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Your search for "*" yielded 531889 hits

Use of faecal immunochemical tests common in patients with suspected colorectal cancer but unrelated to travel distance to secondary care : a population-based study from Swedish primary care

Background: Evidence is increasing for the use of faecal immunochemical tests (FITs) for occult blood as diagnostic tools when colorectal cancer can be suspected. FITs have been used for this purpose in Swedish primary care since around 2005 despite absence of supporting guidelines. To our knowledge, the extent of this use has not been studied. Objective: To investigate the use of FITs as diagnost

Tract-based white matter hyperintensity patterns in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus using an unsupervised machine learning approach

Currently, little is known about the spatial distribution of white matter hyperintensities (WMH) in the brain of patients with Systemic Lupus erythematosus (SLE). Previous lesion markers, such as number and volume, ignore the strategic location of WMH. The goal of this work was to develop a fully-automated method to identify predominant patterns of WMH across WM tracts based on cluster analysis. A

Exercise training for adult kidney transplant recipients

Objectives: This is a protocol for a Cochrane Review (intervention). The objectives are as follows:. This review aims:. To assess the benefits and harms of regular physical activity interventions in adult kidney transplant recipients when compared with any other or no intervention. To determine whether benefits and harms vary in absolute or relative terms dependent on specific characteristics of t

Validation and Cultural Adaptation of the Parent Attitudes about Childhood Vaccines (PACV) Questionnaire in Arabic Language Widely Spoken in a Region with a High Prevalence of COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy

The parents’ attitude toward vaccinating children and adolescents against coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) remains inconsistent and needs further elucidation. The high rates of COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region require intensive research to understand the determinants of this phenomenon. This study aimed to validate a version of the Parent Attitudes ab

Tackling Mantle Cell Lymphoma in Europe

An expert panel convened by the European Alliance for Personalized Medicine (EAPM) reflected on achievements and outstanding challenges in Europe in mantle cell lymphoma (MCL). Through the prism of member state experience, the panel noted advances in outcomes over the last decade, but highlighted issues constituting barriers to better care. The list notably included availability of newer treatment

Implications of future climate change on crop and irrigation water requirements in a semi-arid river basin using CMIP6 GCMs

Agriculture faces risks due to increasing stress from climate change, particularly in semi-arid regions. Lack of understanding of crop water requirement (CWR) and irrigation water requirement (IWR) in a changing climate may result in crop failure and socioeconomic problems that can become detrimental to agriculture-based economies in emerging nations worldwide. Previous research in CWR and IWR has

MicroRNAs in Type 2 Diabetes : Focus on MicroRNA Profiling in Islets of Langerhans

Differential expression of microRNAs (miRNAs) is observed in many diseases including type 2 diabetes (T2D). Insulin secretion from pancreatic beta cells is central for the regulation of blood glucose levels and failure to release enough insulin results in hyperglycemia and T2D. The importance in T2D pathogenesis of single miRNAs in beta cells has been described; however, to get the full picture, h

Ordered arrays of low-dimensional Au and Pd : synthesis and in situ observations

Electrodeposition of metals in templates of nano-porous anodic aluminum oxide (NP-AAO) is a versatile way of fabricating ordered arrays of metal nanowires. Thanks to the self-arranged long-range hexagonal order of the pores, electrodeposition in NP-AAO is an easily scalable bottom-up synthesis route and an attractive alternative to traditional top-down fabrication methods such as electron beam lit

AP-XPS Study of Ethanol Adsorption on Rutile TiO2(110)

The photoactivity of rutile TiO2(110) renders its surfaces of particular interest for the study of surface reactions. In particular, rutile TiO2(110) surfaces are active for hydrogen production, both via the water splitting process and via ethanol degradation under ultraviolet illumination. The selective photocatalytic dehydrogenation of rutile TiO2(110) is not fully understood yet, and an importa

M2D2 : Maximum-Mean-Discrepancy Decoder for Temporal Localization of Epileptic Brain Activities

Recent years have seen growing interest in leveraging deep learning models for monitoring epilepsy patients based on electroencephalographic (EEG) signals. However, these approaches often exhibit poor generalization when applied outside of the setting in which training data was collected. Furthermore, manual labeling of EEG signals is a time-consuming process requiring expert analysis,

Risk for Mood, Anxiety, and Psychotic Disorders in Individuals at High and Low Genetic Liability for Bipolar Disorder and Major Depression

Importance: The nature of the genetic relationship between major depression and bipolar disorder remains unclear and might be clarified by considering disorders outside of the mood spectrum. Objective: To better understand the relationship between genetic liabilities for major depression (MD) and bipolar disorder (BD). Design, Setting, and Participants: A cohort study was conducted with data for i

Prognostic Value of High-Sensitivity Cardiac Troponin in Women

High-sensitivity cardiac troponin assays have become the gold standard for diagnosing acute and chronic myocardial injury. The detection of troponin levels beyond the 99th percentile is included in the fourth universal definition of myocardial infarction, specifically recommending the use of sex-specific thresholds. Measurable concentrations below the proposed diagnostic thresholds have been shown

Converting the genomic knowledge base to build protein specific machine learning prediction models; a classification study on thermophilic serine protease

Several machine learning models have been formulated for protein classification based on an important prerequisite for industrial usage, thermostability, and described herein a classification model for a specific enzyme; serine protease. For building the classifier, 283 thermophilic and 200 mesophilic bacterial genomes were mined for their respective serine protease sequences. Features were extrac

Thomas-Reiche-Kuhn correction for truncated configuration-interaction spaces : Case of laser-assisted dynamical interference

The Thomas-Reiche-Kuhn sum rule is used to form an effective potential that is added to the time-dependent configuration-interaction singles (TDCIS) equations of motion in velocity gauge. The purpose of the effective potential is to include virtual coupling from singles to doubles, which is required for size-consistent velocity-gauge TDCIS results. The proposed method is compared to length-gauge T

Characterizing Uncertainty in the Visual Text Analysis Pipeline

Current visual text analysis approaches rely on sophisticated processing pipelines. Each step of such a pipeline potentially amplifies any uncertainties from the previous step. To ensure the comprehensibil- ity and interoperability of the results, it is of paramount importance to clearly communicate the uncertainty not only of the output but also within the pipeline. In this paper, we characterize

Necrosettlements: Life-threatening housing, necropolitics and the poor's deadly living in Mumbai

Global megacities are rapidly transforming through slum redevelopment and alternative resettlements of evicted poor. Resettlement is broadly seen as enabling, a basis of improved housing and even a pathway towards urban citizenship. This article offers an alternative perspective on urban resettlement, whereby the urban poor are subjected to life-threatening housing interventions. It builds on Mbem

The contribution of psychological flexibility to functioning in patients with cancer-related pain

Background: Studies of individuals with non-cancer-related chronic pain, find that higher levels of psychological flexibility (PF) are associated with less distress, better functioning, and a better response to treatment. People diagnosed with cancer are at significantly increased risk of developing chronic cancer-related pain, the presence of which is associated with poorer health outcomes. Littl

Barns bästa som överordnad princip och rättslig praktik : en jämförande undersökning av asylbeslut i norsk och svensk utlänningsförvaltning

En aktuell fråga är vilken betydelse det skulle ha för barns rättigheter om barnkonventionen gjordes till svensk lag. Norge, som inkorporerade barnkonventionen i nationell lagstiftning 2003, lyfts ofta fram som ett föregångsland av frivilligorganisationer, men effekten av en inkorporering har inte undersökts närmare i någon vetenskaplig studie. Föreliggande artikel behandlar principen om barnets b

Olika rättsliga rum för en skälig levnadsnivå? : En rättskartografisk analys av SoL och LMA i domstolspraktiken

This is a cartographic vertical analysis of a verdict by the Swedish Supreme Administrative Court, regarding the right to support from the Social Services (HFD 2017 ref. 33). The case concerned three children and their mother whom lacked formal residency. They applied for assistance under the Social Services Act and the municipality’s health and welfare committee rejected the application. Followin