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Opening the Church to the Other : Dietrich Bonhoeffer's Reception of Ernst Troeltsch

Many ecclesiologists assume that pluralisation is a problem for churches. By drawing on Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s reception of Ernst Troeltsch, however, the author argues that pluralisation is instead a promise. Portraits which paint Bonhoeffer as ‘alternative’ to Troeltsch (and Troeltsch as ‘alternative’ to Bonhoeffer) have been proposed persistently. But in the ecclesiological explorations which Bon

'There's far too much arty-farty, namby-pamby, hoity-toity, wishy-washy, lardy-dardy, sun-dried tomato eating, decaffeinated fannying about!' : Reduplicative compounds and other iterative sequences in English

The aim of the paper is to (re-)evaluate the treatment of reduplicative expressions as compound words in nearly all previous work on English. Examples of reduplicative expressions are listed, out of context, and they are labelled as compound words, without providing proper motivations as to why it makes sense to treat them as compounds, in the sense of lexical items that are formed of other lexicaThe aim of the paper is to (re-)evaluate the treatment of reduplicative expressions as compound words in nearly all previous work on English. Examples of reduplicative expressions are listed, out of context, and they are labelled as compound words, without providing proper motivations as to why it makes sense to treat them as compounds, in the sense of lexical items that are formed of other lexica

Ansvarsfördelning i kommunala förvaltningsmyndigheter

Utvecklingen inom den kommunala sektorn har under de senaste sextio åren gått från lekmannaförvaltningar till stora förvaltningsorganisationer. Antalet primärkommuner har minskat från 2500 till 290 och antalet förtroendevalda med kommunala uppdrag har minskat till en femtedel under samma period. Förändringarna har inneburit en ökad byråkrati och professionalisering av de kommunala förvaltningsmyndThe development within the municipal sector over the past sixty years has shifted from layman organizations to large administrative organizations. The number of primary municipalities has decreased from 2500 to 290, and the number of elected representatives with municipal trust assignment has decreased to one fifth during the same period. These changes have led to increased bureaucracy and profess

Home ranges, directionality and the influence of moon phases on the movement ecology of Indian flying fox males in southern India

Flying foxes of the genus Pteropus are amongst the largest fruit bats and potential long-range pollinators and seed dispersers in the paleotropics. Pteropus giganteus (currently P. medius) is the only flying fox that is distributed throughout the Indian mainland, including in urban and rural areas. Using GPS telemetry, we mapped the home ranges and examined flight patterns in P. giganteus males ac

Case studies using genealogical junctions among unplaced DNA matches to identify unknown ancestors.

The present paper describes case studies where the purpose was to identify two unknown ancestors: the author’s paternal grandfather [FF] and his paternal grandmother’s maternal grandfather’s father [FMMFF]. A four-step method was used: (1) The author’s and his brother’s closest atDNA matches were identified, and the genealogical relationships to these matches were searched for by a comparison with

All that glitters is not gold : The depoliticization of social inequality in European education policy on ‘microcredentials’

At the present conjuncture of political, economic, social, and ecological crises, it is important to pay attention to the ways in which intensifying demands for equality, sustainability and social inclusion are met in education policy. In this article, we present results from a critical discourse analysis of an EU council recommendation on ‘microcredentials’ – credits for short courses primarily o

Landscapes of risk : A comparative analysis of landscape metrics for the ecotoxicological assessment of pesticide risk to bees

Pesticide use in agricultural landscapes creates environmental contamination that is heterogenous in space and time. Mobile organisms, such as bees, are exposed to multiple contamination sources when visiting patches that vary in the amount, timing and toxicity of pesticides used. Yet, environmental risk assessments (ERA) typically fail to consider this heterogeneity, in part because of the comple

The crisis in psychological science, and the need for a person-oriented approach

The purpose of the present chapter is to discuss whether psychological science today is in a state of crisis, and if so how that crisis is to be characterized. Three aspects of a possible crisis are discussed: a replicability crisis, a normativity crisis, and a validity crisis. It is argued that the present crisis goes deeper than being merely a replicability crisis. There are also signs of a norm

Exertional breathlessness related to medical conditions in middle-aged people : the population-based SCAPIS study of more than 25,000 men and women

Background: Breathlessness is common in the population and can be related to a range of medical conditions. We aimed to evaluate the burden of breathlessness related to different medical conditions in a middle-aged population. Methods: Cross-sectional analysis of the population-based Swedish CArdioPulmonary bioImage Study of adults aged 50–64 years. Breathlessness (modified Medical Research Counci

Mental and physical health in children of women with a history of anorexia nervosa

Few studies have investigated the offspring of women with anorexia nervosa (AN). The aim of this study was to examine perinatal status, mental and physical health in the offspring of mothers with a history of AN. Fifty-one individuals with adolescent-onset AN and 51 matched controls (COMP) have been followed prospectively. Presently, 30 years after AN onset, at a mean age of 44 years, female parti

Fast matrix inversion in compressive spectral imaging based on a tensorial representation

Snapshot spectral imaging enables the acquisition of hyperspectral images (HSI) employing specialized optical systems, such as the coded aperture snapshot spectral imager (CASSI). Specifically, the CASSI system performs spatiospectral codification of light obtaining two-dimensional projected measurements, and these measurements are then processed by computational algorithms to obtain the desired s

Cyclic Structure Induced by Load Fluctuations in Adaptive Transportation Networks

Transport networks are crucial to the functioning of natural systems and technological infrastructures. For flow networks in many scenarios, such as rivers or blood vessels, acyclic networks (i.e., trees) are optimal structures when assuming time-independent in- and outflow. Dropping this assumption, fluctuations of net flow at source and/or sink nodes may render the pure tree solutions unstable e

Effectiveness of water-related adaptation decreases with increasing warming

Adaptation is central to address climate impacts. At present, we have a limited understanding of the effectiveness of adaptation to reduce risks in a warming world, because adaptation remains insufficiently addressed in climate impact projections. Where projections exist, these are assessed mostly in case study settings. The importance of water is apparent within the field of climate adaptation, w

A guide to barley mutants

Background: Mutants have had a fundamental impact upon scientific and applied genetics. They have paved the way for the molecular and genomic era, and most of today’s crop plants are derived from breeding programs involving mutagenic treatments. Results: Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) is one of the most widely grown cereals in the world and has a long history as a crop plant. Barley breeding started