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Dimensional Analysis, A Magic Art in Fire Research
Primary production in two shallow lakes with contrasting plant form dominance: A paradox of enrichment?
We estimated total lake plant biomass and primary net production in two shallow Swedish lakes that differ in nutrient loading and plant form dominance. In clearwater Lake Krankesjon (10 mu g chlorophyll a L-1), submerged macrophytes contributed more than phytoplankton and epiphyton to the estimated plant biomass. Estimated net primary production during May to September was 90-130, 1.2, and 14 g C
Partially quenched and three flavour ChPT at two loops
A summary of recent progress in Chiral Perturbation Theory (ChPT) at the two-loop level is given. A short introduction to ChPT is included, along with an explanation of the usefulness of developing ChPT for partially quenched QCD. Further, our recent work in partially quenched ChPT is reviewed, and a few comments are given on older work in mesonic ChPT at the two-loop level. In particular, we quot
Något om flyktiga ämnen i samband med betong
A small number of older type 2 diabetic patients end up visually impaired despite regular photographic screening and laser treatment for diabetic retinopathy.
Purpose: The present study describes the prevalence of visual impairment and blindness in a geographically defined population 8 years after the introduction of a screening programme in 1987 for early detection of sight-threatening diabetic retinopathy. Methods: Of 374 patients with diabetes, comprising 2.6% of the population in the study community, 72% were examined with fundus photography or bio
Reviev of Takala, H. The Ristola Site in Lahti and the Earliest Postglacial Settlement of South Finland
A Simple Decision Rule for Decentralized Two-Echelon Inventory Control
We consider a two-echelon distribution inventory system with a central warehouse and a number of retailers. The retailers face stochastic demand. The system is controlled by continuous review installation stock (R,Q) policies with given batch quantities. One way to decentralize the system control is to provide a backorder cost to the warehouse, and let the warehouse choose its reorder point so tha
Gene expression profiling of leukemic cell lines reveals conserved molecular signatures among subtypes with specific genetic aberrations
Hematologic malignancies are characterized by fusion genes of biological/clinical importance. Immortalized cell lines with such aberrations are today widely used to model different aspects of leukemogenesis. Using cDNA microarrays, we determined the gene expression profiles of 40 cell lines as well as of primary leukemias harboring 11q23/MLL rearrangements, t(1;19)[TCF3/PBX1], t(12;21)[ETV6/RUNX1]
A 90-day toxicological evaluation of 1,5-anhydro-d-fructose in Sprague-Dawley rats.
Present status and recent results from the APS SASE FEL
The Low-Energy Undulator Test Line (LEUTL) at the Advanced Photon Source, Argonne National Laboratory, is intended to demonstrate the basic operation of a SASE-based free-electron laser. Goals include comparison of experimental results With theoretical predictions and scaling laws, identification of problems relevant to fourth-generation light source construction and operation and the means of add
Utomhusmiljön i förskolan Betydelse för lek och utevistelse
Increased uterine artery vascular impedance is related to adverse outcome of pregnancy but is present in only one-third of late third-trimester pre-eclamptic women.
The Physical Foundation of the Patterning of Physical Action Verbs : A Study of Chinese Verbs
Popular Abstract in Swedish Den fysiska grunden för fysiska aktionsverbThis work is a study of verbal semantics with a focus on the discussion and illustration of the role of body parts and the semantic incorporation into verbal roots of the actions that involve various body parts. Following a general discussion of the basic issues of language construction and human body actions with the image schemas of force-dynamics presented in line with the framework of cognitiv
Tryck- och syrereglering på Käppalaverket : Dokumentation av reglerprogram i Novatune - versionsdatum 83-11-22
Mutated V-H genes and preferential V(H)3-21 use define new subsets of mantle cell lymphoma
Mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) is believed to originate from a naive B cell. However, we recently demonstrated that a subset of MCL displayed mutated V-H genes. We also reported restricted use of certain V-H genes. To assess the prognostic impact of these new findings, we performed V-H gene analysis of 110 patients, revealing that 18 (16%) patients had mutated and 92 (84%) patients had unmutated V-H g
Association of radiographic hand osteoarthritis with radiographic knee osteoarthritis after meniscectomy.
Coil embolization of a neonatal pulmonary arteriovenous malformation.
Pulmonary arteriovenous malformation (PAVM), as a part of Osler-Weber-Rendu Syndrome, in the neonate, is a rare hereditary vascular malformation. Large intrapulmonary right-to-left shunting, causing hypoxaemia and cyanosis, can be a life-threatening condition. Repeated transcatheter coil embolization procedures proved to be a favorable strategy to improve systemic arterial oxygen saturation, with
Estimation of depth of fluorescing lesions in tissue from changes in fluorescence spectra
We present a novel method for estimating the depth of a fluorescent lesion in tissue based on measurements of the fluorescence signal in different wavelength bands. The measured fluorescence spectrum following irradiation by excitation light at the surface is a function of several parameters, because the fluorescence light has to pass through tissue with characteristic scattering and absorption pr