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Hydrological aspects of the carbon balance in a boreal catchment: A model study

Popular Abstract in Swedish Koncentrationen av växthusgaser i atmosfären har ökat kontinuerligt under de senaste 200 åren, och ökningen tillskrivs huvudsakligen antropogena utsläpp. FN´s senaste klimatrapport slår vidare fast att den ökade halten av växthusgaser i atmosfären leder till klimatförändringar. Både förhöjda halter av växthusgaser i atmosfären och ett ändrat klimat påverkar dock omsättnAbstractThe cycling of carbon in its gaseous, solid and dissolved forms is of central importance to ecosystem science, particularly, when the natural carbon cycle has been perturbed by human activity. Mathematical models are commonly used to asses and predict global and regional patterns of terrestrial carbon exchange. At the same time, processes operating on smaller (sub-grid) scales are usually

Deformable Fourier surfaces for volume segmentation in SPECT

Three-dimensional boundary finding based on Fourier surface optimization is presented as a method for segmentation of SPECT images. Being robust against noise and adjustable with respect to its detail resolution, it forms an interesting alternative in this application area. A three-dimensional approach can also be assumed to increase the possibility of delineating low contrast regions, as compared

Polyelectrolyte-coated ion exchangers for cell-resistant expanded bed adsorption

Adsorption chromatography in expanded beds is a widely used technology for direct capture of target proteins from fermentation broths. However, in many cases this method cannot be applied as a result of the strong tendency of cells or cell debris to interact with the adsorbent beads. To prevent contamination of the expanded bed with the biomass, STREAMLINE DEAE, anion exchanger designed for expand

Physical Therapists´ emotional expressions in interviews about factors important for interaction with patients

Interactions between patients and physiotherapists have been studied by various researchers. Some results indicate that physiotherapists have an awareness of underlying emotions, but often respond only on an intellectual level. It seems that verbally expressed emotions may be important for interaction between physiotherapists and patients during treatment. Aim The aim of this study was to investi

The role of macrophages in bioartificial nerve grafts based on resorbable guiding filament structures

A 10 mm gap in a rat sciatic nerve was bridged by a bioartificial nerve graft consisting of a silicone tube containing seven longitudinally placed filaments made of non-resorbable material (polyamide [Ethilon]) or resorbable materials (polydioxanon [PDS], polyglactin [Vicryl] or catgut). The purpose was to study the tissue reaction induced by the four different types of materials. At 4 weeks an im

Plasma proteins in a standardised skin mini-erosion (I): permeability changes as a function of time

BACKGROUND: A standardised technique using a suction-induced mini-erosion that allows serial sampling of dermal interstitial fluid (IF) for 5 to 6 days has been described. In the present study, we studied permeability changes as a function of time. METHODS: We examined IF concentrations of total protein concentration and the concentration of insulin (6.6 kDa), prealbumin (55 kDa), albumin (66 kDa)

Some problems of plume theory smoke movement and the onset of flashover

Attention is drawn to some of the limitations of conventional plume theory, some differences between axi-symmetric and line plumes, and some rationalisation which is possible in correlating data for the flow from wide vertical openings. The paper is more a summary and a series of notes than a lengthy exercise in the subject.

Fog deposition on a coniferous forest in The Netherlands

Fog deposition in December 1992 and February 1993 (two periods of several days in which fog occurred) was monitored at the location Speulderbos in The Netherlands. Fog droplet deposition was measured with eddy correlation and samples of fog water were taken with a string collector. At the same time, throughfall deposition was measured and throughfall water was sampled. The occult (fog/cloud) depos

Urine D-arabinitol/L-arabinitol ratio in diagnosis of invasive candidiasis in newborn infants

Infants treated in neonatal intensive care units suffer an increased risk for invasive candidiasis, but the diagnosis is sometimes difficult. D-arabinitol is a metabolite of most pathogenic Candida species. An elevated urine D-arabinitol/L-arabinitol (DA/LA) ratio is a sensitive sign of invasive candidiasis in children with cancer, but the method has not been previously evaluated for newborn infan

Targeting the human papillomavirus for prevention of cervical cancer

Popular Abstract in Swedish Varje år insjuknar ungefär 450 000 kvinnor i livmoderhalscancer (cervixcancer) i världen. Som en följd av screening för livmoderhalscancer, där kvinnor testar sig regelbundet för cellförändringar, har insjuknandet i livmoderhalscancer minskat. Det cellprov som används i screeningen lyckas dock inte upptäcka alla kvinnor som har ökad risk för framtida cancer. Humant papiDifferent types of human papillomavirus (HPV) vary in the extent they cause precursor lesions (CIN) and cancer. There are limited long-term efficacy data on HPV testing in primary screening Among 72 cervical cancers in Mozambique, HPV 16 and 18 were the most frequent HPV types (69% of cases). Comparing 108 cervical cancers cases and 517 matched controls nested within a population-based cohort in

Biogas generation in landfills : equilibria, rates & yields

Landfilling in "cells" has become more common in recent years. Different waste streams are guided to different cells, among which the biocell is a landfill designed for biogas production. In this thesis, the dependence of biogas generation on waste composition was investigated. Six 8,000 m3 test cells, with contents ranging from mainly commercial waste to pure domestic waste and equipped with gas

Finite volume dependence of the quark-antiquark vacuum expectation value

A general formula is derived for the finite volume dependence of vacuum expectation values analogous to Luscher's formula for the masses. The result involves no integrals over kinematic quantities and depends only on the matrix element between pions at zero momentum transfer thus presenting a new way to calculate the latter, i.e. pion sigma terms. The full order p(6) correction to the vacuum conde

Klimatdata för fuktberäkningar : väderdata från tio meteorologiska mätstationer i Sverige

Väderdata från 10 olika meterologiska mätstationer i Sverige - Kiruna, Luleå, Frösön, Söderhamn, Karlstad, Bromma, Jönköping, Säve, Ronneby och Sturup - för tidsperioden 1961 till 1990. De aktuella väderparametrarna är temperatur, relativ fuktighet, ånghalt, mättnadsånghalt, vindhastighet, vindriktning, nederbörd, solstrålning och långvågig strålning.

Time trends in alcohol habits. Results from the Kirseberg project in Malmo, Sweden

This paper reports on a pilot demonstration to implement an alcohol consumption reduction project in the community of Kirseberg, located in the city of Malmo, Sweden. The objective is to present data on time trends in alcohol use habits and alcohol-use-related problems in the Kirseberg population and to discuss potential effects of the alcohol prevention activities. It was possible to implement an

Combined videomanometric identification of abnormalities related to pharyngeal retention

RATIONALE AND OBJECTIVES: The authors determined the usefulness of performing videoradiography and pharyngeal solid-state manometry during barium swallow in dysphagic patients with pharyngeal retention. METHODS: Results were retrospectively analyzed of simultaneous videoradiography and manometry examinations in 14 patients with retention of barium in the pharynx. Twelve age-matched patients withou

Seroprevalence of human papillomaviruses and Chlamydia trachomatis and cervical cancer risk: nested case-control study.

A nested case–control study of invasive and in situ cervical cancer was performed within a community-based cohort of 13 595 Taiwanese women assembled in 1991, with a follow-up period of 9 years. Baseline serum or plasma samples were analysed for antibodies against human papillomavirus (HPV) types 6, 16 and 18 and Chlamydia trachomatis. In total, 114 cases (42 incident cases identified during follo