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Your search for "*" yielded 531883 hits

Retrospective observational studies in ultra-rare sarcomas: A consensus paper from the Connective Tissue Oncology Society (CTOS) community of experts on the minimum requirements for the evaluation of activity of systemic treatments

Background: In ultra-rare sarcomas (URS) the conduction of prospective, randomized trials is challenging. Data from retrospective observational studies (ROS) may represent the best evidence available. ROS implicit limitations led to poor acceptance by the scientific community and regulatory authorities. In this context, an expert panel from the Connective Tissue Oncology Society (CTOS), agreed on

Genome-wide interaction analysis identified low-frequency variants with sex disparity in lung cancer risk

Differences by sex in lung cancer incidence and mortality have been reported which cannot be fully explained by sex differences in smoking behavior, implying existence of genetic and molecular basis for sex disparity in lung cancer development. However, the information about sex dimorphism in lung cancer risk is quite limited despite the great success in lung cancer association studies. By adoptin

Risk Assessment of Outdoor Background Gamma Radiation at Duhok City, in Kurdistan Region, Iraq

In this study, a model „ADM606M Portable Multifunction Ratemeter /Scalar“ (Gamma GP110 Detector) was used to estimate the effective dose rate in (µSv.h-1). The data were analyzed for three specified hours per day (9:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m., and 1:00 p.m.) from January 2009 to June 2016. In July 2019, the gamma scout radiation meter (dosimeter) was used to measure the outdoor gamma effective dose rate

A qualitative study of the long-term consequences and adaptation in daily life after replantation surgery at a young age

Introduction: Impaired functioning is seen in patients following replantation surgery to the thumb or fingers. Our aim was to explore long-term consequences and adaptation in daily life after a thumb and/or multiple finger amputation followed by replantation surgery during young age. Methods: Semi-structured interviews were conducted with nine recruited individuals and analysed using content analy

Search for invisible Higgs-boson decays in events with vector-boson fusion signatures using 139 fb−1 of proton-proton data recorded by the ATLAS experiment

A direct search for Higgs bosons produced via vector-boson fusion and subsequently decaying into invisible particles is reported. The analysis uses 139 fb−1 of pp collision data at a centre-of-mass energy of s = 13 TeV recorded by the ATLAS detector at the LHC. The observed numbers of events are found to be in agreement with the background expectation from Standard Model processes. For a scalar Hi

Investigation of native and aggregated therapeutic proteins in human plasma with asymmetrical flow field-flow fractionation and mass spectrometry

Physiochemical degradation of therapeutic proteins in vivo during plasma circulation after administration can have a detrimental effect on their efficacy and safety profile. During drug product development, in vivo animal studies are necessary to explore in vivo protein behaviour. However, these studies are very demanding and expensive, and the industry is working to decrease the number of in vivo

Mental illness and socio-economic situation of women and men diagnosed with gambling disorder (GD) in Sweden - nationwide case-control study

The present study aimed to compare men and women with gambling disorder (GD) regarding presence of psychiatric comorbidity and socio-economic vulnerability, and to examine whether these factors appear before or after the gambling disorder. This is a retrospective case-control study, based on registers from The National Board of Health and Welfare and Statistics Sweden. A total of 3592 adults with

Simulation Studies of R2(Δ η, Δ ϕ) and P2(Δ η, Δ ϕ) Correlation Functions in pp Collisions with the PYTHIA and HERWIG Models

We presented a study of charge-independent (CI) and charge-dependent (CD) two-particle differential number correlation functions R2 and transverse momentum correlation functions P2 in pp collisions at s=2.76 TeV with the PYTHIA and HERWIG models.Calculations were presented for unidentified hadrons in three pT ranges 0.2 < pT≤ 2.0 GeV/c, 2.0 < pT≤ 5.0 GeV/c, and 5.0 < pT≤ 30.0

Study of very forward energy and its correlation with particle production at midrapidity in pp and p-Pb collisions at the LHC

The energy deposited at very forward rapidities (very forward energy) is a powerful tool for characterising proton fragmentation in pp and p-Pb collisions. The correlation of very forward energy with particle production at midrapidity provides direct insights into the initial stages and the subsequent evolution of the collision. Furthermore, the correlation with the production of particles with la


To improve film cooling effectiveness of a gas turbine blade, a kind of plasma ac-tuator is introduced on the blade surface. The effect of three arrangements of plasma actuators on flow characteristics and film cooling performance is numer-ically investigated by a verified turbulence model. Results show that the coolant air under plasma is pulled down to the wall, and the near-wall air is sped up

How Taranta provides tools to build user interfaces for TANGO devices in the SKA integration environment without writing a line of code

Square Kilometer Array (SKA) is a project aimed to build the largest radio telescope in the world and it has just gotten into the construction phase. In this phase, the ability to develop and integrate software in an integration environment is crucial as it is the ability to visualize system-related information via a User Interface to rapidly verify the correctness of the system behavior and spot

Cellular Aging Secretes : a Comparison of Bone-Marrow-Derived and Induced Mesenchymal Stem Cells and Their Secretome Over Long-Term Culture

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) hold promising therapeutic potential in several clinical applications, mainly due to their paracrine activity. The implementation of future secretome-based therapeutic strategies requires the use of easily accessible MSCs sources that provide high numbers of cells with homogenous characteristics. MSCs obtained from induced pluripotent stem cells (iMSCs) have been put

Predictive value of molecular subtypes and APOBEC3G for adjuvant chemotherapy in urothelial bladder cancer

Objective: Although targeted approaches have become available in second- and third-line settings, platinum-based chemotherapy remains the standard first-line treatment for advanced muscle-invasive bladder cancer (MIBC). Therefore, the prediction of platinum resistance is of utmost clinical importance. Methods: In this study, we established a routine compatible method for the molecular classificati

Exclusion of Disperse Orange 3 is possible from the textile dye mix present in the Swedish baseline patch test series. A study by the Swedish Contact Dermatitis Research Group

Background: The textile dye mix (TDM) 6.6% in petrolatum contains Disperse Blue (DB) 35, Disperse Yellow 3, Disperse Orange (DO) 1 and 3, Disperse Red 1 and 17, and DB 106 and 124. The most frequent allergen in TDM-positive patients is DO 3. Around 85% of para-phenylenediamine (PPD)-allergic dermatitis patients have been positive to DO 3. There has been a discussion to exclude DO 3 from TDM 6.6% b

Exogenous shocks, Covid 19 and firms' ability to learn, adapt and evolve

In the context of the exponential growth of data, the Covid 19 pandemic and the need for quick adaptation faced by companies, as well as by society at large, the concept of organisational learning is flourishing and becoming an even more critical component of organisational survival and growth. This study applies a socio-technical lens to shed light on the organisational learning processes taking

Pop Processing : The Digitalization of Musical Time and Space

This dissertation explores two related advances in the production of twenty-first century pop music: first, the assimilation of practices and aesthetics from hip-hop and EDM (electronic dance music); second, the new generation of the digital audio workstation (DAW). This new type of DAW is increasingly part of global computational culture characterized by being ubiquitous, networked and device agn

Beskattning av energibranschens vinster

I rapporten analyseras inkomstskatte- och fastighetsbeskattningens betydelse för reinvesteringar i energibranschen. Bl.a. görs beräkningar av skatteuttagen i en jämförande studie med beskattningen av den svenska bolagssektorn. Vidare analyseras kopplingen mellan redovisning och beskattning och uppkomna skattekrediter.

A new generation of thermal energy benchmarks for university buildings

In 2008, the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE TM46 UC) presented an annual-fixed thermal energy benchmark of 240 kWh/m2/yr for university campus (UC) buildings as an attempt to reduce energy consumption in public buildings. However, the CIBSE TM46 UC benchmark fails to consider the difference between energy demand in warm and cold months, as the thermal performance of bu

Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the energy performance of residential neighborhoods and their occupancy behavior

Several contrasting effects are reported in the existing literature concerning the impact assessment of the COVID-19 outbreak on the use of energy in buildings. Following an in-depth literature review, we here propose a GIS-based approach, based on pre-pandemic, partial, and full lockdown scenarios, using a bottom-up engineering model to quantify these impacts. The model has been verified against