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Efforts to Quantify Adaptation in Modeling of Postural Control
Till livs med Linné
Carl Linnaeus on health, food, dietetics.
Skånska vegetationstyper
Structural studies of metal-binding proteins revealing dynamic behaviour
Popular Abstract in Swedish 6 Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning 6.1 Proteiner produceras av våra gener Nyligen bestämdes sekvensen för det mänskliga genomet bestående av 30 000 gener. Varje gen kodar för minst ett protein. All information finns i generna men för att förstå vad generna gör behöver vi studera proteinerna de kodar för. I denna avhandling presenteras några proteinstrukturer. Man kaThe Mg2+ and Mn2+ structures of calbindin D9k have been determined and they reveal a conformational change compared to the structures of apo and (Ca2+)2-calbindin D9k. These findings are unique, since normally calcium and not magnesium is known to induce conformational changes of EF-hand proteins. It has also been shown that calbindin D9k binds one Mg2+ (Kd=1mM) in the regular C-terminal EF-hand c
Performance of Promising Genotypes of Sesame (Seasamum indicum) as Influenced Different Row Spacing
International Trade and Economic Growth - The Experience of Ethiopia
En ny global världsordning?
Abstract is not available
Activation peptides in acute pancreatitis
From Kanun to Capacity Building: “The Internationals”, Civil Society Development and Security in the Balkans.
This paper provides an anthropological definition of "security" to discuss the nature of international intervention in the Balkans. Using examples from the author's development work in Albania, it describes how the international project implementation carried on by development NGOs interacts with local customary laws such as the Albanian 'kanun'. Projectization has created new project elites, but
Transferring Ownership of Public Housing to Existing Tenants: A Mechanism Design Approach
This paper explores the situation when tenants in public houses, in a specific neighborhood, are given the legislated right to buy the houses they live in but can choose to remain in their houses and pay the regulated rent. This type of legislation has been passed in many European countries in the last 30-35 years (U.K. Housing Act 1980 is a leading example). The main objective with this type of l
Faster than Nyquist Signaling: Algorithms to Silicon
Iconicity in Kammu morphology
Review of David Anthin's Evert Taubes scener
Towards Discursivwe Education.Philosophy, Technology and Modern Education
As technology continues to advance, the use of computers and the Internet in educational environments has immensely increased. But just how effective has their use been in enhancing children's learning? In this thought-provoking book, Christina E. Erneling conducts a thorough investigation of scholarly journal articles on how computers and the Internet affect learning. She critiques the influentia
The Brontës and Religion
Evaluation in film festival prize juries
GFit, A Computer Program to Determine Peak Positions and Intensities in Experimental Spectra.
Engineering education and the pedagogy of awareness
Chlamydia pneumoniae infection: an additional factor for chronic allograft rejection.
Introduction Chronic rejection (CHR) of organ allografts, one of the most significant problems in modern transplantation, is not fully understood. This study sought to evaluate the influence of selected parameters on late kidney transplant function. Patients and Method The studied group consisted of eighty-six patients who received allogeneic transplants between 1988 and 1999 for leukocyte Chlam