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Your search for "*" yielded 530143 hits

Novel method to prepare morphologically rich polymeric surfaces for biomedical applications via phase separation and arrest of microgel particles

We outline here a simple method to prepare polymeric surfaces of controlled surface topography on the micrometer scale, via assembly and arrest of microgel particles, for use in a range of biological applications to modify cell adhesion and spreading. In previous work by other groups, it has transpired that topography on the nanoscale is unlikely to be useful for this purpose, as roughness on this

Computational Analysis of Gas Flow and Heat Transport Phenomena in Ducts Relevant for Fuel Cells

The thesis concerns modeling, simulation and numerical analysis of heat and mass transport, and fluid flow in ducts of both solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) and proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs). The unique fuel cell boundary conditions (thermal, mass) for the flow ducts in fuel cells are identified and applied. Various duct configurations have been studied, such as rectangular and trapez

En bildpedagogisk studie : lärare undervisar och elever gör bilder

Popular Abstract in Swedish Bildundervisningen i grundskolans tidigare år uppfyller inte de i Sverige uppsatta målen. De nationella utvärderingarna (NU 89) och (NU92) bekräftar detta. Lärarna säger att de saknar ämneskunskaper och utvärderingarna visar att inslag från äldre läroplaner präglar undervisningen. För att ge en bild av hur nuvarande problem kan ha uppstått presenteras i studien en histoThe art education in Swedish primary and secondary schools is far from perfect and as a result pupils seldom reach the desired standard. National evaluations in 1989 and 1992 confirm this. Teachers admit that they lack specific subject knowledge and evaluation reveals that many aspects of older curricula still prevail. The way in which the present problems may have arisen is described through the

Dual-label detection of amplified products in quantitative RT-PCR assay using lanthanide-labeled probes

Quantitative RT-PCR (QRT-PCR) enables the sensitive and specific detection of mRNA with a small copy number. We used the QRT-PCR method and dual-label analysis of amplification products for the detection of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) mRNA. The QRT-PCR assay employed a PSA-like internal standard (IS) mRNA, which was used to quantify the PSA mRNA copies and to control the variations during the

Identification of a clinically relevant immunodominant region of collagen IV in Goodpasture disease

BACKGROUND: The characteristic feature of Goodpasture disease is the occurrence of an autoantibody response to the noncollagenous domain of the alpha3 chain of type IV collagen [alpha3(IV)NC1] in the alveolar and glomerular basement membrane. These antibodies are associated with the development of a rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis, with or without lung hemorrhage, whereas autoantibodies spe

Does supervised exercise after deep venous thrombosis improve recanalization of occluded vein segments? A randomized study.

Objectives The aim of the present study was to evaluate weather early supervised exercise improves recanalization of acute deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and reduces symptoms. Patients and methods From September 2001 to March 2004, of 381 patients, 72 eligible patients were included and with a mean age 54 +/- 14 years, 39 (52%) men with deep vein thrombosis ( DVT) proven with phlebography were randomi

Enteroskopikapseln- sväljbart engångsinstrument för videoundersökning av tunntarmen

Since 1,5 years wireless enteroscopy with the GivenM2A-capsule has been tested clinically. Wireless capsule-enteroscopy (WCE) has already contributed significantly to the understanding of patients with obscure intestinal symptoms. Series of occult bleeders show that WCE detects lesions in 60%, whereas enterography only in 15%, and push-enteroscopy in 25%. Lesions detected are angiodysplasia in 55

Localization via ultra-wideband radios: A look at positioning aspects of future sensor networks

UWB technology provides an excellent means for wireless positioning due to its high resolution capability in the time domain. Its ability to resolve multipath components makes it possible to obtain accurate location estimates without the need for complex estimation algorithms. In this article, theoretical limits for TOA estimation and TOA-based location estimation for UWB systems have been conside

Long-term effects of short-term perturbation in a subalpine grassland

Theoretical advances and short-term experimental studies have furthered our understanding of how ecosystems respond to perturbation. However, there are few well-replicated experimental studies that allow an assessment of long-term responses. Results from a controlled, large-scale field experiment in a subalpine grassland near Interlaken, Switzerland, show that 2-4 years of liming (Ca: 40 g center

Kinetic studies on uptake of serotonin and noradrenaline into pial arteries of rats

A population of cerebrovascular nerve fibers have recently been found to store serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine; 5-HT). There is reason to assume that these 5-HT-containing fibers have a sympathetic rather than an intracerebral origin. This was further elucidated in the present study in which the uptake mechanisms of 5-HT and noradrenaline (NA) were characterized and compared in rat pial arteries by

Performance of batch and continuous reactors with co-immobilized yeast and beta-galactosidase

The anaerobic fermentation of deproteinized whey with beta-galactosidase coimmobilized with Saccharomyces cerevisiae in calcium alginate gel beads for the production of ethanol has been studied in a continuous horizontal packed bed reactor (HPBR). The results are compared with batch experiments in a stirred tank reactor. The immobilized yeast cells are exposed to conditions that vary with time and

Forms of State, Governance and Regime: Reconceptualising the Prospects for Democratic Consolidation in Sub-Saharan Africa

Building on the growing body of literature bridging international relations and historical sociology, this article argues that "consolidologists" have something to learn from this field. The discussion's point of departure is contemporary writings on sovereignty, security, and state formation in the African context. In an effort to synthesize insights from international relations and historical so

Morality Beyond Humanity : Schopenhauer, Grysanowski, and Schweitzer on Animal Ethics

Popular Abstract in Swedish Författaren undersöker de djuretiska idéerna hos tre tyska tänkare: Arthur Schopenhauer, Ernst Grysanowski och Albert Schweitzer. Genom att placera in dem i deras intellektuella kontext, söker författaren undersöka de skilda dimensioner som innefattas i deras djuretik och svara på frågan hur man kan förstå deras åsikter utifrån deras specifika historiska kontext. FörfatThe study examines the character and development of the animal ethical ideas of three German thinkers: Arthur Schopenhauer, Ernst Grysanowski, and Albert Schweitzer. By situating them in their cultural and intellectual context, the study explores the differing meanings of their ethical views of animals and seeks to answer the question of how their ideas can be explained historically. It is argued