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What Do The Best Do? An explorative study of strategic thinking at Company X

Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to improve our understanding of strategic thinking by identifying patterns of cognitive elements in individuals perceived to be strong strategic thinkers. Research Questions : in order to fulfill our purpose we formulated two research questions: Research Question 1: What are the common traits and cognitive elements found in the perceived best strategic thinke

Planering för lokal gemenskap

This case study seeks to contribute to an ongoing discussion about planning for a sense of community by exploring which approach is used by the municipality of Linköping when planning for the neighbourhood Vallastaden. Vallastaden is presented as a neighbourhood planned to create meetings and a local sense of community. However, in times of increased mobility and digitalisation, this local scale o

Anvisningslagen och bostadsförsörjning - En fallstudie av fyra svenska kommuner

A comparative study was performed to investigate which of some selected factors that could affect the outcome of the work made in four Swedish municipalities to provide housing for refugees. The chosen municipalities figure as two bad and two good examples. Data was gathered directly via the municipalities, from news articles, and from various Swedish authorities (e.g. Swedish Migration Agency, St

The Ne Bis in Idem Principle in European Union Tax Law

The principle of ne bis in idem, enshrined both in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and in the European Convention on Human Rights, has been the object of an extensive body of case law. Therefore, the question this thesis seeks to answer is: ‘what is the current status of the principle of ne bis in idem under EU tax law?’ After the development of a high level of protection r

Spelar det egentligen någon roll? - En analys av den nya lagstiftningen gällande våldtäkt i relation till BDSM

Sexuellt samtycke har diskuterats under många år. Den första juli 2018 trädde den s.k. samtyckeslagstiftningen i kraft. Uppsatsen behandlar denna lagstiftning och vad den kan göra för skillnad i sexualbrottsmål där uppsåt inte kunnat påvisas. Fokus riktas mot relationer där dominans och undergivenhet är en livsstil, eller åtminstone ett inslag. Rättsfall redovisas och analyseras och därefter görs Sexual consent has been discussed for many years. On July 1, 2018, the so-called ”consent law” was introduced into Swedish law. The essay deals with this legislation and how it can make a difference in sexual offense cases where intentions have not been proven. The focus is on relationships where dominance and submissiveness is a lifestyle, or at least one element. Cases will be reported and analy

Solidaritet för vem? : en argumentationsanalys över migrationsdebatterna i Europaparlamentet

Denna studie undersöker migrationsdebatter i Europaparlamentet med anledning av den flyktingkris som skedde hösten 2015 och effekten av främlingsfientlighet som vuxit därefter. Över en miljon asylsökande flyktingar sökte sig till Europa för ett bättre liv och ingen kunde förutsett den förhöjda volymen av flyktingar som kom. Däremot visade den akuta situationen på brister i asylsystemet som den EurThis study examines the migration debates in the European Parliament in view of the refugee crisis that occurred in the fall of 2015 and the effect of xenophobia that grew thereafter. Over one million refugees sought Europe for a better life in 2015 and no one could predict the increased volume of refugees who came. On the other hand, the acute situation showed flaws in the asylum system that the

Performance and Wear Behavior of Ultra-Hard Cutting Tools during Machining of Titanium Alloy

Since the 1950’s, a wide range of titanium alloys has been developed. Attractive titanium properties are the high strength-to-weight ratio, resistance towards corrosion, low thermal conductivity and low thermal expansion. Properties that make titanium alloys difficult-to-machine materials are those of low thermal conductivity, chemical reactiveness and the high strength, requiring low cutting data

Civil society and democracy : the case of union activism in Luanda

Based on fieldwork interviews from two different trade unions in Luanda, this study aims to reflect on the role of civil society for the consolidation of democracy in Angola, and in particular, the challenges of trade unionism and its effects on democracy. Using the meth-od of inductive reasoning to process data, it first addresses themes derived from the inter-views such as Financial struggles, T

The myth of the Red Line : an international relations analysis of the Obama administration’s argumentation for and against a military intervention in Syria

Denna syftar till att undersöka de argument som Obama-administrationen uttryckte angående ett amerikanskt militärt ingripande i Syrien till följd av de syriska regimens användning av kemiska vapen år 2013. Under sitt presidentskap uppgav Obama att USA drar en "röd linje" vid användade av kemiska vapen mot civila, men hotet visade sig vara tomt ett år senare när tusentals människor dödadeThis paper aims to examine the arguments proposed by the Obama administration regarding a U.S. military intervention in Syria due to the use of chemical weapons by the Syrian regime in 2013. During his presidency, Obama stated that the He draws a ‘red line’ at the use of chemical weapons against civilians, but the threat proved to be empty a year later when thousands of people were killed in a che

Hélice - A design project for sugarcane workers in Nicaragua

In Chichigalpa, Nicaragua, an unusual amount of manual sugar cane workers suffer from Chronic Kidney Disease of undetermined causes (CKDu), a disease with very high fatality rate in poor commu- nities. Harsh working conditions is a contributing factor, and this thesis uses tool design to conceive constructive solutions to address tangible parts of a seemingly overwhelming problem.

Det optimala skyddsspåret

Trap roads are a part of the Swedish railway facility and resembles the safest front- and side protection at speed above 160 km/h. When designing Trap roads, some regulations needs to be followed. As these, in some cases, may be contradictory towards each other, the planners become somewhat insecure. The purpose of the master thesis has thenceforth been to clarify for the planners, as well as to w

Användning av alternativa material i vägkonstruktioner

The report is based on the use of alternative materials in road construction. The alternative materials included are crushed concrete, crushed asphalt and air cooled blast furnace slag. Differences and similarities exist between the use of alternative materials in Sweden and Denmark. Denmark has no use of air cooled blast furnace slag, but they have a greater use of crushed concrete and crushed as

Compression Analysis of Primary and Secondary Package

The aim of this thesis was to investigate how packages, both primary and secondary, behave under transportation. Before a full analysis of a pallet distribution can be fully understood the understanding of the separate packages is required. This thesis contributes with great knowledge and understanding of how a primary and secondary package behaves during top load compression. Tetra Pak is a globa

Hegemony Revisited: A Conceptual Analysis of the Gramscian Concept of Hegemony in International Relations Theory

The concept of hegemony is indispensable for the study of global politics. Yet, the application of the concept is widely contested and requires clarification. A new framework of hegemony is necessary to account for contemporary global politics. This thesis takes its point of departure in the multitude of definitions of the concept of hegemony. The concept of hegemony is analytically approached thr

Innovation policy for the promotion of electric vehicles in developed countries (Japan, Sweden, and Germany)

Though the diffusion of electric vehicle (EV) is high on the global agenda, and there are efforts to speed up the shift: some countries intend to ban the sale of internal combustion engine vehicles (ICEV), and some OEMs (original equipment manufacturers) have announced the goal of electrification, the diffusion of EV is slowly. Technological innovation theory explains that we need to harmonise tec

Trängselprissättning inom flygindustrin

Många flygbolag använder idag komplexa intäktsoptimeringsstrategier i sin vinstmaximering. En av dessa är trängselprissättning, på engelska kallad peak-load pricing. I denna uppsats undersöks om flygbolag använder trängselprissättning av biljetter under en dags rusningstider. Frågeställningen är därför: ”Hur påverkar dagliga rusningstider flygpriser?”. Uppsatsen ämnar svara på denna genom att stud

Impact of the CEO Age and CSR Score on Mergers and Acquisitions

This study intends to combine both the management characteristics and firm’s characteristics to analyse the M&A performance. For the management characteristics, we used the CEO age and for the firm characteristics, we used the CSR score. In order to understand the M&A performance, we conducted an Event Study to predict the abnormal stock returns of the acquiring firm around the announcemen