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Scaling of high-energy elastic scattering and the observation of odderon

We provide a statistically significant observation of the elusive Odderon exchange, based on novel and model-independent analysis of the scaling properties of the differential cross sections of elastic pp and pp scattering in the TeV energy range. We report the statistical significance of the observed Odderon signal at the level of 6.26 σ.

Separating the Future: Socialism, Valuation, and Conflict

While social movement scholars have long recognized the importance of collective memory and shared pasts in the construction of collective identities, less attention has focused on the role of imagined futures. Based on a long-term ethnographic study of radical left-libertarian groups in Sweden, this paper explores the role of utopia in structuring, influencing, and evaluating actions and practice

Social and Emotional Learning in Preschool Settings : A Systematic Map of Systematic Reviews

The preschool years presents an important opportunity to support children’s social and emotional development. Social and emotional learning (SEL) programs in early childhood education and care (ECEC) have gained an increased interest due to its potential to improve child health and educational outcomes. We aimed to identify existing systematic reviews on universal, curriculum-based SEL interventio

”En ineffektiv åtgärd i klimatarbetet”

Vi välkomnar repliken från Carbon Capture Companys vd. Vi, EU, Sveriges regering och Christoffer Bonde delar målet att främja ett starkt och lönsamt skogsbruk som bidrar till klimat­arbetet både genom upptag av växthus­gaser och minskade utsläpp. Vad vi ställer oss kritiska till är den klimat­kompensation som just nu lanseras av företag som Carbon Capture Company, eftersom vi anser att den är dyr,

Emotion Regulation and Self-Harm Among Forensic Psychiatric Patients

Emotion regulation has been specifically linked to both non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) and attempted suicide. It is also known that self-harm is disproportionally higher (30–68.4%) in forensic samples than in the general population, yet knowledge about the association between emotion regulation and self-harm in forensic settings is scarce. The purpose of this study was to describe emotion regulat

Proteomic analysis of longitudinal changes in blood pressure

Hypertension is the leading risk factor for premature death worldwide. The identification of modifiable causes of hypertension remains an imperative task. We aimed to investigate associations between 79 proteins implicated in cardiovascular disease and longitudinal blood pressure (BP) changes in three Swedish prospective cohorts. In a discovery phase, we investigated associations between baseline

A deflationary theory of reference

The article first rehearses three deflationary theories of reference, (1) disquotationalism, (2) propositionalism (Horwich), and (3) the anaphoric theory (Brandom), and raises a number of objections against them. It turns out that each corresponds to a closely related theory of truth, and that these are subject to analogous criticisms to a surprisingly high extent. I then present a theory of my ow

How to Precisify Quantifiers

I here argue that Ted Sider's indeterminacy argument against vaguenessin quantifiers fails. Sider claims that vagueness entails precisifications, but holds that precisifications of quantifiers cannot be coherently described: they will either deliver the wrong logical form to quantified sentences, or involve a presupposition that contradicts the claim that the quantifier is vague. Assuming (as does

Assessing and grading music in Swedish compulsory schools

In 2011, a new curriculum was implemented in the Swedish comprehensive school, Läroplan för grundskolan samt för förskoleklassen och fritidshemmet, Lgr 11, which meant new syllabi and a new grading system. Students from year 6-9 were to be graded on a scale ranging from A-F (Skolverket, 2020a). The qualifying points each grade signify are then used when applying to upper secondary school and thus

Quiet Eye and Computerized Precision Tasks in First-Person Shooter Perspective Esport Games

The gaze behavior in sports and other applied settings has been studied for more than 20 years. A common finding is related to the “quiet eye” (QE), predicting that the duration of the last fixation before a critical event is associated with higher performance. Unlike previous studies conducted in applied settings with mobile eye trackers, we investigate the QE in a context similar to esport, in w

Retoriken vid Finlands universitet

Femtio år har gått sedan den klassiska retorikens "återupptäckt". Sedan dess har intresset för ämnet vuxit i västvärlden generellt och i Norden men i Finland återfinns ämnet inte bland de akademiska disciplinerna. I denna artikel presenteras kort retorikundervisningens nuläge i Norden, retoriken som vetenskap i en historisk översikt samt en tentativ kartläggning över ämnets ställning vid Finlands

Ignitability Study of a Spark-ignited Heavy-duty Engine, fueled with Natural Gas (CNG)

In-order to meet today’s stringent emission regulations of the European Union, the use of low-carbon fuels in ICE, for instance, Natural Gas (CNG)1 is on the limelight. Due to the high knock-resisting properties of methane (high octane rating), the SI (Spark-Ignition) combustion process is the best match with CNG1. A major disadvantage with an SI engine is its low thermal efficiency mainly due to

A comparison of cost-effectiveness of computer-assisted 2-and 3-dimensional planning techniques in orthognathic surgery

The aim of this randomised controlled trial was to compare the costs and benefits of computer-based 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional predictions in orthognathic surgery.Subjects aged 18–30 years with severe class III malocclusion had their treatment planned with both 2- and 3-dimensional techniques. They were randomised in a 1:1 ratio for one or other planning technique. Costs (financial, time, and

Association of tobacco smoke–infused water (tuibur) use by Mizo people and risk of Helicobacter pylori infection

The study aims to understand the influence of environmental and lifestyle factors and more specifically the role of tobacco smoke–infused water (tuibur) on Helicobacter pylori infection. It was a cross-sectional study to measure the epidemiological risk factors associated with H. pylori infection among the tribal population in Northeast India. Endoscopic samples were collected from the antrum regi

Influence of TP53 gene somatic mutations in Helicobacter pylori infected gastric tumor

Genetic alteration in TP53 gene can proliferate the tumor formation in gastric cancer and the frequency of these somatic mutations can vary in different geographical populations. In the present study, sequencing of the coding regions of TP53 gene, real time gene expression and immunohistochemistry analysis were performed in gastric tumor samples. H. pylori infected tumor, with or without cagA geno