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Your search for "*" yielded 530128 hits

Orbital and spin contributions to the g tensors in metal nanoparticles

We present a theoretical study of the mesoscopic fluctuations of g tensors in a metal nanoparticle. The calculations were performed using a semirealistic tight-binding model, which contains both spin and orbital contribution to the g tensors. The results depend on the product of the spin-orbit scattering time tau(so) and the mean-level spacing delta, but are otherwise weakly affected by the specif

Bounds on the effective tensor and the structural parameters for anisotropic two-phase composite material

This paper is concerned with the estimation of macroscopic properties such as the permittivity or the thermal conductivity of a composite material from the microstructure. A new method of estimating the microstructural parameters, such as the volume fraction of anisotropic two-phase composite material, is derived. The parameters are estimated using information from measurements of the random mater

Metal organic chemical vapor deposition of ultrathin ZrO2 films on Si(100) and Si(111) studied by electron spectroscopy

The growth of ultrathin ZrO2 films on Si(100)-(2 x 1) and Si(111)-(7 x 7) has been studied with core level photoelectron spectroscopy and X-ray absorption spectroscopy. The films were deposited sequentially by chemical vapor deposition in ultra-high vacuum using zirconium tetra-tert-butoxide as precursor. Deposition of a > 50 angstrom thick film leads in both cases to tetragonal ZrO2 (t-ZrO2), whe

Review of Good Knowledge, Bad Knowledge (Hetherington, Oxford UP)

In this book, Stephen Hetherington attacks what he thinks are two "dogmas" of epistemology. One he calls "epistemic absolutism" which amounts to the claim that knowledge is absolute: you can be with or without it, but once you have it, it is not possible to have more or less. The other is "justificationalism" which is the view that some sort of (internalist of externalist) justification is necessa

Revision of Xanthomendoza (Teloschistaceae, Lecanorales) based on morphology, anatomy, secondary metabolites and molecular data.

Species previously assigned to the Xanthoria ulophyllodes group are separated from Xanthoria based on presence of simple rhizines, long bacilliform spermatia, strongly glutinised cell walls and sphaerical lumina in paraplectenchymatous tissue of upper cortex and thalline margin, unoriented prosoplectenchymatous tissue in the exciple, and predominance of a secondary metabolite syndrome with high pr

Demonstration of a tool for automatic learning and reuse of knowledge in the activated sludge process

Wastewater treatment plant operators encounter complex operational problems related to the activated sludge process and usually respond to these by applying their own intuition and by taking advantage of what they have learnt from past experiences of similar problems. However, previous process experiences are not easy to integrate in numerical control, and new tools must be developed to enable re-

Study of the Energy Use Characteristics of Concrete Multi Family Dwelling Buildings and the Relevance for Economy and Environment

Reduction of energy use in buildings is fundamental for sustainable development. A computer program for the prediction of energy use in buildings was assessed by comparisons with the energy performance of existing buildings. The program was then used to evaluate the energy saving characteristics of concrete such as air tightness and heat capacity. The impacts on global environmental aspects and li

Dietary manipulation of the sow milk does not influence the lipid absorption capacity of the progeny

A control diet without supplemental fat and four diets containing 8% of coconut oil, rapeseed oil, fish oil or sunflower oil were fed to lactating sows in order to investigate the lipid absorption capacity of their progeny in terms of pancreatic enzyme activity, hormonal regulation, and bile salt concentration. In addition, the effect of age was studied during the four week suckling period, and du

Influence of the membrane material on the adsorptive fouling of ultra-filtration membranes

The hydrophilic/hydrophobic properties of the membrane material have an important influence on the membrane flux reduction when treating solutions containing hydrophobic solutes. Different methods of measuring the hydrophobic properties of membranes have been evaluated; measurement of the contact angle being the most commonly used method. In this investigation the flux reduction of eight membranes

Recursive Structure and Motion from Image Sequences using Shape and Depth Spaces

In this paper a novel recursive method for estimating structure and motion from image sequences is presented. The novelty lies in the fact that the output of the algorithm is independent of the chosen coordinate systems in the images as well as the ordering of the points. It relies on subspace methods and is derived from both ordinary coordinate representations and camera matrices and from a so ca

Arbete i kyla vid mjölkproduktion - klimatets påverkan på arbetsmiljön

Hur påverkar kylan arbetsmiljön i mjölkproduktionen? De som arbetar med mjölkproduktion kan under vintern ha en mycket kylig miljö. JTI har, i samarbete med Arbetslivsinstitutet, gjort mätningar och studier kring hur kylan påverkar arbetsmiljön. JTI:'s och Arbetslivsinstitutet's mätningar visar att de största problemen med kyla observerade's för händerna i samband med spolning av golv, arbete på s

Bortom riksbildningen : människor, landskap och makt i sydöstra Skandinavien

Popular Abstract in Swedish Den danska riksbildningen presenteras vanligen som en linjär process som knyter ihop forntida hövdingar med den moderna nationalstaten. Avhandlingen fokuserar de små berättelserna bortom den stora berättelsen om Danmark. Avhandlingen argumenterar för att den tidigare forskningen kring den danska riksbildningen kan delas in i tre huvudlinjer: 1. Den danska riksbildningeThe formation of the kingdom of Denmark is generally presented as a linear process linking ancient chiefs to the modern nation state of Denmark. This dissertation focuses on the small stories behind this great narrative of Denmark. The purpose is to show that there never was any formation process. Instead, encounters between people in the local landscapes and the Danish kingdom were both considera

Persistent collateral perfusion of abdominal aortic aneurysm after endovascular repair does not lead to progressive change in aneurysm diameter

PURPOSE: To differentiate between the phenomenon of collateral perfusion from a side branch versus graft-related endoleaks after endovascular repair of abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA), with respect to aneurysm size and prognosis. METHODS: We successfully treated 64 AAA patients with endovascular grafting. We followed all the patients postoperatively with spiral computed tomography at one, three,