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Analysis of Deformation of Gas Diffusion Layers and the Impact on Performance of PEM Fuel Cells

Proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cells have been promoted due to significant breakthroughs in various aspects and increasing public interests. The porous features of the gas diffusion layer (GDL) and the necessary assembly processes generate localized pressure forces on the channel/shoulder structure of the bi-polar plates (BPP). As a consequence, the assembly pressure acting on a single cell a

Contribution by Departments of Forensic Medicine to Tissue Donation for Transplant Purposes

BACKGROUND: A department of forensic medicine (DFM) can be a valuable source for tissue donation, but logistics can prove difficult to overcome as it pertains to obtaining tissues for donation. This article describes the potential of tissues that can be procured for transplantation.MATERIALS AND METHODS: Sweden has 9.7 million inhabitants, with an annual mortality rate of 90 000 and 5500 medicoleg

Destabilising Citizenship Practices? : Social work and undocumented migrants in Sweden

Globalisering av ekonomin, människors rörelser över nationsgränser såväl som ett ökat fokus på gränskontroller och säkerhet, har utmanat och delvis destabiliserat idéer om nationell tillhörighet och solidaritet. En sådan utveckling bidrar till att nya gränser skapas, den separerar medborgare från icke-medborgare och skapar hierarkier av “värdiga”/”icke-värdiga”. Denna avhandling bidrar till analysGlobalisation of the economy, as well as movement of people and increasing securitisation of borders, have challenged and to different degrees destabilised forms of national belonging and solidarity. Such developments produce new borders and boundaries, separate citizens from non-citizens and create hierarchies of “deservingness”. This dissertation contributes to the analysis of these developments

When Are Low Resolution ADCs Energy Efficient in Massive MIMO?

Massive MIMO (MaMI) is often promoted as a technology that will enable the use of low-quality, cheap hardware. One particular component that has been in the focus of MaMI-related research is the analog-to-digital converter (ADC), and use of very low-resolution ADCs has been proposed. However, studies about whether this strategy is justified from an energy-efficiency point of view have largely been

Extracellular Electron Transfer by the Gram-positive Bacterium Enterococcus faecalis

Extracellular electron transfer (EET) in microbial cells is essential for certain biotechnological applications and contributes to the biogeochemical cycling of elements and syntrophic microbial metabolism in complex natural environments. The Gram-positive lactic acid bacterium Enterococcus faecalis, an opportunistic human pathogen, is shown to be able to transfer electrons generated in fermentati

Effects of climate and soil conditions on the productivity and defence capacity of Picea abies in Sweden—An ecosystem model assessment

Climate change can lead to an increased frequency of extreme weather events, which may induce a decline in tree vitality, rendering the forest more vulnerable to other stress factors. In this study we used the ecosystem model LPJ-GUESS to compare the NPP of boreal conifers on till soil and sandy soil, simulating the growth of Norway spruce during the 21st century using climate model projections co

A cognitive analysis of characters in swedish and anglophone children's fantasy Literature

In Justice in Young Adult Speculative Fiction, Marek C. Oziewicz argues, 'it is possible to study scripts through the lens of the author's cognition, through the reader's cognition, or as a textual matter with an implied author and reader' (9-10). Here we propose a fourth method for studying scripts in children's literature: as a textual matter. Unlike previous research in the field, we argue that

Comprehensive genetic characterization of pediatric T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia

A comprehensive genetic characterization comprising conventional chromosome banding, fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), and single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) array analyses as well as large-scale sequencing of 75 genes were performed on a consecutive series of 47 pediatric T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL) patients. An abnormal karyotype was identified in 46% of the cases. Rec

Tools and annotations for variation

Since the finishing of the Human Genome Project, many next-generation (NGS) or high-throughput sequencing platforms have emerged. One of the applications of NGS technology, variant discovery, can serve as a basis for precision medicine. Large sequencing projects are generating huge amounts of genetic variation data, which are stored in databases, either large central databases such as dbSNP, or ge

Så kan vårt beteende styras smartare

Nudging är ett användbart verktyg för att påverka beteenden. Vi bör dra nytta av dess möjligheter att uppnå resultat utan de tvång och begränsningar för individen som traditionella metoder medför, skriver sex experter på beteendepåverkan.