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling handlar om optisk spektroskopi, d.v.s. att med hjälp av ljus best ̈mma fysiska och kemiska egenskaper hos ett prov. När ljus interagerar med atomer och molekyler absorberas endast ljus av vissa våglängder (färger). Exakt vilka färger som absorberas är unikt för varje sorts atom eller molekyl och utgör alltså ett sorts ”fingeravtryck”. Genom att noggranOptical spectroscopy is a versatile and powerful tool to probe translucent materials. In this work, the focus is on characterization of strongly scattering (turbid) materials by means of time-of-flight spectroscopy (TOFS). Instrumentation and modelling aspects of TOFS were investigated and improved, enabling significantly more accurate spectroscopic measurements. It was shown that the commonly us

Glastak - ett risktagande på hög nivå?

Betonar vikten av rätt valt fogmaterial. Glastak bör ha två-stegstätning. Upphandlingen är mycket viktig för ett tätt tak. Checklista för att uppnå god täthet.