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Amphiphilic polymer gel electrolytes. 4. Ion transport and dynamics as studied by multinuclear pulsed field gradient spin-echo NMR
The transport dynamics in gel electrolytes based on amphiphilic polymers was found to be faster than in gel electrolytes based on corresponding nonamphiphilic polymers. The amphiphilic polymer studied was a polymethacrylate grafted with fluorocarbon and (EO)(9) side chains, and the nonamphiphilic one was a polymethacrylate carrying only (EO)(9) side chains. Self-diffusion coefficients of gel elect
SAR studies of capsazepinoid bronchodilators 3: The thiourea part (coupling region) and the 2-(4-chlorophenyl)ethyl moiety (C-region).
Certain derivatives and analogues of capsazepine are potent in vitro inhibitors of bronchoconstriction in human small airways. During an investigation of the dependency of the potency on the structural features of the capsazepinoids in the thiourea moiety (coupling region) and the 2-(4-chlorophenyl)ethyl moiety (C-region), it was revealed that capsazepinoids with a thiourea or an amide link betwee
Recording monophasic action potentials using a platinum-electrode ablation catheter
AIMS: The monophasic action potential (MAP) is conventionally recorded using Ag-AgCl electrodes which are not suitable for delivering radiofrequency currents. To be able to use the sharp MAP upstroke for identifying the local activation, as a step towards the development of a MAP-guided catheter ablation technique, the possibility of recording MAP via platinum electrodes of an ordinary ablation ca
H. C. Andersens underbara resor i Sverige
Synaptic Integration in Cerebellar Granule Cells
To understand the function of cerebellar granule cells, we need detailed knowledge about the information carried by their afferent mossy fibers and how this information is integrated by the granule cells. Recently, we made whole cell recordings from granule cells in the non-anesthetized, decerebrate cats. All recordings were made in the forelimb area of the C3 zone for which the afferent and effer
Genome survey sequencing of the wine spoilage yeast Dekkera (Brettanomyces) bruxellensis
The hemiascomycete yeast Dekkera bruxellensis, also known as Brettanomyces bruxellensis, is a major cause of wine spoilage worldwide. Wines infected with D. bruxellensis develop distinctive, unpleasant aromas due to volatile phenols produced by this species, which is highly ethanol tolerant and facultatively anaerobic. Despite its importance, however, D. bruxellensis has been poorly genetically ch
Self-reported hand eczema: symptom-based reports do not increase the validity of diagnosis.
Lund strikes again - Reply
Prevalence of self reported hip symptoms, relations to age, gender, pain, stiffness, weakness and other joint disorders
The objective was to estimate the prevalence and characteristics of self-reported hip disorders in an adult population-based sample from the general population in two defined primary healthcare districts in the south of Sweden. We used a population-based survey using a mailed questionnaire on a random sample of 2600 individuals aged 38-77 years. After two written reminders, the response rate was 8
Gels of hydrophobically modified ethyl (hydroxyethyl) cellulose cross-linked by amylose: Effects of hydrophobe architecture
Previous work has shown that amylose (AM) can cross-link hydrophobically modified polymers by inclusion complexation, whereby thermoreversible cold-setting gels are formed. Here we investigate the complexation of AM with different samples of hydrophobically modified ethyl(hydroxyethyl) cellulose (HMEHEC), distinguished by differences in the architecture of the hydrophobes (the hydrophobic side cha
Reproductive behaviour of female Siberian lemmings during the increase and peak phase of the lemming cycle
The reproduction of female Siberian lemmings in the increase and peak phases of the lemming cycle was investigated in connection with a ship-borne expedition along the Siberian arctic tundra. The cycle phase of each studied lemming population was determined using demographic analyses, i.e. current density indices (captured lemmings per 100 traps per 24 h), information on previous density (frequenc
Effect of button location on driver's visual behaviour and safety perception
Although buttons are a frequently used type of control in car interiors, little research has been undertaken on how the usage of buttons affects the visual behaviour of the driver. In this study, the aim was to analyse the effect of push button location and auditory feedback on drivers' visual time off road and safety perception when driving in a real traffic situation. The effect of six button lo
Electroporation--a new possibility in boron neutron capture therapy?
Fruits and vegetables and renal cell carcinoma: Findings from the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC)
We examined the association between fruits and vegetables and risk of renal cell carcinoma (RCC) in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC). Dietary intake data and complete follow-up information on cancer incidence were available for 375,851 participants recruited in EPIC centers of 8 countries. During an average follow-up of 6.2 years, 306 incident cases of RCC we
Dual Effects of Pituitary Adenylate Cyclase-Activating Polypeptide and Isoproterenol on Lipid Metabolism and Signaling in Primary Rat Adipocytes.
Carotenoid S(1) state in a recombinant light-harvesting complex of Photosystem II.
The carotenoid species lutein, violaxanthin, and zeaxanthin are crucial in the xanthophyll-dependent nonphotochemical quenching occurring in photosynthetic systems of higher plants, since they are involved in dissipation of excess energy and thus protect the photosynthetic machinery from irreversible inhibition. Nonetheless, important properties of the xanthophyll cycle carotenoids, such as the en
A new model for separation between brain dopamine and serotonin transporters in (123)I-beta-CIT SPECT measurements: normal values and sex and age dependence.
In vivo spectrophotometric evaluation of neoplastic and non-neoplastic skin pigmented lesions--I. Reflectance measurements
Reflectance spectrophotometry from 400 to 800 nm on different cutaneous pigmented lesions, including primary and metastatic malignant melanoma, pigmented nevi, lentigo and seborrhoeic keratosis, has been performed by using an external integrating sphere coupled to a spectrophotometer. Measurements show that reflectance spectra of the different lesions manifest dissimilar patterns, particularly in
Patch testing with methyldibromo glutaronitrile, a multicentre study within the EECDRG
Contact allergy to and allergic contact dermatitis from methyldibromo glutaronitrile (MDBGN) have frequently been reported. As there has been no agreement on which MDBGN test preparation to use, a study was initiated to help determine the optimal patch test preparation for MDBGN. 2661 consecutively patch tested patients at 11 test clinics representing 9 European countries participated. Petrolatum