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The Spiritual Rift - A Deep Ecological Approach to Marx' Concept of Alienation

Inom den moderna vetenskapen finns inget utrymme för emotionella argument eller yttranden. Vetenskapen byggs på den kalla rationella tanken; humanekologen blandar inte in subjektiva förhållningsätt eller erfarenheter i sin vetenskap. Detta reflekteras i det moderna samhället där det specialiserade arbetet alienerar människan då hon bara producera ensidigt istället för allsidigt och därmed förlorar

Kvinnosoldaten - beväpnad med vapen och vänlighet. En kritisk diskursanalys av Försvarsmaktens jämställdhetsarbete

The aim of this thesis is to investigate why the Swedish Armed Forces (Försvarsmakten) still consist of so few women. This is done by analysing the Armed Forces’ documents regarding equality. The hypothesis is that there are discourses concerning gender and women in the organization which reproduce stereotypical dichotomies of men and women. By using Fairclough’s critical discourse analysis I have

Nationell identitet - I en globaliserad värld

In a globalized world, with ever-increasing interdependency and interconnectedness, it is often argued that political and ethical boundaries will gradually lose their significance. A cosmopolitan world order will eventually emerge, a process we, arguably, should help to bring about. However, in this paper, mainly from a communitarian perspective, I problematize this conception. The way towards thi

Trapped in Consumption - a Qualitative Content Analysis of How Lyxfällan Portrays the Consumer Society

Today’s society is a consumer society where consumption is dominated by the consumption of commodities. Consumption is a common theme seen on television, which is one of today’s major media channels. Reality TV is a growing genre in television production. This essay discusses how consumer society is portrayed in reality TV. This is done through the analysis of the Swedish reality TV show Lyxfällan

Wind Actions on Flat-Roof-Mounted Photovoltaic Panels : a Comparison of Design Guidelines

Wind actions on roof-mounted solar collectors dier from those on an open range-deployment, due to turbulence and wind stream deection induced by the underlying building. As of December 2010, no construction codes in eect describes the wind loads on such structures, with the exception of the preliminary standard NVN 7250 from the Netherlands, with the latest draft released in 2007. The roofs consid

Analys av bärförmåga för vertikal- och horisontalbelastade betongpålar

This report contains a study of the structural loading capacity for driven concrete piles in cohesive soil. Two different types of models for handling horizontal loads have been investigated. The most common way in Sweden to cope with horizontal loads on piles is to drive the piles inclined in a truss pattern. The pile head is then thought to be hinged and the horizontal load is transmitted to th

Polisens möjlighet att ålägga anordnare kostnader för ordningshållning vid offentliga tillställningar och allmänna sammankomster

Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att undersöka vilka kostnader för ordningshållning som polisen kan ålägga anordnare av offentliga tillställningar och allmänna sammankomster. Huvudfokus kommer att ligga på under vilka förutsättningar polisen kan begära ersättningar för sina ordningshållande kostnader vid det aktuella evenemanget. Detta är en fråga som aktualiserats på senare tid, inte minst inom meThe purpose of this paper is to investigate which cost of maintaining security that the police can require from organizers of public events and public gatherings. The main focus will be on the conditions under which the police can request compensation for their costs maintaining security in the current event. This is a topic that has in recent times, not least in the media, mainly due to sports cl

The Transparency Gap

This essay examines the use and transparency of Country of Origin Information in Refugee Law case law in situations of indiscriminate or generalised violence, using primary material from RefWorld. Using criteria for international best practices, in accordance with international guidelines for COI assessment, this essay examines if COI is used and if these best practices are referred to and followe

"Riktig" våldtäkt : en analys av våldtäktsmyters förekomst i sexualbrottmål

Rape is a crime that affects thousands of women and men. In Sweden there are approximately 3000 police reports every year and with a large existing number of hidden statistics. Society’s definition of rape is a matter of interpretation, which is influenced by moral views and creates myths of how victim and perpetrator should act for a situation to be classified as a ”real” rape. It is easier to de

Web-based public participation GIS application : a case study on flood emergency management

Popularized summary Nowadays, the growing prevalence of natural disasters is driving people to pay more and more attention to emergency management. Progress in catastrophe analysis capabilities based on Geographical Information System (GIS) may allow the needs of public participation to be considered. Synchronous data sharing between citizens and emergency workers could effectively promote the proScientific summary The increasing prevalence of natural disasters is driving people to pay more and more attention to emergency management. Progress in catastrophe analysis capabilities based on Geographical Information System (GIS) may allow the needs of public participation to be considered. Synchronous data sharing between citizens and emergency workers could effectively promote the process of

Hur uppmärksammas våldtäkt mot män i Bosnien i NGO rapporter? : ur ett genusteoretiskt perspektiv

The social structure has led us to only see women as the sex we should protect in the society. A general assumption is that men are aggressive and more sexually drift than women, which has made him insignificant in the context of sexual violence. Feminist studies on male rape have therefore become an academic undertheorized issue where other problem formulations and aspects instead have been highl

Fosterdiagnostik : en studie av argument för och emot autonomi, funktionshinder och abort

Prenatal diagnosis is a medical tool that has been utilised in Sweden since the 1960s to help expecting mothers find out the health status of the fetus. In 2006, the Swedish government introduced a new law, stipulating a pregnant woman’s right to receive general information about prenatal diagnosis. A woman’s autonomy is the government’s main concern, and poses the question of how disability is pe

Kulturell enhet genom EU-medborgarskapet : en analys av EU-medborgarskapets funktion i förhållande till möjligheterna för kulturell pluralism inom unionen

The European Union is currently managing two projects heading under the names Europe for Citizens Programme and Culture Programme. The main aims of these projects interconnect in several interesting ways; they both have to do with questions of a cultural heritage of Europe related to the EU-citizenship. Investigating the relationship between cultural patterns and the EU-citizenship is the central

"Här finns mycket att göra även för kvinnor" : om de av Svenska Missionsförbundet anställda kvinnornas roll i Kongo 1888-1911

In the late 19th century, many Swedes were committed to a new wave of religious revivalism. Trough these new Christian congregations, several vast efforts were made to bring the gospel of salvation to people in parts of the world that many Swedes at this time had not even heard of. Of those who responded to their inner calling, left everything they knew and became missionaries, a notable share wer

Carbon fiber strengthening and jacking of engineering structures

This work is divided in two parts related to repair and strengthening of engineering structures: the first part deals with the design for strengthening of concrete structures by carbon fiber composites. The work focuses on a design program that had to be corrected before being released on the market according to the following steps: presentation of design rules and materials, development of an own

Vibration of Hollow Core Concrete Elements Induced by Walking

Historically, traditional concrete floors have performed well with regard to vibration serviceability. This is much due to their heavy weight. However, the use of stronger concrete materials and prestressing has resulted in slender cross sections and the possibility to build long-span floor elements. The combination of long span and relatively light weight means that the floor element is more sens

La Blogotheques video ”The Kooks – Ooh La” som genrehybrid

Uppsatsen undersöker genretillhörighet av Youtubevideoklippet ”La Blogotheque – The Kooks/ Ooh la” som ingår i en grupp av nya medietexter ”live music sessions”. Analysen av videoklippets substans, form och funktion visar på att videoklippet är en genrehybrid som dels följer genrekonventioner av rockdokumentärgenren och dels konventioner av genren av fanproducerade Youtubevideor. Formandet av den

En organisations närvaro i sociala medier: En fallstudie om Findus och hästköttsskandalen

Denna uppsats undersöker närmare det forum som sociala medier är för organisat-ioner. Genom en fallstudie på Findus och hästköttskandalen där diskursanalys, samt intervjuer varit metodvalen har vi kunnat se att samhällsdiskurser och orga-nisationers informationshantering är stora faktorer vid negativ ryktesspridning. Resultat visar att framförallt diskursanalys kan vara ett starkt verktyg till attThis thesis looks closer on to social media and what it mean for organisations and their presence in them. Through a case study on Findus and the so-called horse-meat scandal, where we choose to do discourse analysis and interviews, were we able to se that social discourses and organisation’s information management are big factors when it comes to negative rumour spread. The study primarily indica

What Gender Equality Are You Mainstreaming? - An Assessment of Two National Action Plans on Women, Peace, and Security

Women are disproportionally affected by armed conflicts. The starting point of this thesis is why the situation of women has not improved considerably even though resolutions such as the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 (UNSCR 1325) has been adopted. My objects of study are two National Action Plans, which are implementations of the UNSCR 1325; Swedens and United States of Americas.

Om att osynliggöra kvinnorna i revolutionens nav

The revolution in Egypt in the spring of 2011 gathered tens of thousands of people demonstrating. According to UN Women, among others, were women and men equal as activists in Egypt and elsewhere in the Arab Spring. I wondered who was designated as a protester in Swedish media portrayal of the Egyptian revolution. Despite reports that women and men stood side by side and were similar activists in